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汕头一社区卫生站违规设产科 卫生部门整治无效--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Originally provisions can only provide general health care community health service station,But opened a maternity for maternal deliver,Has also set up by/Liver disease families/Laser surgery for gravel college diagnosis and treatment,said"Experts ZuoZhen perennial",Just like a general hospital.


In the chenghai district of shantou city a community medical institutions,Long-term existence ultra diagnosis and treatment of the phenomenon of business,The local health department since last year to carry out the action of illegal medical practice,The community medical but always"Not stand",how"issue"?The yangcheng evening news reporter recently on the investigations.


 记者现场暗访 Reporter field investigations

  社区卫生站开设产房 The community clinic open delivery room


Located in the fengxiang streets in the chenghai district of shantou city QiaoXing way"Fengxiang community medical",Is a building which five stories of the building,He saw far above the shaft with a large billboard,Indicate the community medical service scope of diagnosis and treatment:"gynecological/maternity/surgery/medical/pediatric/Traditional Chinese medicine department",There is a words below"In vitro rubble:Do not operate on/No pain/Rapid recovery".


Community medical hall door just hung up the three sign,were"Chenghai area fengxiang streets health prevention clinic"/"Fengxiang streets in the chenghai district of women and children health care center"and"Family planning service station".But entered the gate,The door has DaoYi personnel,Complete various branches on the second floor,Also has the uropoiesis surgical department/dermatologist/Anus bowel division specialist out-patient, etc.


Into the third floor maternity,The floor is divided into two areas,On one side is between 6 to hang"Observation bed"Brand of ward,Each ward live have potbellied pregnant women,Medical duty table"To nurse the sick list"shelf,In the 16 a patient's care card;The other side is"Delivery room",Went in,Delivery room/The operating room with the light black,Display and corollary equipment look very humble.


Reporter by the family to have children by,Ask how to consult a doctor,A young female nurse said doctors to dinner after work,Then it is eager to ask the condition of women,And advice"Amniotic fluid is broken or see red can take over doing B to exceed check.It is necessary to the hospital".The reporter asked can deliver here,Female nurse must answer"can",The reporter also asked:"Born here to go to the overseas Chinese hospital(Chenghai district of a public hospital)As born??""Just as,It's born child,Will help you to send the."Female nurse said.


A young man came out from the ward,Walk to the end of this hall on the chair to smoke,Reporter to strike up a conversation.The man called his friend is 7 fengxiang to community health care of children,Cesarean section,Has made 4000 multivariate medical treatment cost,"A lot of people come here to life".The reporter asked the birth condition,"Just so so!."The man says,Don't know a community health service station can provide maternity obstetric service regulations.


Reporter noticed,To community medical third floor obstetric patients operating foreign accent is in the majority.


Reporters from fengxiang community medical May 2012[Birth medical proof]See release condition registration form,Only 5 months and issued a 52[Birth medical proof],In the month of birth register of delivery room,Registration is encircled the dozens of maternity delivery situation;In addition a maternal care and check-ups monthly report is booked a total of 61 maternal admission production.Reporter discovery:All of the registration form,Unit are provided"Fengxiang chenghai district health prevention street community health service station clinics",And build the corresponding official seal.


 卫生部门回应 Health department response

  社区医疗不得开设产科 Community medical shall not open maternity


Reporters visited chenghai city,Find another community health service center -- ChengHua street ChengHua health center,The same with maternity,But the hospital have shantou city health bureau issued"Point the skills of midwifery unit"plaque,As the new type of rural cooperative medical care to nod medical establishment.The hospital maternity doctor consultation for children,When referring to fengxiang community medical treatment,Female doctors immediately interrupted conversation reporters:"That is a private contract,no!production/Production must be inspection to the hospital,The private clinic check of all didn't effect."


Fengxiang community medical should be public community medical service agencies,Take on the public health care,How to become a private contract"hospital"??Reporter in Internet search engine input"Fengxiang chenghai community health care"keywords,Stickies is fengxiang community medical website/DaoYi advertising,Introduce the stress:"Fengxiang chenghai district of community health care is by the health administrative departments approved the establishment of a set of medical treatment/Prevention and health care is a body comprehensive community health service agencies;Now the courses include gynecology/maternity/pediatric/Traditional Chinese medicine department/medical/surgery/By...Especially appointed henan/hunan/hubei/Jiangxi provincial city/A group of dimethyl hospital at or above the county level with rich clinical experience of doctor of vice director of perennial ZuoZhen..."And in chenghai city/Urban and rural copula,From time to time can see fengxiang of community health care"Have children"Health hotline advertising.


It is understood,From the start in June last year,Chenghai district department of health will dispatch deployment to crack down on illegal medical work,The work of the key,Will include the"Serious medical institutions and beyond registration medical subjects of diagnosis and treatment and cross area to carry out activities".On January 8,,Reporter contact the relevant person in charge of chenghai district health bureau,The bureau chief, surnamed Chen told reporters on the phone,Chenghai area to combat illegal medical work is very thoroughly/In place of,Last year he dealt with more than 190 cases.When asked about community medical overspray management problem,Chen director certainly said"There is no found this kind of situation".

  社区医疗能否为产妇接生?1月11日,记者从汕头市卫生局得到明确的说法。一位负责人称,目前汕头全市的社区医疗均是公办的,只能提供计生、预防、内科、妇幼保健等基本医疗服务,不得开设产科业务。“社区医疗机构的审批权、日常监管均在县区卫生局,谁审批谁负责,不过我们属于大部门管理,只要有举报反映并经查实,肯定要依法打击。”该负责人表示。 (记者王漫琪摄影报道)

Community health care for women can deliver?On January 11,,Reporters from shantou city health bureau had a clear view.A responsible person,At present the shantou city community health are the public,Can only provide family/prevention/medical/Maternal and child health care and other basic medical service,Shall not open maternity business."Community medical institutions of rights/Daily supervision are in the area of health,Who approval who is responsible for,But we belong to the big department management,As long as there are reports reflect and after the verification,According to law must be hit."This person in charge said. (Reporter wang diffuse jade photojournalism)
