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In the ship mountain road across the square boat mountain in a small pharmacy,Put on a few scattered medicine box dusty drugs.But is such a store,Business has been unexpectedly run fire,Day in and day out pharmacy came in an endless stream.A careful citizens found,From the drugstore inside out hands took"Shook his head water".


In the received enthusiastic people after the alarm,December 27, 2012,The police seized from the pharmacy 365 bottles of water shook his head;In addition,The food and drug supervision and administration of the office of staff also found,The shop didn't deal with any relevant certificates.But in was found after a few days,The unlicensed pharmacy management and open the door.yesterday,Related departments from the store again seized 149 bottles of water shook his head.At present,The food and drug branch of law enforcement officers are for further investigation.


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船山路一药店暗地卖摇头水 Ship a drugstore sell mountain secret water shook his head


December 27, 2012 at about eighteen,KuaiZiHang police station in ship mountain square opposite in a pharmacy seized a group of water shook his head.According to a policeman is introduced,Because of the big pharmacy sales water shook his head,Many social youth often in the drugstore is bought water shook his head,Caused the attention of the surrounding residents,So the people to the city's mayor hotline the store sales of water shook his head.


After receiving a phone call,The mayor hotline will then citizens reflect the problem to the nanchang 110 command center,Command center then ordered KuaiZiHang jurisdiction police to investigate the store.


小药店竟是无证经营 Small pharmacy was unlicensed operation


According to ChuJing police is introduced,When police arrived after the drugstore,Found on the medicine of the kit are a thick layer of dust,Some of the medicine box is empty,And the wall not hang any certificate.In the inspection process,The police found a large number of water in the freezer being shook his head.after,Police will store all payments drugs,Shut pharmacy,And will be in charge of the pharmacy to paint a police investigation.


Day 19 at about,The west lake office of the food and drug administration law enforcement officials came to the police station,The inventory were seized 365 bottles of water shook his head.At the same time, the law enforcement inspection,The pharmacy without any certificate,Nor in the food and drug administration for record,Is an unlicensed unlicensed illegal pharmacy.


this,The pharmacy paint a explanation says,He just sell drugs at the same time by the tie-in sale"Shook his head water",And to him the actual situation of pharmacy,Can't deal with relevant certificates.


回访 Pays a return visit



无证药店元旦后悄然开业 Unlicensed pharmacy after New Year's day quietly opened


a,A zealous to our citizens reflect,By the end of last year the unlicensed pharmacy sales shook his head and water is after,Recently, the open."Every day there are many young people in and out to buy water shook his head."


On January 11 noon,The reporter comes to the pharmacy.Reporter in the doorway harnesses for a few minutes,See continuous someone opened the door a pharmacy,A minute or two and then came out from the pharmacy.Some people will be in the store will shake head water poured into the coke bottle inside take out of the restaurant,Others simply took the bottle from the store in a big way out.


then,Journalists in the pharmacy,Say want to buy a bottle of"Can not".To the requirements of the reporter,The staff was very alert,Reporters asked whether there is a membership card,And didn't immediately shook his head out of the water.this,Reporters said often surf the Internet in a cyber bar nearby,Often to the store to buy water shook his head,The man just to sixty yuan price sell reporter a bottle of"Can not".


Reporter in the notice,In a corner of the pharmacy,In a LaJiLou has seven empty water bottles shook his head.And all the water shook his head,Is all in a store in the refrigerator.


From the inside of the shop after go out,Reporters then call the office of the food and drug law enforcement personnel's phone.And the man see the reporter is not the first time to leave,And he rushed to the door closed,Riding a motorcycle left.


行动 action



药监昨查扣149瓶摇头水 Also check and detain yesterday 149 bottles of water shook his head


Yesterday morning,Reporters once again came to ship mountain square the pharmacy place.For does not cause the attention of the shops,Reporter in the car call the west lake the food and drug administration law enforcement branch of the telephone.In the process of waiting for law enforcement personnel,The reporter sees,Constant somebody in pharmacy.


At about 11,The west lake branch of the food and drug administration law enforcement personnel rushed to the scene.For sales shook his head of water,The man said he is responsible for selling water shook his head,The boss is responsible for specific things.In the inspection process,Law enforcement officers found within the store water stored in the refrigerator all shook his head.After open the refrigerator,The reporter sees,Internal division five layers of the refrigerator,Each layer is put in a water shook his head.Law enforcement personnel check and detain all the store water shook his head,The statistical,A total of five kinds of water seized shook his head,A total of 149 bottles.


In the law enforcement inspection notice issued,For the man after signature,The man refused to sign,Say to the boss paint a sign.first,Law enforcement personnel contact the pharmacist paint one time,Paint a first said are coming on the way,After a paint is also called stuck in traffic,Can't get there in time field.


this,The west lake of the food and drug branch of law enforcement officials said,Will be captured drugs of short duration buckles,And notify the pharmacy with the investigation."We will strengthen efforts to patrol,Once found the unlicensed shop sell shook his head again open water,Will again check and detain."Law enforcement officials say.

  如果你发现身边有药店违规销售摇头水的情况,可以向食药局或本报热线反映。(许静 记者 熊金标  魏勇剑)

If you find that there are a pharmacy illegal sales shook his head of water,May apply to the food and drug administration or the hotline reflect.(Xu jing XiongJinBiao reporter  WeiYongJian)
