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Yesterday morning,Nanjing Red Cross conveyed greetings to the 30 families"Carcinoma friends"In become financially-difficult family,30 family,There are 25 family is"Couple carcinoma"or"Many cancer family".How to so much"Family cancer"?Nanjing cancer patients rehabilitation association organization department minister ZhuRongZhen told reporters,In recent years,"Family cancer"More and more,A clear rising trend.They in the association of cancer patients more than 9200 people,The same family,Two people or people at the same time cancer family accounted for 20%.
悲催:这一家三口人患上癌症 Sad reminder:All three of the cancer
Ancestral temple lane in nanjing citizen nature conservancy council,Three family members had cancer:Mother and wife has risk of breast cancer,Last year I was found and nature conservancy council had colon cancer.Yesterday morning,Reporter with nanjing Red Cross staff for this one on the aid and comfort items,but,It is encouraging,Such an unhappy family is very strong,Watch each other the hope of life.
51 years old WangXinGu five persons:His mom and dad,Himself and his wife,Plus daughter.In 1999,,Mother had breast cancer,In their care,Now the mother healthy.In 2006,,Wife ZhenQing also suffer from breast cancer.Their family single-mindedly take good care of his wife,His wife also gradually from the shadow go out.Think stable life from now on and so go on.however,It never rains but it pours,April 2012,In a nature conservancy council found in medical,She has colorectal cancer.So news,Like a bolt from the blue.Nature conservancy council also admits,time,Really want to die heart have.
In the moments of desperation,Nanjing cancer patients rehabilitation association of the cancer patients every day to ward see nature conservancy council,And take turns cooking to the hospital,Let the whole family was touched,Strangers are so concerned about yourself,You really can't walk out on the family selfishly off.Their life renewed hope.
数字:1/5癌友来自“家族癌” digital:1/5 from cancer patients"Family cancer"
As a nature conservancy council such is not the case,ZhuRongZhen told reporters,In recent years,"Family cancer"More and more,A clear rising trend.They in the association of cancer patients more than 9200 people,The same family,Two people or people at the same time cancer family accounted for 20%.For cancer and lead to poor families more than 400 households.yesterday,Nanjing Red Cross out 30000 yuan in cash/More than 5500 yuan materials,For special difficult cancer family for rescue.
Vice President of nanjing Red Cross LiuXia said,The sympathy of the main is double cancer family and many cancer family,These help is negligible,But communication is a kind of social warmth and love,Is a kind of the embodiment of the positive energy.
原因:共同不良习惯+共同情绪 reason:Common bad habit + common mood
Experts say,People in the family cancer and they have a certain genetic flaws,But there are a lot of family members and cancer because the same bad way of life or environmental factors,Such as family are all fond of eating pickle,To the risk of esophageal cancer is higher.Related tumor experts also pointed out,Although a lot of factors that trigger cancer,But a lot of with the bad way of life/Life habits and the pollution of the environment is closely related to the degree.
In addition,Bad mood will also increase the risk of cancer,A family,Face the same living environment,Will have the same personality and mood.
According to introducing,34% - 44% of the cancer patients have obvious psychological stress reaction or mental disorder,18% of the patients with major depressive disorder.
江苏省肿瘤医院胸外科主任医师许林教授说,不良情绪是癌细胞产生和发展最有效的媒介,在各种不良性格导致癌症的统计中,情绪压抑得不到释放的人,容易患肺癌。专家告诉记者,与胃癌有密切关系的心理因素有性格内向、抑郁,青少年时期受过精神创伤等等。而乳腺癌这种癌症和无法解决的悲哀有关。专家研究发现,在心理治疗组中,72%的癌症患者在发病前数月到8年期间均受过丧亡的重击,而其他原因只占10%。 (南京大学实习生 赵雪 记者 李花 报道)
Jiangsu tumour hospital thoracic surgery chief physician, professor XuLin said,Bad mood is cancer cells produce and develop the effective media,In all sorts of undesirable disposition cause cancer statistics,Depressive mood not released person,Likely to suffer from lung cancer.Experts told reporters,There is a close relationship between the stomach and the psychological factors are introverted/depression,Youth with mental trauma, etc.And this kind of cancer and breast cancer cannot solve the sorrow.Experts study found that,In psychological treatment group,72% of the cancer patients in the months before the period of eight years are a critical bereavement,And the other reason is only 10%. (Nanjing university ZhaoXue intern reporter and reports)
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