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  中新网广州1月16日电(王华 晓雷)中国乙肝病毒感染者9300万,每年用于乙肝诊疗的费用高达1000亿元人民币,其中,10%以上属过度诊疗,造成过百亿元的资源浪费。中华医学研究会肝病委员会16日推出大众版“乙肝抗病毒防治指南”,以通俗易懂的方式指导患者避免治疗走弯路。

Guangzhou Beijing on January 16(XiaoLei wang hua)China's 93 million people infected with hepatitis b virus,The cost of diagnosis and treatment for hepatitis b every year as high as 100 billion yuan RMB,the,More than 10% of excessive diagnosis and treatment,Causes ten billion yuan of the waste of resources.The medical research council 16 out of liver mass edition"Hepatitis b antiviral prevention guide",In simple way to guide patients to avoid detours treatment.

  来自中华医学研究会肝病委员会的资料显示,目前中国约有9300万乙肝病毒感染者,乙肝患者人数达2000万以上,其中农村人群数量约为1100万。该委员会的杨君主任说, “农村患者往往得不到规范治疗,抗病毒药的应用远远低于城市”。

I come from the medical research council liver disease committee data shows,At present China has an estimated 93 million hepatitis b virus infection,Second liver patient number more than 20 million,The rural population is about 11 million.The committee, director of the three-phase said, "Rural patients are often not standard treatment,The application of antiviral drug far below the level of the city".


Related data show,In China's big cities receive antiviral treatment, the number of 60%,In rural areas of the number of treatment only 15%.


According to introducing,The lack of the popular science knowledge of hepatitis b/Ads to mislead,Lead to excessive/Blind treatment happen,Every year China the cost of diagnosis and treatment for hepatitis b increasing,As high as one hundred billion yuan RMB,More than ten percent of excessive/Blind diagnosis and treatment,Waste of more than 10 billion yuan,More than thirty percent in the treatment of chronic hepatitis b patients had the rise to the bait.


The medical research council in 537 cases of hepatitis b liver disease patients questionnaire survey,China's second liver patient a year average medical costs 17900 yuan,An average of seven kinds of drug use/Most of combination therapy of 32 species.And be in hospital patients daily cost 500 to 700 yuan,A per capita spending in 13000 to 15000 yuan,Usually a complete antiviral combination therapy to need 30000 yuan.In these expenses,There is no lack of excessive diagnosis and treatment of the ingredients.

  杨君告诉记者,严格按国家颁布的《慢性乙肝防治指南》规范乙肝检查与治疗是避免过度、盲目治疗的最有效的办法。但现实情况是,《指南》已颁布七年,能够清楚描述其内容并按指南规范自己医疗行为的专业医生仅为二成二,有些所谓“专家 ”有意无意在“转阴”与康复间关系上讲得神乎其神,折腾乙肝病毒携带者接受各种治疗,这不仅加重患者经济负担还可导致药物性肝损害。其实,目前最有效的治疗方法是抑制病毒复制而决非保肝降酶,也不能盲目追求“大小三阳”转阴。

Three-phase told reporters,Strictly according to issued by the state[Chronic hepatitis b prevention guide]Regulate the examination and the treatment of hepatitis b is to avoid excessive/Blind treatment the most effective way.But the reality is that,[guide]Issued seven years,Can clearly describe the content and standard according to guide the behavior of the medical professional doctor is only twenty-two percent,Some so-called"experts "Intentionally or unintentionally in"shade"And rehabilitation on relationship between speak fantastic,Toss about hepatitis b virus carriers to accept all kinds of treatment,This not only increase patients economic burden can also lead to drug hepatic damage.In fact,The most effective form of therapy is inhibit viral replication and protect liver enzyme is down,Also can't blind pursue"Big small 3 this world"shade.


this,Experts say,The popular science knowledge popularization of hepatitis b is a priority,Patients need to call the first love liver hotline at 4009991700 can get free public version of the chronic hepatitis b antiviral prevention guide.(finish)
