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7岁女孩患脊肌萎缩症不能行走 愿望是穿花裙子--亲稳网络舆情监测室

7岁女孩患脊肌萎缩症不能行走 愿望是穿花裙子 7岁女孩患脊肌萎缩症不能行走 愿望是穿花裙子因为无力她时常拿不动一只跳棋;因为下肢无法动弹她往前探身时常常压得喘不上气儿来。摄影记者朴峰 She often because of inability to carry a Chinese checkers;Because of the lower limbs can't move her forward lean often atmospheric out in time to come.Photographers PiaoFeng


Parents have been looking forward to daughter stood up.


"Every time,Wandering alone in the strong;Every time even if very hurt nor flash tears;I know,I have had two invisible wings,Take me fly,Fly over despair..."Old garage from a young girl's song,Only seven year old yu scented may not fully understand the meaning of the lyrics,But hear a person can't help to YiZheng.From eighteen months diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy,She hasn't had the earth walk alone,Put on the flower skirt ran into the street"boast"A be her biggest wish,Is the young parents have never given up the pursuit.


 她的异常身体无力拿不动一只跳棋 Her abnormal body cannot carry a Chinese checkers

  在金州新区东山小区里的一处老旧车库,被收拾出来的一间只有10多平方米的屋子就是宇馨一家的小窝。昨日记者前来采访时正赶上万里爱心会的义工带着孩子来陪宇馨玩耍。乍一看根本瞧不出宇馨与其他小朋友有什么区别,只有在动弹时才会发现她的不足:因为无力她时常拿不动一只跳棋;因为下肢无法动弹她往前探身时常常压得喘不上气儿来;因为骨质疏松残缺的牙齿甚至撕不开一块糖纸。“妈妈,我要尿尿。 ”听了女儿的话武海侠赶紧跑过去,像婴儿一样抱着女儿的双腿帮她小便,武海侠明显感觉自己抱不住了,这时爸爸马成龙赶紧上前帮一把。 7年来,小两口就这样一直像对待婴儿一般伺候宇馨,而这样的日子以后还会继续。

In the new area of dongshan golden state in one place old garage,Be tidy up out of a only more than ten square meters of the house is a little sweet yu.An interview with reporters yesterday are catching up with the love of volunteers will bring their children to play with yu jasmine.At first glance fundamental couldn't see the space back and other children have what differentiation,Only when the move can find her shortage:She often because of inability to carry a Chinese checkers;Because of the lower limbs can't move her forward lean often atmospheric out in time to come;Because osteoporosis incomplete teeth even tear open a piece of wrappers."mother,I want to urinate. "Listen to the words of his daughter WuHaiXia ran,Like baby hold her daughter's legs to help her pee,WuHaiXia obviously feel hold not to live,When dad came hurriedly ringo ma (fourth from help a. In the past seven years,Young couple so had been treat babies tend to serve yu jasmine,This day will continue.


 她的病史18个月被确诊为“脊肌萎缩症” Her medical history eighteen months are identified as"Spinal muscular atrophy"


Xiaoyu back hometown SuiHua in heilongjiang province of MingShui county rural,This was born in 2007, New Year's day beautiful smiles send us light gave the family brings countless laughter.But when a long to eighteen months old,Other children have been running around,But yu back also can only hold a toddler kang,Husband and wife have take yu back to Harbin and Beijing to see a doctor,The doctor diagnosed,Yu jasmine had"Spinal muscular atrophy".


Doctors say the rare disease,Not only there is no effective treatment measures,And try not to catch a cold,Because once the cold cough,Emits no sputum child is very likely not a time to die,Fifty years old grandmother lack for the child's disease that fire suddenly from the world.


In 2010,,WuHaiXia with daughter came to dalian and in this job husband together,Live in this distant relative of the garage,Then yu jasmine is only twenty jin.Dalian pleasant climate,Come back after dalian space only cold twice,The body is not only high/fat,The little girl is more beautiful.


她的心愿穿上裙子上街去“臭美” Her desire to put on the dress to go shopping"boast"


Let WuHaiXia laden with yu is sweet when go out to play,She is to let the children go to many places add trouble to lively,And for fear of strangers to different eye harm the child."once,A group of children in a village inside dancing,Yu is sweet to see,The body in the trolley spontaneously twisted up.However a kid a‘Why don't you come with us to dance?’Let yu suddenly lost back down."WuHaiXia see in the eye silent push daughter left.Many times,WuHaiXia embrace daughter to take a bus to the city to do acupuncture,See yu scented so big car seat no man,WuHaiXia embrace unstable daughter almost fall down."After the mother with the rope tied me on you."Her daughter's understand business let WuHaiXia relief is more sad.


Fortunately the surrounding neighbors and volunteers can take care of understanding both mother and daughter,Often take their children to play with yu jasmine,She brought back a lot of toys.In the space back past the birthday,Suddenly received three birthday cake,Yu scented feel happy for a long time.


As you get older,The little girl is becoming more and more beauty.She let her mother gave up long hair comb,Began to fault the color of the clothes,With mother's lipstick besmear is on their own small on the mouth.


See other children photo shoot,She also calls for photography,House in the binding delicate series became the biggest and accessories,Although living in reduced circumstances,Parents or to satisfy her desire.Photo of such as beautiful faery jasmine yu as the all kinds of lovely expression,But no photo yu jasmine is standing."mother,I disease good,You give me buy a pair of boots,I also want to and the other kids on the same skirt to the street‘boast’a."This is yu scented greatest wish,Has become a couple pursuit of the goal.


她的父母夜以继日挣钱给女儿看病 Her parents day in and day out to earn money for his daughter to see a doctor


Interview, the reporter understands,WuHaiXia couple after marriage was in their hometown bag over 120 acres,But that year to catch up with a severe drought during lost five or six ten thousand yuan.The two years back to space around to see a doctor,The long time the family was ten owe more than ten thousand yuan.Now work in a company ringo ma (fourth from NianLia support,In order to pay his debts/In order to give the child a doctor him day and night work overtime to earn money,At a young age he had already had gray hair.A few years down,Debt has also more than half.


Over the past few years a lot of people are persuade a couple now that conform to the policy is a regeneration,But see yu jasmine,A couple out of the idea,They have been looking forward to daughter stood up.Volunteers know the mind of the couple after,Have help to find out/Collect treatment of spinal muscular atrophy hospital,If you know,Also be sure to tell the young parents.


The interview,When the reporters who had left,Old garage and came back yu song:"I know,I have had two invisible wings;Take me fly,Give me hope..."She still doesn't know the meaning of the lyrics,But man can hear"See all dreams are in flower".(Reporter YuYaKun)
