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爱吃烧烤麻辣女孩得舌癌 切掉半边舌头--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Love to eat barbecue/Hotpot 19-year-old freshman girl lost half a tongue.


Because she has tongue cancer,The doctor for her surgery,Cut off her 1/2 tongue,And then with her left hand wrist skin to help her create another"New tongue".


It is understood,The good new tongue,Not only from the color is the same as before,Even speak pronunciation/Agile degree also and was the same.


Expert analysis,To barbecue/Fried foods when food habits may be led to her cause cancer.


yesterday,The reporter learns,In 2012 alone,Nanjing stomatological hospital is accepts more than 400 cases of oral cancer patients,And most young just 15 years old.


案例 女孩舌头有破口总不好 Case girl tongue is breach always bad


19 year old girl beautiful ni is now nanjing university of college students,The girl height 168 cm,About 101 jins weight,Is a standard long leg beauty,Can the beloved girl,Recently always is one thing trouble.Because of her tongue on a crevasse,Total also not healing.


Every time to eat/water/speak,Even when yawning,Will feel pain.And such pain,It lasted three months time.At first,She thought it was a dry weather,Water to drink too little cause ulcers,The results,Total also not healing,And breach is more and more big.


She used a variety of methods,spray/Take medicine,Light meals and so on all have no effect.later,Really have no way,Mother took her to the nanjing dental hospital.It is understood,Burst on the part of the gray,And it has hard block,About the middle finger ZhiJiaGai size.


Experts from her tongue off a small piece of specimens were detected,Are identified as middle-late tongue cancer.When the doctor gave her good for lymphatic when cleaning,Have some cancer cells have happened transfer.When my mother ms zhu to report,The whole people are scared silly,She look at the back and forth several times,Can't believe my eyes.She think it through,Decided to inform the daughter,Hope she can cooperate fully with a doctor's treatment,so,A good deal with the procedure.


治疗 新造舌头很灵活能说话 The new treatment made the tongue is very agile could speak


Nanjing stomatological hospital jaw face surgery XuMingYao chief physician told reporters,According to a better situation,Because is not that old,Add to that the beautiful on demand,so,They set the operation scheme is,Will her tongue from raphe place on edge resection,Direct breach and its surrounding the safety range the tongue part all cut off.


Cut off,And from a good of the wrist,Take the next part with vascular flap,Direct anastomosis in the rest of the tongue.Take about eight hours of surgery,Very successful.after,A good recovery is very good,Flap part completely and tongue match up.With the passage of time,The original white skin flap part has gradually become red,If you don't watch carefully,Just like the original tongue as like as two peas.


surgery,XuMingYao skillfully take a better left wrist band radial head vein 6 x 8 cm flap,The radial artery and vein were head and jaw the artery and external jugular vein anastomosis butt,For her tongue reconstruction angioplasty.


XuMingYao chief physician is introduced,The traditional approach is commonly the tongue cancer disease part resection,Further radiation treatment,Many patients will thus lost tongue movement and the function such as speech,And the difficulty of the operation mainly embodied in vascular anastomosis and tongue reconstruction and revival.From the current situation of her good look,A new creation tongue can realize movement and speech function.


The reporter asked,Wrist flap no taste buds,If can't taste delicious?so,A beautiful new tongue, only half of the tongue can product the taste.It is understood,At present a better life has returned to normal,Go back to the classroom.


归因 与常吃麻辣烫烧烤有关 Attribution and often eat hotpot barbecue relevant


then,Reporter contact nanjing stomatological hospital jaw face surgery LuYong doctor,He told reporters,At first it in a good heard,A good at ordinary times the most like to eat hotpot/Fried food and barbecue, etc.Not only love to eat,And used to the food when food to eat.


Dr. LuYong analysis said,Barbecue is through the smoke,A high temperature baking,Carcinogens don't say.Hotpot is the same,Not only is imported high temperature,And hemp and hot,Taste very heavy.The influence of the tongue.To eat Fried food leads to a big cause of tongue cancer,Mainly because Fried foods to oral mucosa are more exciting,And the oil itself dishonesty after repeatedly Fried with a lot of carcinogenic substance.


XuMingYao said,There is a little reason is preferred her teeth present dentition crowded phenomenon,Teeth at sixes and sevens,Especially in the teeth to fall,Often with tongue appear friction,Friction increase after,Tongue failure is more likely.And the friction increase,Burst aggravate,Makes burst place more difficult to heal.In addition,Cell hyperplasia split too fast,so,Proliferating cell canceration chance to increase.


In addition,Oral hygiene is bad,Periodontal disease/Dental calculus/Smoke scale, etc,Also may cause tongue cancer is one of the reasons why.XuMingYao told reporters,Now a significant increase in cancer,And the younger trend.a,The reporter learns,Wenzhou a 26 year old young woman also had tongue cancer,The tongue to resection.At present,The most young tongue cancer patients about 14 or 15.


now,Nanjing stomatological hospital every month have new discovery of tongue carcinoma.It is understood,A year off,, including tongue cancer,The hospital about can accepts more than 400 cases of oral cancer patients.


提醒 超一个月口腔破溃就要注意 Remind over a month to pay attention to oral burst


XuMingYao said,Now women patients with tongue cancer started to increase,Clinical observation showed,This and more female smokers have very big concern.At present,Medicine is generally believed that in the tongue cancer patients,With 50% alcohol/Smoking is 88%,These two kinds of bad habits long-term stimulus lingual mucosa,With tongue cancer pathogenesis has the close relation.And the tongue cancer incidence of a disease and mortality of the highest India,The causes and the local people chewing tobacco or bite the habit of betel nut on.

  烂牙齿也会导致舌癌,因为烂牙齿的尖端容易损伤舌粘膜,反复损伤长久不愈也会导致病变。徐明耀提醒说,如果不明原因的口腔溃疡超过1个月以上,那么患者就得注意了,可以到正规医院就诊。 (通讯员 周炳荣 史张丹 金陵晚报记者 苏丽萍 报道)

Bad teeth can also lead to tongue cancer,Because the rotten teeth to the tip of the tongue mucosa damage,Repeated injury is not more long can lead to disease.XuMingYao reminding that,If unexplained oral ulcer more than 1 months above,So we must pay attention to the patients,Can go to normal hospital seeing a doctor. (The history of ZhouBingRong correspondent zhang jinling evening news reporter SuLiPing reports)
