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重度污染致“北京咳”频发 医生称该词侮辱北京--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  北京等全国多个城市近日遭遇的持续数天的雾霾天气,让一个在外国人 中 间 流 传 若 干 年 的 略 带 玩 笑 叫法———“北京咳”,成了人们热议的话题。专家表示,中国已经进入污染高发和污染面积日趋扩大的时期,末端空气 污 染 控 制 已 不 足 以 解 决 问 题 ,PM 2.5防治需下重拳,从源头治理,大力控制燃煤总量增速过快的趋势。同时,要加大机动车尾气排放整治力度。

Beijing national cities have recently for several days of fog haze weather,Let a foreigner in the flow between the dry years if slightly band play laugh way -- -"Beijing cough",Has become the hot topic of discussion.Experts say,China has entered into high pollution and pollution area and the increasing period,Terminal air pollution control system has not enough dyed with solution never ask questions ,PM 2.5 control demand under the punch,From the source control,Efforts to control the total amount of coal fast growing trend.At the same time,To increase the motor vehicle emission control efforts.


"My two friends from abroad to Beijing,Always cough kept,They could not cure."Beijing to ms wong[Economic reference to]reporters.


China Europe international business school professor of economics and finance XuXiaoNian recently in micro blog wrote:"Morning medical,Pumping blood "is ent,mouth,Ah -- -‘Chronic pharyngitis’The doctor said‘The entire city of Beijing people's chronic pharyngitis?’I asked,‘almost,Air pollution of the surface’."


In fact,The above phenomenon has a image of the word to describe -- -"Beijing cough".it,It was a foreigner in China produced during a respiratory symptoms,Mainly appears in December to April,For the performance of the dry cough pharyngeal itching,Similar foreigners unaccustomed to the climate of a kind of performance,That is the Beijing will attack,After leaving Beijing will disappear naturally.Some people from the south are said,They come to Beijing or some northern cities will also appear similar situation.


Peking University school of public health department of labor health and environmental health PanXiaoChuan professor said"Beijing cough"Beijing is not unique phenomenon,In the domestic some serious pollution of the city,Some physical sensitive per capita may appear some respiratory disease and physical discomfort.

  到底有没有“北京咳”? Exactly have"Beijing cough"?


"Recently always someone ask me‘Beijing cough’,Medical didn't it seemed."Beijing university people's hospital respiratory medicine chief physician HeQuan ying very excited to[Economic reference to]reporters,Cause cough for many reasons,Including smoking/Gluttony and other bad habits/Weather and air pollution and so on,Not the simple underground."In not found clear evidence before,Can't say what‘Beijing cough’,This is Helen to Beijing extreme insult!"


The PanXiaoChuan told reporters,"Beijing cough"Performance more like medicine on"Human tolerance",Because different immunity,Some people transform environment will appear similar to the reaction of unaccustomed to the climate,Including cough/Diarrhea and so on."This is all just a formulation,No need to worry too much."

  “空气污染是毫无疑问的(导致‘北京咳’的原因)。”中国人民大学环境政策与环境规划研究所所长宋国君则明确地表示,北京市空气中PM 2.5浓度过高,人体如果长期吸入,会导致人体呼吸系统和其他器官系统和组织结构的损害。

"Air pollution is no doubt about it(Lead to‘Beijing cough’reason)."Chinese people's university environmental policy and environmental planning institute director SongGuoJun is clearly said,Beijing air PM 2.5 concentration is too high,The human body if inhaled,Can lead to human respiratory system and other organ system and organization structure damage.


空气污染导致严重经济损失 Air pollution cause serious economic loss

  “PM 2.5污染悄然吞噬掉的不仅是城市的蓝天,还有公众健康和国民经济。”绿色和平气候与能源项目主任周嵘说。

"PM 2.5 pollution quietly devoured not only is the blue sky,And public health and national economy."Green peace climate and energy project director ZhouRong said.

  潘小川等专家表示,PM 2.5粒径小,比表面积相对大,更易富集空气中各种有毒重金属、酸性氧化物、有机污染物等多种化学物质以及细菌和病毒等微生物,PM 2.5能通过呼吸系统被人体直接吸入,沉积到肺泡,甚至可通过肺直接吸收而到达体内其他器官。如果长期吸入PM 2 .5的污染空气,会导致人体呼吸系统和其他器官系统和组织结构的损害,并可引起暴露人群心脑血管和呼吸系统疾病死亡率的明显增加。与此同时,PM 2.5所携带的重金属、PA H s(多环芳烃)等物质增大了暴露人群的罹患癌症的风险。

PanXiaoChuan, experts said,PM 2.5 particle size small,Relatively large specific surface area,More enriched air of toxic heavy metal/Acid oxide/Organic pollutants and so on many kinds of chemicals and bacteria and viruses and other microbes,PM 2.5 can through the respiratory system is human body directly suction,Deposit into the alveolar,Even through the pulmonary direct absorption in the body other organs.If inhaled PM 2. 5 pollute the air,Can lead to human respiratory system and other organ system and organization structure damage,And can cause exposure population cardiovascular and respiratory system disease significantly increased mortality.meanwhile,PM 2.5 carries a heavy metal/PA H s(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon)Substances such as increased exposure population of cancer risk.

  据世界卫生组织估计,2000年世界上大约有8万人死亡和4 .6亿生命损失年(lostlife-years)是由于城市空气污染所致,其中约有2/3死亡率和生命损失年发生在亚洲的发展中国家。据估算,全球3%的青少年心血管死亡率、约5%的支气管和肺癌死亡率和约1%儿童的急性呼吸感染死亡率都是由大气中颗粒物污染所致。

According to the world health organization estimates,In 2000, about 80000 people in the world of death and 4. 600 million in loss of life(Lostlife - years)Is because the city air pollution caused by,About two-thirds of mortality and loss of life happened in developing countries in Asia.It is estimated,3% of the world's youth cardiovascular mortality/About 5% of the bronchial and lung cancer mortality and 1% of children with acute respiratory infection mortality are made by the atmosphere pollution caused by particles.

  空气污染也造成极大经济损失。2007年世界银行对中国空气污染导致的经济损失估算得出,空气污染导致的健康损失占G D P的3.8%。有专家对中国111个大中型城市的健康经济效益分析显示,2004年颗粒物PM 10污染导致的总的健康经济损失大约为2334亿元。

Air pollution can also cause great economic loss.In 2007, the world bank on China's air pollution cause economic losses that estimate,Air pollution cause health loss accounts for 3.8% of the G D P.Some experts on China's 111 large and medium-sized city health economic benefit analysis showed that,2004 particles PM 10 pollution leading to the general health economic loss is about 233.4 billion yuan.


开展区域煤炭总量控制是关键 Develop regional coal total amount control is the key

  2012年12月5日,国家环保部发布了《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》(以下简称“《规划》”)规划要求全国涉及近14%国土面积的47个城市到2015年前,完成PM 2.5下降5%的指标;对于空气污染达不到国家标准的城市,必须编制空气污染达标规划。

On dec. 5, 2012,She released the country[Key areas for the control of air pollution"1025"planning](Hereinafter referred to as"[planning]")The requirements of the plan in the nearly 14% of the land area of 47 cities to 2015 years ago,Complete PM 2.5 5% decline index;For air pollution can not reach the national standard of the city,It must work out plans to meet the standards of air pollution.

  2012年,PM 2.5治理更是被列为北京市的“一号实事”,6月1日,北京市的汽柴油执行京Ⅴ标准,首次规定了颗粒物的排放限值。在12月颁布的大气污染防治规划中,“十二五”期间,全国重点区域PM 2 .5年均浓度要求下降5%,而北京则是15%。与此同时,在中国过半的PM 2 .5超标的城市里,至今只有北京明确提出了PM 2.5在2030年达到国家二级标准的治理时间表。

In 2012,,PM 2.5 management is classified as Beijing's"One practical",June 1,,Beijing's steam diesel executive Beijing Ⅴ standard,The first set of particulate emission limit value.Promulgated in December of the atmospheric pollution prevention and control planning,"1025"period,National key regional PM 2. 5 annual average concentration requirements fell by 5%,But Beijing is 15%.meanwhile,In China, more than half of the PM 2. 5 exceeds the city,So far only Beijing clearly put forward the PM 2.5 in 2030 reach national secondary standard management schedule.

  但专家表示,《规划》里5%改善目标的制定是按照重点区域煤炭消费在“十二五”期间增加30%、机动车增加50%的假设来计算的———按照这样的增长速度,即使采取最严格的污染排放标准(即末端污染治理技术),未来五年重点区域PM 2.5的下降目标仅能达到5%。面对多个城市超标数倍、公共健康代价巨大的现实,这样的煤炭消费增长、机动车增加趋势意味着达标路漫漫。

But experts say,[planning]To improve the formulation of the 5% target is according to the key area in coal consumption"1025"Period increased by 30%/The assumption of motor vehicle increased by 50% to calculate - according to such growth rates,Even if it adopts the most strict pollution emission standard(Which end pollution control technology),In the future five years key regional PM 2.5 drop target can only reach 5%.In the face of multiple city overweight several times/The reality of the huge cost of public health,Such coal consumption growth/Motor vehicle increase trend means that the long way.


"According to the recently issued the state plan,China most overweight city need at least twenty years the air quality management to the national secondary standard.This means that the next generation to continue time exposed to the height of the health risks of pollution,While China's public afford to wait twenty years."ZhouRong way.

  潘 小 川 等 人 的 研 究 指 出 ,在PM 2.5治理和防护,需要多管齐下,不仅需要公众提高自我保护意识,并掌握有效的防护手段,更需要政府带头深入对中国P M2 .5的研究与监测,制定相关的治理政策。

Pan coulee, etc in the research means ,In PM 2.5 management and protection,Need more tube drawn down,Not only the public need to be improve the ego to protect consciousness,And master effective protection means,Need more deeply the government to take the lead in China P M2. 5 research and monitoring,Formulate the related management policy.

  首先就是要开展区域煤炭总量控制。基于单纯末端空气污染控制已不足以解决中国空气污染的严峻现实,如不大力控制燃煤总量增速过快的趋势,很有可能“十二五”期间二氧化硫、氮氧化物等大气污染物末端减排控制成果会被燃煤增加排放抵消,其排放的其他特征污染物也会进一步加剧空气污染。因此,在PM 2.5污染尤为严重的重点区域应当考虑立即开展区域煤炭总量消费控制,有条件的城市群、区域开展跨行政区的煤炭消费零增长控制甚至削减目标。

The first is to develop regional coal total amount control.Based on the simple terminal air pollution control has not enough to solve China's air pollution and the harsh reality,If not to control the total amount of coal fast growing trend,Very likely"1025"So2 during/Strictly atmospheric pollutants emission control the end result will be coal increase emissions offset,The other characteristics of pollutants discharge will further aggravate air pollution.so,In PM 2.5 pollution is serious key area shall be taken into consideration in order to launch an immediate area total coal consumption control,Conditional urban agglomeration/Regional across administrative region of the coal consumption zero growth control even cut goal.


secondly,Should be an immediate boost for the existing of coal-fired power plants denitration transformation and industrial boiler shut and desulfurization/Denitration transformation.Although the national have been issued[Thermal power industry pollution emission standard],The electric power industry greatly tightening emission limits and clearly existing plants need in July 2014 to achieve discharge standard,But since the implementation of the standard so far,Thermal power industry denitration transformation progress very slow.


finally,Further improve pollution charges policy.China's current atmospheric pollutants sewage charge much lower than the cost of corporate governance pollutants,This, to a certain extent, affected the enterprise performance initiative,Also makes pollution legal boundary fuzzy.Should improve pollution charges standard,And strengthen supervision,Greatly improve the enterprise illegal cost.

  此外,宋国君表示,机动车排放的尾气也是可吸入颗粒物(如PM 2.5和PM 10)的重要源头。据悉,我国机动车保有量已突破两亿辆,而北京市的机动车保有量已突破520万辆。有研究显示,在北京地区的主要污染源中,机动车尾气排放所占比例最大,超过了50%。宋国君认为,相关部门也需要在机动车尾气排放方面加大整治力度,提高油品质量,控制机动车数量,加大对公共交通的投入,提倡绿色出行。□记者 李静 实习生 王颖慧 北京报道

In addition,SongGuoJun said,Motor vehicle exhaust gas and particulates(Such as PM and 2.5 PM 10)Important source.It is reported,Motor vehicle quantities in China has reached two hundred million vehicles,But Beijing's motor vehicle quantities has hit 5.2 million units.Research shows that,In Beijing area in the main sources of,Motor vehicle emission accounting for the largest number,More than 50%.SongGuoJun think,Relevant departments also need in the motor vehicle exhaust emissions increase improvement efforts,Product quality,Control the number of motor vehicles,To increase the investment of public transportation,Advocate green travel.- li reporter intern WangYingHui reports from Beijing
