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Cerebral palsy twins at the beginning of the birth of his son,Father for treatment of children ransack medical experts/professor,Side treatment side knows the child the cause of the disease,Hence to medical damage compensation by the court.


The action after 3 court of first instance/Trial of second instance/Apply for a retrial/Rule to reject the/ShengYuan ruling retrial/Retrial final,Finally by the provincial court after arraigned remanded to court review,Now case toss 11 years has not appeared yet final.


Two children in recent twenty years old,The father is how to social care and help out of a divorce/Parents died of illness/Hard pressed/Take care of difficult problems, such as the and tribulations?[Legal daily]The reporter followed last for years.


winter,Fog haze shrouded.


Henan jiaozuo city and suburbs of gloom and also in heaven and earth and the chaos of the fog in the haze,Walk in a hurry the passer-by issued from time to time the harsh voice sputum or hawk the sound.


On January 14, at night time,The reporter walks into jiaozuo zhanqian road west railway family members' hospital,At a house dormitory building a layer of the familiar door.And old Dan wing on the door,Voice lost:


"Dan peng/Dan Pai brothers son is ill,Also infect me."

  床边堆满空药盒 The bed was empty medicine box

  墙上吊挂输液 The wall hanging infusion bottle


This is the third time reporter to Dan wing on home.


Just in the door,The house was out a severe oh well sound.That is Dan wing on at least 19 year old son Pai Dan,The prototype curled up on the big bed blankets.The head of a bed on the wall of the there is a big nails,Hanging above the bottle,Liquid medicine down thin transparent hose,Through his veins plunge into the needles into the body to lose Pai Dan.


In July 2009 that day,Reporters first walked into the house,Dan wing on mother is leaning against the big bed infusion.Old man held to reporter's hands,With tears, eyes,His lips trembling,speechless.After 3 months,She just died of lung cancer.now,Lying in the bed infusion is Pai Dan.


"I give the child infusion needle authorized,Ten years!,Hospital nurses are better than not."


Dan yongan squat down in bed,The voice is some pride.The foot of the bed/Kit was found empty,The table messy pile up the bottle is not open.Dan yongan picked up"Static note people's immune globulin",Said the bottle of medicine wholesale price is 550 yuan,Sometimes one day with a bottle of.


Last August,Reporter for the second time into the house,In the backyard and deng xiaoping raised the room to see everywhere/House full of empty bottles/Empty PCS,It is said that removed the bottle of bottle box box pack for more than ten big bag.


the,Dan yongan told reporters,More than twenty days ago,Dan peng first onset,Oral black purple,Fever retching,Then Dan Pai disease,Symptoms similar,Also regularly wet my pants/Wet sheets.Home lighting placed on oven with a drug sand pot,The pot to boil phragmites communis/almond/Dendrobium and iron pear.This is Dan from traditional Chinese medicine, yonhap television programs to middle school,He said two children drink this medicine soup effect is very good.


Reporters are and Dan wing on chatting,Back on the bed lay infusion of Dan peng will arise and urine.


Dan peng than Dan Pai born two minutes earlier,He in the business intelligence school into reading,After the illness can't go to school.Reporters saw him four years ago,He can only simple pronunciation,Now can say a few words sound between compound sentences and sentence.Dan wing on hand for the infusion bottle,With a higher than his half head son slowly to toilet.


Not for a moment,Dan Pai devoting to severe cough,Dan yongan came up to the bed and about a son,Give him put on clothes,With the hand a little slap back.


The reporter sees in the toilet there is a small bathtub,Inside jinman sheet/clothing.Dan, yonhap said the younger son urine too often/Too fast/Too much,Too late to change of clothes and sheets are first bubble is in here.The backyard clothes line airing a row of five cotton trousers,Dan wing on hand pull pull very hard cold of cotton trousers,Listen to a piece of"creaking"Thin ring.so,He wanted to be when back in the heating drying.And the home radiator only slightly warm.

  妻子离婚弃家而去 His wife divorced abandon home and go to

  年迈父母操劳病逝 Elderly parents of toil


Before marriage,Dan yongan carefree.


He was not high but strong agile,24 years old from shaanxi province health bureau of water conservancy transferred to the zhengzhou railway administration work of jiaozuo north station,Of work often appeared the football field,Never know fatigue to rush to run to.


After marriage,His wife pregnant,In the hospital before B ultrasonic scanning that are twins.


In July 1993, and at night time,Twin baby boy was born in jiaozuo second people's hospital.Brother named Dan peng,Brother Dan Pai.An obstetrician to waiting for a long time the young father said,"The safety of the mother and,Please be assured that".


Dan wing on seeing just was born twin laziness,Two nurses are nursing,The twins to suck.Three days later,Two young brothers son arise was blue/Oral blue/Vomit a mucous/The whole body twitch symptoms.And their mother also bed high fever forty degrees Celsius,Panic to Dan wing on the day in the hospital department of pediatrics/Between gynecological ward rush to run to.


After more than twenty days of emergency rescue,Twin brother temporarily out of danger.After two months,Dan peng/Dan Pai twice because the body is severe tic to the hospital treatment.Compared with,Brother Dan Pai more serious illness,With the faint/Convulsions symptoms,Little eyes optic atrophy...


Dan yongan couples holding the two brothers,Ransack authoritative expert diagnosis and treatment,The second people's hospital from jiaozuo transferred to henan province people's hospital/Henan college of traditional Chinese medicine hospital/Zhengzhou city, the second hospital of traditional Chinese medicine/GuanChengOu people's hospital of zhengzhou city,And to the capital Beijing,Went to Beijing children's hospital/The capital pediatric research institute affiliated hospital/Tongren hospital/Union medical college hospital/Liberation army general hospital/Hospital gate.


After a heart,In the face of the cold after the fact,From the time of the experts and professors teach in the pathogenesis of the twins know reason - as birth records"6 points/Seven points",Present light suffocation,Two babies"Five minutes review"A column in the medical records not fill in,Is considered"Because the production process extension,In the maternal anaerobic,Suction amniotic fluid,Produce inflammation",and"After birth fails to take remedial measures,Cause illness".


His wife nervous breakdown,Cannot afford such a blow,The husband and she took counsel with the legal way to go when rights,She abandoned home leave,At this time,She gave birth to the twins only eight months.then,The mother to the court to submit the application for divorce,And jiaozuo liberated areas the people's court to allow divorce judgment.


"Children need mom,You are sentenced to divorce court,In the method to love all not line."This become Dan yongan cannot resolve the grief and indignation.


The twin brothers in the growth of ten years,Often sleep by day,Move more into the night,Want to eat to drink,With a loud cry ah chirp chirp,Even the tic/syncope/Have a fever also occurs in night time.


Dan wing on mother was forward to interview reporter sighing,His wife lived,She and her son sa man had not slept a good night's sleep,Alarming and,And night and.As long as the continuous toss about a few night,Dan wing on the day it was often see stars,Head murkily,Step stumbled.


Old father PinLi laboring,Stay up until 4 year old grandson after paralyzed in bed,Six years later died of depression.His life pinch and scrape,Dying out many times infusion needle,Even said don't have trouble.


Old mother worry every day to wipe the tears,Seriously ill in hospital in bed after a lamentation children and grandchildren is too bitter.


Dan wing on side of remembering,Side twist two old man lying at the large bed,muttered,"Parents and children sick all the time,It can be difficult to - it".

  求助签名奔劳千里 Help BenLao a signature

  两任院长亲笔批示 Two terms as President autograph instructions


Dan yongan remember first and hospital chief negotiate how to treat the twins,Somebody else's tone suggested softly:"You go to court against us it,The court sentenced to how many,We will compensate how many."The 27-year-old he,Where can I envisioned,Future litigation road there will be long.


Twenty years time in a flash will be gone,Case is still in the program flounder.


In 1994,,Dan yongan to jiaozuo liberated areas court for put on record,That must have medical appraisal conclusion.He submitted to the municipal bureau of health medical verification application was rejected,He tried to go to Beijing for the ministry of health,The ministry of health to specifically for his seal good file to return to zhengzhou,Then in the provincial health department officials get the attached documents indicate the requirements of the note.finally,The note with the ministry of health documents as mentioned to jiaozuo health bureau.


Spring next year,Dan yongan have notice,Pay $300 in 3 days after the appraisal cost,To the jiaozuo medical accident appraisal committee make appraisal conclusion --"(This case)Construct a medical accident,It should not assume liability to pay compensation".


Dan yongan does not recognise the appraisal conclusion,Go to provincial department of diplomacy,Results both sides make stiff.


Income embarrassment,Twins son go to a doctor without medication,Dan yongan had to brave/Suffer rebuke and supercilious look,Search for solutions.In henan province National People's Congress,He heard contact National People's Congress for its signature letters requesting assistance,That could change the deadlock.


"session"Start with the drawer, mother good skelter bunches of burning,Boarded the train,On the long distance bus,In the good intention help ransack National People's Congress.In the daytime he hand deliver material/hassle,Night to find a place for the public,Or sit or lie confused until the morning.


Six years in the spring and autumn,Continual trading.


"The nearly 120 National People's Congress,I almost all found."


In June 1999,Dan for yongan to 32 members of people's congress in turn letter signature,Again the hard-won letter to the National People's Congress standing committee general office letters.The next spring,This letter forwarded henan provincial people's government.soon,The henan province higher people's court, the LiDaoMin of the letters to make instructions.


In this,Dan yongan to jiaozuo liberated areas court litigation in July 2002 was initiated its acceptance.His defense requesting the court to compensate the loss of $3 million and to bear the cost of litigation.


After 11 months,Dan yongan lawsuit request by court.He would challenge a ruling,Appeal to jiaozuo municipal intermediate people's court.On December 3rd, 2003,Jiaozuo then issued a final decision,that"Dan peng/Dan Pai appeal irrational",ruling.


Four and a half years after it"Case wallow in":appeal,rejected,Apply for a retrial...


Dan wing on natural disposition is shy/Few words,Hard litigation honed out deep inside a cold make oneself are incredible consistency,He is a core will get a truth clearly/Clearly --"Who on earth who wronged".


Not unexpected transfer appeared:July 19, 2008,Henan province higher people's court, the ZhangLiYong signed a civil verdict,Ruled by the henan jiaozuo yongan ShengGaoYuan arraigned Dan refuses to accept the application for retrial then a final decision,To suspend the execution of judgments.


On July 26, 2009,Coincides Dan peng/Dan Pai just through the second day of 16 one full year of life,The two brothers in his father/aunt/grandma/Under the leadership of YiNaiNai,Sitting in henan ShengGaoYuan court on the public gallery,Listen to the LvDa judge the trial.


Reporter from Beijing to zhengzhou,Also sit on the medical negligence damages dispute the trial.
