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云南省食药监局节前抽查大众化餐饮企业                           餐馆内都有等级公示 王宇衡 摄                            In the restaurant of the public WangYuHeng perturbation云南省食药监局节前抽查大众化餐饮企业                                节前餐饮市场大检查                                 Preganglionic catering market examination


KFC/McDonald's/Bridge sweet garden/A new garden and people love to dining restaurants and a number of large and medium-sized restaurant,Yesterday in the yunnan province/city/Area of the three food and drug administration"target".For the implementation of"The tip of the tongue on the safety",appearance/restaurant/The kitchen/Freezer and law enforcement personnel did not pass.The inspection,If you have not qualified law enforcement officers will be on the spot"Fall out".At the same time,Provincial food administration law enforcement personnel to remind the general public,can"See the face"eat.


 发现问题就“翻脸”降级 Found that the problem is"Fall out"degradation


Careful people may find,Kunming in the restaurant, there is a green brand,It has a yellow"face".It is understood,this"face"Represents the catering service public food safety level,If you see the open smile,Show that you entered the class A good restaurant.


According to the provincial medicine food inspect bureau introduced the law enforcement personnel,This is the food service food safety supervision and quantitative classification management a,Our province from September 2011 began to implement,Catering service unit of food safety level is evaluated three levels,Posting and different levels of cartoon face:"laugh"For good;"smile"For good;"Flat face"For general.


"with‘smile’Said B grade catering units and use‘Flat face’Said C level catering units,Sanitary conditions not qualified,Not only the corresponding class A good,If not qualified won't allow the listing."Law enforcement personnel introduces,Whether in the daily routine inspection,Or check in,Once found a restaurant problems,Law enforcement personnel can field"Fall out"degradation.And citizens can"In the face"Choose dining restaurant.


 保证市民“舌尖上的安全” Guarantee citizens"The tip of the tongue on the safety"


"Not only to check the big restaurant, hotel,The fast-food restaurant is mass consumption more places,These are also the focus of our check."According to the food and drug supervision bureau deputy director of yunnan province LiJingGuo is introduced,The key is to ensure that the spot check"The tip of the tongue on the safety",Raw materials for restaurant introduction and whether to use trench oil especially attention.Take the random mass consumption is concentration of fast food restaurants,Mainly because people eating habits mostly in these places,In order to close to the people's livelihood,To further implement the food safety.Yesterday the spot check more than twenty big small and medium-sized restaurant,Although not found the problem,But LiJingGuo said,In the years ago in addition to daily routine check,Also will not regularly check,To ensure that the citizens"The tip of the tongue on the safety".

  据了解,截止去年11月底,我省共有餐饮服务持证数162302户,与2011年相比,新增加了7万余家持证企业,规范化、制度化管理得到进一步落实。其中,特大型餐馆856户,大型餐馆10538户,中型餐馆21207户,学校19577户,机关及建筑工地食堂19793户,中央厨房3户,集团用餐配送单位15户。其余为小型餐馆、快餐店、小吃店、饮品店、甜品店。同时,专项检查餐饮服务单位140670户次,检查中没收来源不明、病死、无检疫合格证或不合格的鲜肉和肉制品57公斤,罚款3.6万元,对不落实索证索票和进货查验制度的餐饮服务单位,及时下达了责令整改意见书限期整改,下发监督整改意见书1360份。(何瑾 王涵)

It is understood,By the end of November last year,There are in our province catering service card holder of 162302 households,Compared with 2011,The new increased more than 70000 licensed practical enterprise,standardization/Institutionalized management further implement.the,Large restaurant 856 households,Large restaurant 10538 households,Medium-sized restaurant 21207 households,School 19577 households,Authorities and construction site dining room 19793 households,The central kitchen and household,Group meal distribution unit 15.The rest for small restaurants/Fast-food restaurant/Snack bar/Drinks store/Dessert shop.At the same time,Special inspection catering service unit 140670 HuCi,The inspection confiscated unknown source/ill/No quarantine certificate or not qualified fresh meat and meat product 57 kilograms,A fine of $36000,To carry out record line tickets and inspection system catering service unit,Give timely rectification within a time limit shall be ordered to make a rectification opinions,The supervision and rectification opinions issued 1360 copies.(HeJin WangHan)
