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  中新网2月6日电 据卫生部网站消息,中国疾控中心今天发布2013年春节旅行卫生提示,概括当前国内外主要传染病及突发公共卫生事件发生形势,提醒居民做好相应的防护措施。

February 6, according to the ministry of health news website,The Chinese CDC issued today 2013 Spring Festival travel health tips,Summarized the current situation of the main infectious diseases and sudden public health incident situation,Remind them to be the corresponding protective measures.


Tip pointed out that,In 2013 to the Spring Festival holiday,All parts of the country and the tourism at home and abroad personnel has increased dramatically.At present,Chinese citizens outbound tourism destination countries and regions more than 140.During the Spring Festival travel a lot of people/visits,Need to strengthen personal hygiene and protection,To prevent infection/Food poisoning health hazard.


国内外重要传染病疫情概况 An important general situation at home and abroad the epidemic situation of infectious diseases


recent,who/The United States centers for disease control reported such web sites published abroad mainly includes the flu epidemic situation of infectious diseases/Human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza/North such as virus infection/Dengue fever/Yellow fever, etc.So far,who has yet to release the epidemic any international travel restrictions or related warning.


flu:In the near future for the northern hemisphere temperate regions with a high incidence of flu season,North America/Europe and north China region flu pandemic is active.The southern hemisphere countries in the popular season.At present the use of influenza vaccine to the current popular influenza prevention effect is good.


Human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza:By the middle of January 2013,Cambodia multiple areas at the highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu.By January 29,,Accumulated reported cases in 5 patients,Death four people.H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza in southeast Asian countries/Africa's Egypt and Nigeria/Bangladesh and China both have reported cases.People mainly through close contact with infected birds and illness.


North such as virus infection:In Britain/The United States/Japan's report several such as virus outbreak,If the virus by everyone's contact transmission or food water transmission.

  登革热:自2013年以来,巴西多地暴发登革热疫情,其中巴西南部省份南马托格罗索州(Mato Grosso do Sul)首府大坎普市(Campo Grande)1月份前3周报告登革热病例9320例,该市1月21日宣布进入紧急状态。巴西东南部省份圣埃斯皮里图州(Espiritu Santo)的首府维多利亚市(Vitoria)1月份报告病例1500余例。登革热主要通过蚊虫叮咬感染,目前还没有可供接种的疫苗。

Dengue fever:Since 2013,Brazil more outbreak of dengue fever outbreak,The Brazil in the southern province of mato state(Mato Grosso do Sul)Capital, big kemp city(Campo Grande)Three weeks before the report in January 9320 cases of dengue fever,The city's January 21, declared a state of emergency.Brazil southeast provinces espirito santo state(Espiritu Santo)The capital city of Victoria(Vitoria)January reported cases of more than 1500 cases.Dengue infection mainly through mosquito bites,There is no vaccine for vaccination.


Yellow fever:Since September 2012,Sudan's darfur region yellow fever epidemic outbreak.By January 9, 2013,Total 849 cases of report,171 people were killed.Yellow fever mainly through infected mosquito bites,There are corresponding vaccine.


At present our country in infectious diseases, such as an emergency level relatively low season,But still key to prevent respiratory tract/The intestinal infection and food poisoning.


旅行卫生建议 Travel health advice

  1. 出境旅行前,应咨询当地疾病预防控制机构和出入境检验检疫部门,了解目的地传染病疫情,掌握相关预防知识,必要时提前接种相关疫苗,抵达目的地后避免接触疫水和染疫动物,并严防蚊虫叮咬。春节期间如计划到苏丹等黄热病流行地区旅行,应前往检疫卫生机构接种黄热病疫苗。

1. Before traveling abroad,Should consult local disease prevention and control institutions and the entry and exit inspection and quarantine department,Know the destination the epidemic situation of infectious diseases,The related prevention knowledge,Necessary vaccination vaccine ahead of related,After the destination to avoid contact with the plague water and animals infected with epidemic diseases,And take strict precautions against mosquito bites.During the Spring Festival such as plan to Sudan and yellow fever epidemic areas travel,Should be to quarantine health institutions yellow fever vaccine inoculation.

  2. 春节期间,重点做好呼吸道传染病的预防。应尽量避免出入人群聚集场所。出行时应注意做好个人防护,保持良好的卫生习惯,要注意勤洗手,咳嗽和打喷嚏时要用纸巾掩盖口鼻;避免与有发热、咳嗽、咳痰等呼吸道症状的病人近距离接触;避免接触活禽,特别是来路不明的禽类和病死禽;如赴流感流行地区时,可提前接种流感疫苗。

2. During the Spring Festival,Focusing on respiratory diseases prevention.Should try to avoid the crowd gathered in and out of the place.Travel should pay attention to personal protection,To maintain good health habits,Attention should be paid to wash your hands frequently,Cough and sneeze with paper towel to cover mouth nose;Avoid with a fever/cough/Coughing up phlegm and respiratory symptoms of the patients close contact;Avoid contact with live poultry,Especially silly birds and dead birds;As to the flu epidemic region,Can advance flu vaccination.


3. During the journey should pay attention to diet/Drinking water health,A good diet health habits.Pay attention to the restaurant health level and packing food labels,Try to eat cooked food,Especially should avoid eating undercooked Marine products.


(4) to the dengue fever/Yellow fever has spread the disease and insect pollination occurred travel should take strict precautions against mosquitoes/Ticks and fleas such as insect bites,If use mosquito repellent/Wear long sleeve clothes or use mosquito net/Anti-mosquito and.

  5. 外出旅行时应注意个人卫生。加强自我健康监护,旅行前夕或旅行期间出现健康异常,应及早就医、及时诊治,特别是当所患疾病怀疑为传染性疾病时,应推迟、取消或及时中止外出旅行,防止和减少疾病的传播。在旅行的过程中,一旦发现可疑病例,应及时报告旅行组织者或建议可疑病例及时到当地医疗机构就医。出行归来出现身体不适,应及时就医并主动告知医生自己的旅行史。

5. When we travel should pay attention to personal hygiene.Strengthen self health care,On the eve of travel or travel period appear abnormal health,Should go to a doctor as soon as possible/Timely diagnosis and treatment,Especially when the disease suspected infectious disease,Should be put off/Cancel or suspend in time travel,To prevent and reduce the spread of disease.In the process of travel,Once found suspicious cases,Should promptly report it to the travel organizer or Suggestions suspect case promptly to the local medical establishment go to a doctor.Travel back in the body unwell,Should be timely medical treatment and active told the doctor his travel history.


6. The recent Beijing/liaoning/shanxi/shandong/Jilin province and the north report more than occupational carbon monoxide poisoning.Most parts of north main for coal caused by heating,The southern part of the province is mainly because of the improper use of fuel gas,When we travel should raise awareness.
