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医务人员艾滋感染率万分之三 亟待更多保障措施--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Ministry of health has new revised[Occupational disease classification and catalogue(draft)]Public to solicit their opinions.After the adjustment[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Including 10 categories 130 kind of occupational disease.The adjustment of the 17 kinds of occupational disease,And will"Medical staff due to occupational exposure to HIV infection"As concern about the occupational disease.This can be in a certain extent eliminate AIDS medical staff of the trouble back at home,HIV/AIDS prevention and control for stable team has a positive meaning.but,Experts say,Protection AIDS health care workers rights are looking forward to more measures.

  医务人员有万分之三的感染率 Medical staff have three over ten thousand of the infection rate


That medical staff, due to occupational exposure to HIV/AIDS infection will be included in occupational disease category,Engaged in more than 15 years of AIDS nursing work Beijing ditan hospital red ribbon home office director WangKeRong very happy."15 years ago, I have just been transferred to the AIDS care ward,Does have some fear,Even dare not to tell his family.At that time I don't know about HIV/AIDS,Only know that the disease will spread,And not the rule of law."


Now in the face of HIV/AIDS patients,WangKeRong heart without a doubt,Because she knew that AIDS is not terrible,As long as in strict accordance with the operation procedure of nursing and disinfection work,Won't infection.


The national political consultative conference (CPPCC)/China's traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine academy of sciences, the prevention and control of AIDS research center, deputy director of the standing yongchang says,The AIDS virus and hepatitis b/Hepatitis c virus transmission way similar,But processing up than hepatitis b/Hepatitis c virus more easily,It in vitro survival ability is bad,Ethyl alcohol/Liquid soap can kill it.


WanLiYou a.WangKeRong said,Even if in strict accordance with the procedures for the operation and nursing,There are still possible accident.This kind of accident in orthopedics/oncology/Department of gynaecology and obstetrics, and so often do surgery department would have happened.Not long ago,She in the Beijing ditan hospital is a doctor in AIDS patients to do the operation,A finger was taken.


How much is this kind of accident probability?Kenneth wang said,Statistics show that abroad,Medical staff occupational exposure because of the risk of HIV infection is three over ten thousand.


Our country although there is no similar statistics,But China's centers for disease control and prevention published digital display,The 2011 national occupational exposure and total number of 1043 people,From the medical institution for medical operation directly exposed more than 700 people.


According to the latest statistics of the ministry of health,By the end of October 2012,The cumulative report of AIDS virus infection and 492191 patients,Survival of the patients and 383285 patients."A lot of infected people and patients with other diseases,And once traumatic treatment,Medical researchers may be infected.so,Engaged in AIDS health care is a high-risk profession,Be included in the occupational disease category is very necessary,Can make the medical workers' rights and interests must guarantee,To obtain a certain psychological comfort."Kenneth wang said.

  隐瞒病史将加大医务人员感染风险 Conceal history will strengthen medical staff infection risk


When it comes to HIV/AIDS medical staff occupational exposure,WangKeRong talked about recently happened"Small peak"events.On November 13, 2012,China AIDS virus carriers union north China area manager LiHu through the micro bo issued a message,Tianjin 25 patients with lung cancer small peak(alias)For preoperative was found infected with the AIDS virus,When the doctor repeatedly rejected.Then through the SiGai medical records to hide the illness,Finally in another hospital for surgery.


"Health department staff due to occupational exposure to HIV infection in occupational disease category,On the one hand, because of the long called for experts,On the other hand may be due‘Small peak’Events promote."WangKeRong says.


Kenneth wang said,Small peak experience is social long-term of AIDS"stigmatized"results,In our country that to eliminate discrimination against AIDS patients shoulder heavy responsibilities.At the same time,Medical staff did not implement the state council promulgated[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]in"Medical institutions must not because of a patient is AIDS patient,Shuffle or refuse to the other disease treatment"regulations.


But while jian said,We also want to understand the medical staff,They are people.Due to the propaganda education does not reach the designated position,A lot of medical personnel is not like our professionals such in-depth understanding of AIDS,They fear of being infected.and[regulations]The same regulation: the AIDS virus infection and AIDS patient when go to a doctor,Shall the infection or the fact truthfully inform the accepts the doctor."AIDS health care workers should enjoy the right to know,Patients hide condition will strengthen medical personnel risk of infection,Especially the regular traumatic treatment of medical staff."Kenneth wang said.


"[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]/[The prevention and control of infectious diseases]And so on all have medical personnel shall have the right to know whether patients with infectious diseases of the provisions of the infection,But there has been no specific implementation measures."WangKeRong said,the"Medical staff due to occupational exposure to HIV infection"Will be included in occupational disease category is a great progress,Medical staff once the infection can apply for compensation,Have a certain security.

  传染病医务人员的卫生津贴亟待提高 Infectious disease medical personnel to improve the health benefit


Only the medical staff due to occupational exposure to HIV infection in occupational disease category is not enough,Yongchang think,Should also improve including AIDS as soon as possible/Viral hepatitis, etc all infectious diseases medical personnel health allowance.


Through the 2003"SARS",Chinese government for prevention and control of infectious diseases emphasis greatly improved,Improve the hardware facilities,But infectious disease medical personnel health allowance has twenty years not adjust.Kenneth wang said,Since the 1990 s,Infectious diseases in the medical staff of the health benefit has been 30 yuan per month.With the economic and social development/The cost of living increase/Prices continue to rise,The current allowance standard can't reflect to medical personnel professional risk and labor value,Also do not rise to stable the role of the prevention and control of infectious diseases team.


WangJianCeng to Beijing ditan hospital made investigation.Nearly three or four years,A total of 51 people hospital medical personnel transfer,Recruitment standard medical personnel is difficult.Especially when every time they meet a burst of infectious diseases,Part of the medical staff will appear the phenomenon of transfer.


"AIDS medical personnel situation worse.Twenty years ago, and I go to Africa in AIDS doctors have WuLiuShiGe,Now there are only a few people in the hold.The reason is very simple: work very hard/Hard to the result;AIDS is a country free treatment,No benefit,Low income;There are some safety risk."Kenneth wang said,At present forces the infectious disease hospital has to increase the health allowance per 1500 yuan a month,Combined with the current economic development status and price index change,Suggest large and medium-sized cities in the infectious disease hospital health allowance should be adjusted to this level;Other cities the infectious disease hospital also should be combined with local economic conditions make appropriate adjustment.


WangKeRong said,Infectious diseases prevention and control is still an important public health problem in China.In order to build a stable team of prevention and control,In the long run,Should emulate Europe and the United States and other western countries,For infectious disease medical personnel to deal with accident injury insurance.This way is not only the needs of the prevention and control of infectious diseases,Is the embodiment of the people-oriented.(LiMuYuan)
