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65岁老汉患脑瘤被弃医院半年 妻女撒手移民--亲稳网络舆情监测室


He has a wife and female/Dongshan have housing/The bank deposit,Suddenly suffering from brain tumor.Only have to fold up,He was left in huangpu district hong shan street community health service center.Half a year time,They took care of the medical staff,He didn't gave birth to bedsore and complications,The patients of the party also let he didn't hungry belly a day.


now,The 65 - year - old LiuZiGuan became"Awake vegetable"- almost paralyzed limbs,Rely on blink communication,Only by chance someone asked,He will be sad tears.The Spring Festival will come,LiuZiGuan illness,State gradually difference,Medical staff called for his only"Back to see it","Let him feel the warmth of a opponent on the right".


In huangpu district hong shan street community health service center 4 floor of comprehensive hospital area,LiuBo depth coma in and bed,Because with brain tumor,Face sallow skin and bones."His life complicated,And only be abandoned,We are particularly pity on him."Medical researchers said.

  刘伯独自住院越来越瘦 LiuBo hospital alone more and more thin


LiuBo sideways curled up in bed,Upturned head,Mouth open,But can only use throat breathing holes.Morining feeling a,In addition to feet edema,He became so thin skin and bones.Take care of his care old yan said,Every day he wash adjust cereal and milk powder filling into thick cylinder/LiuBo into the trunk,"Now a day to play five times,But malnutrition,More and more thin."


Reporters want to LiuBo dialogue,The nurse how also take not wake him."These days he's condition worsened,Often lethargy,We all can not contact his family."


ZhongLiDa inpatient department director told reporters,Last August 24,,The old man to a hospital to the health center,The old man to a hospital is accompanied by a young woman.but,She didn't admit her daughter's identity,Just leave a contact number and a"Looking for his wife,".

  医院联系上刘伯的哥哥姐姐,却怎么也打不通刘太太的美国号码。两个月后, 女儿也杳无音讯。原来美籍华人刘太太已于7月返美,刘小姐也跟随其在美国的生母于10月赴美移民。从6月发病到10月,短短4个月,刘伯的妻女相继撒手赴美。至今,刘伯已欠下医院2万元。

The hospital LiuBo contact brother and sister,But how also can't get through to Mrs Liu American number.After two months, Daughter also there.Original Chinese American Mrs Liu already on July back to the states,Miss liu followed its mother in the United States on October to immigration.From June to October disease,Only four months,LiuBo only to fold up one after another.has,LiuBo already owe $20000 hospital.

  兄姐“送粮”并不准时 Brother elder sister"SongLiang"Not on time


LiuBo knew is the youngest patients a,Which is the most lonely one.Someone once asked him"The wife/Daughter: why don't come",Hear this,Two lines of turbidity tears slip LiuBo cheek.


"He is the elder brother elder sister a week to send a milk powder/cereal,Or he even eat is a problem."ZhongLiDa said,LiuBo $1500 a month in care costs have been by his brother elder sister bear,however"They send‘ration’Not on time,LiuBo eat up the patients‘party’."


LiuZiGuan brother LiuZi electric on the phone told reporters,His retirement is only 2000 yuan s,But looking at once need not brother went so predicament,With the 66 - year - old sister aggregate,Two people make a 2000 yuan a month of care fee/Milk powder money and diapers money,20000 yuan credit really afford.


"The two old man every time is put down the things went,Can't say two words."Care old yan said,But whenever visiting relatives,LiuBo will be in high spirits,Stare big eyes look at elder brother elder sister.The hospital at the two old man said the LiuBo ill order,LiuZi electric reluctantly said:"Tube not so much."

  刘妻行为构成遗弃罪 Liu wife act constitutes a crime of abandonment


LiuZi electric said,Brother with a young woman cohabitation gave birth to miss liu,Then the woman immigration to the United States.Ten years ago,He cut in line known at first love girlfriend came back from the states,Two people brought the marriage certificate.


Last June,LiuBo was diagnosed with brain cancer.A month to do the two operations,Take ten more than ten thousand yuan.Because LiuBo knocked out,He the purse a few pieces of bank card can't use."May see his chances of rehabilitation,His wife put a chain of gold/The house keys away fly back to America."Mr.liu said.According to miss liu friend Mr. Chen said,Actually miss liu has call ask father is.But because just immigration,Miss liu recently cannot return,Mrs Liu also asked the hospital phone.

  广东国政律师事务所的卢卫国律师表示,从事件上看,符合遗弃罪的表述。但由于刘伯的直系亲属(妻子、女儿)是外籍人士,无法以遗弃罪提起公诉,只能从道德上进行谴责。根据《民法通则》与《婚姻法》,刘伯的哥哥姐姐依然可以提起诉讼,依法以刘伯配偶在国内的名下财产支付因住院、治疗、照顾产生的费用。方晴 汤南 庄小龙

Guangdong national politics LuWeiGuo law firm lawyers said,Look from the event,Conform to the crime of abandonment statement.But because LiuBo's immediate family(His wife/daughter)Are foreign nationals,Unable to abandon sin to Sue,Only from the moral condemnation.According to the[The general principles of the civil law]and[Marriage law],LiuBo brother sister still may bring the suit,In accordance with the LiuBo spouses in the name of domestic property to pay for hospital/treatment/Take care of any charges.Sh Chou ShangNa ZhuangXiaoLong
