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10岁女孩发烧输液后死亡 家属讨说法--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


yesterday,Tang teacher family sat in the front of the hospital in yunnan province AnKangLu cadres sadly cry:On February 1,,Tang teacher ten year old daughter small clever(alias)Cough fever,To save the old dry hospital,But needle water didn't play small clever began to uncomfortable,The doctor stopped needle water,Let her go home and rest,Thought back home after the small clever breath away,After the children's hospital of kunming to rescue invalid death.


 事件 events

  输液后呼吸困难抢救无效 Infusion difficulty breathing after the rescue invalid


"We don't money,But the hospital give me a statement,Can't let children so cause death."Tang teacher said sadly.He told reporters,The family is chongqing people,To work the 22 years,Small clever daughter this year in grade four,On January 31, in the evening,Daughter launched to burn,And constantly cough.Early in the morning on February 1,,Tang teacher with my daughter to save the old dry hospital,The doctor gave small clever do blood tests,Open the liquid medicine injections.


"Just started to no discomfort reaction,But in the end a bottle of liquid medicine played some,Xiaoying said uncomfortable,Breath away.I'll call the doctor,The doctor put the needle water stopped,Let me take small clever go home and rest."Tang teacher said,home,His daughter's blue,Breathing more difficult,Began to mouth panting.He a look wrong,Immediately call to ask just went to a doctor,The doctor asked him to send small clever children's hospital of kunming.


Small clever mother put women remember,In the small clever second electrocardio into,She said to her daughter:"To be strong/brave,To cooperate with the doctor,To cure disease."Small clever at this time and consciousness,With my mother nodded lightly,But had not thought this is small clever with my family last side.Cheng lady cried:"I'm forty years old gave birth to a daughter,She is very good,Never let a person worry about,She is only 10 years old this year,So not,We really think impassability."


家属 family

  医生没有尽到相应职责 The doctor did not fulfill the corresponding duties


Tang teacher think province old dry hospital doctor didn't do the corresponding duties,That small clever when the injection,Appear not,Neither let small clever to leave courtyard observation,Don't let relatives rushed go to large hospital inspection.On February 2,He came to save the old dry hospital for reason,The head of the hospital for an autopsy was first,Go the judicial process to reply.


"We are all working,No time and money to play the long case.We went to the police station report,The hospital will also related drug storage,Not allowed to check."Tang teacher said,On February 5,The hospital admit disposal inappropriate behaviour,In the afternoon two o 'clock and agreed to sign the corresponding compensation agreement,Wait until the afternoon when they got to the hospital,The hospital has began to constantly push to take off,Does not recognize their responsibility,Only agreed to pay 30000 yuan,And explained that it was out of humanitarian.


 医院 hospital

  医学鉴定才能明确责任 Medical appraisal to clear responsibility


This situation,Province old dry hospital ZhangYuanChang is introduced,Small clever February 1 day hospital,The main symptoms are fever,The hospital doctor first visit,Diagnosis of fever in dispute and suspected bronchitis,Then the doctor to small clever drawn on ammonia QuNa three potions.Small clever from 9 a.m. infusion,Infusion process is relatively slow,In the infusion to forty ml around,The symptoms of chest began to appear.


"Doctor was that small clever chest distress and immediately stop the infusion,And further observe her condition.Then the little clever of chest tightness to ease,He and his family leave the hospital."ZhangYuanChang said,At 1 o 'clock,Small clever parents called,Small clever after coming home,There was the symptoms of chest.Then the little clever doctor advice immediately small clever sent to the children's hospital for treatment,Day 6 PM rescue invalid death.


ZhangYuanChang said,The hospital is on February 2 know xiaoying's death,And then it actively and small clever family contact and consultation,Hope family members to the relevant professional organizations for small clever for autopsy and medical evaluation,In order to make clear the cause of death and responsibility.At the same time in understanding to small clever family difficulties,Province old dry hospital want to small YingXian disbursements autopsy cost.Family members can be refused to the requirements of the hospital.then,The hospital medical dispute mediation committee put forward please carry out mediation,But once again refused to family members."We also very sad.Is our responsibility must pass a medical identification just know.If it is our fault,We will never evade,Will assume corresponding responsibility."


 卫生局 health

  处理和赔偿需双方达成协议 Treatment and compensation to the two sides reach a deal


For the matter what should I do,Reporter consulting the mountain west conference health bureau fan section chief,He introduced,In the not clear of liability,Patients and hospital available for consultation.Without consultation,The hospital and patient can put forward to kunming medical association medical identification,The experts identified the patient specific responsibility,Finally in already clear responsibility under the condition of the mediation committee mediation.If the mediation is invalid,Only with to the local court prosecution.

  就此次医患纠纷,范科长表示,只有经过医学鉴定,才能明确责任,这样才有助于后续赔偿以及双方的协商。“省老干医院属于非营利性医院,对医疗事故的处理和赔偿需医学鉴定或双方达成协议。”(周平洋 实习生 朱若茜 朱琦 丁文惠)

The medical disputes,Fan section chief said,Only through medical identification,Can clear responsibility,That is the only way conducive to subsequent compensation and mutual negotiation."Province old dry hospital belongs to the non-profit hospitals,For medical accident treatment and compensation should be medical identification or the two sides reach a deal."(ZhouPingYang interns ZhuReQian zhu q DingWenHui)
