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人类未来吃什么 “人工食物”或成真--亲稳网络舆情监测室
With the rapid growth of population,Rely on traditional food production mode,Humans will not be able to support himself.Scientists are working hard to develop new varieties of new method,In order to meet the needs of the future survival.Such as,Tube Hamburg,Who want to have a taste?
“概念”成真不遥远 "concept"Come true not far away
荷兰艾恩德霍芬理工大学近日推出一桌“未来大餐”:一块试管牛排上,用牛肉纤维“编织”出英文单词“meat”(肉);餐前点心用“水果肉”制作而成;红绿条纹的寿司来自转基因“蔬菜鱼”;通过微波脉冲可随意调制葡萄美酒,一杯意大利蒙特诺干红,或一杯西班牙西拉佳酿;还有专供小孩子的甜炸蟋蟀、编程可乐和 “神奇肉丸”———原料是干细胞生成的人造肉,富含维生素,嚼起来脆脆的。
The Dutch YiEnDe since university of science and technology recently launched a table"A future":A test tube steak,With beef fiber"woven"The English word"meat"(meat);Before eat snacks with"Fruit meat"Produced by;Red green stripe sushi from genetically modified (gm)"Vegetables fish";Through the microwave pulse can be random modulation grape wine,A cup of Italian monte's red,Or a cup of Spanish Silas vintage wine;And for children's sweet Fried cricket/Programming cola and "Magic meatballs"- raw material is stem cells generated artificial meat,Are rich in vitamin,Taste crisp crisp.
but,The food can't entry,They are YiEnDe since launch of the university of science and technology"Concept of food".the,"Magic meatballs"Using plasticine knead and become,Beef with pink wool knitting and.But these"concept"Is not absurd.This university assistant professor Kerr's van door, walter said,they"Almost close to the reality".
Van door, walter is web site"The future of natural"behind,The web site by"Technology fury"Heat holding,Collected a batch of industrial design graduates/Biological technology engineer/Marketing experts and philosopher,People tried to present the future of food samples.Technically,This dream only one step away from reality.
Such as,Artificial steak technology remains to be continue to study,But pizza on the stuffing distance realization"All artificial"Has not.Test tube beef in the research field of the famous scholar mark post, says Dr,The world's first artificial hamburger will come out soon,It consists of 10 billion laboratory developed cell synthesis.
模拟“天然”非标准 simulation"natural"non-standard
Post doctor had made a heart valve,the,He and the Netherlands other scientists are trying to solve a problem:How to let"meat"From colloidal pulverized into people to accept the form,That is the traditional muscle form.They consider using DianJiFa.
Development is the key to the future food???????The scientists' practice seems to want to prove:The key is not the scientists can make what kind of food,But that we can accept what kind of food.Some scientists think that more,Trying to"copy"Humans are familiar with meat is a kind of mediocrity and a behavior,To prove the human food ignorance.
"think‘Natural is a good’,The idea is too simple,It stay on the people of the past),Stay in food is still‘real’times."The United Nations consultant/I was responsible for the international food innovation research project Dutch scholar Louise Frey Scott said.
Van door, walter also think,Copy the known food is a kind of"delay"behavior.He said:"This is not innovation.‘natural’Is the biggest marketing tricks,Is by far the most successful cheat."
公众抗拒是阻碍 The public to resist
High and new technology the biggest obstacle of food research and development,Perhaps does not lie in technology,But consumers"Refused to"psychological.Due to the consumer to"Artificial food"alert,Food producers to genetically modified food is very careful study,Even in,Also try to keep a low profile,And the enterprise's capital investment is the key to promote related research.
Compared with the United States,European countries to the development of genetically modified food are more cautious.The Dutch than other European countries more love to eat pork,But their food companies and no public funding YiEnDe since university of science and technology project,Or any other relevant artificial meat research projects.Van door, walter"The future food"plan,Funds from the government.
For the food industry"nervous",Van door, walter rather disdain.He said,The industry saw similar"Agent sushi"word,Quickly statement:"Don't put our name and the word together."once,In a food and nano science and technology conference,Europe's biggest food company executives will van door, walter,Must not to the outside world announced that he attended the meeting.
The public fear psychology of genetically modified food,Originated in the U.S. biotech giant biotechnology failure experience.Scott said Fred,Genetically modified organisms research begins with pesticides,This is a"Historic error":Because of biotechnology in the United States and India gm carelessly pesticides,Lead the public to genetically modified products it is the colour change,Then on biological technology loss of trust,Not only to the rich man can't enjoy the food varieties,Also affects the poor problem of food and clothing.Such as,Hundreds of millions of africans to cassava as staple food,But because the transgenic technology research's brakes,Cassava easy recruit worm disease problem difficult to solve.Be like again,Genetically modified rice can make the production increased by 40%.
Frey Scott admits,Transgenic technology really do exist risk,But compared to the former,Scientists have been able to control them better.
The Dutch scientists are still trying to avoid to use"transgenic"This word,But Europe many scientists think,Genetically modified organisms technology development is an unstoppable trend,Europe must keep up with the pace,Otherwise will lag behind in the world.
别无选择? Have no choice but?
No matter what kind of psychology to the public from now"Artificial food"At a respectful distance,But scientists are warning,Various factors will lead to traditional food supply way to die,Adhere to the"All-natural food"Very likely to suffer from hunger.
Tile HeNingEn humanistic philosophy professor cole van del Weller believe,Moral factors will eventually make the public accept the new technology of food,At least can accept artificial meat.
Use Weller words:"People will see‘Artificial cultivation of meat’Moral advantage.From a pig body stem cell,Not in the slaughterhouse killed tens of thousands of pigs,This concept has been more and more accepted by the consumers."
"Environmental protection"Is another push factor.Weller said,In the desert areas,People use solar energy"Biological reactor"Generation meat,Can greatly reduce the energy consumption."It required land and water consumption is the traditional breeding method of 1% and 2%,Greenhouse gas release quantity can also reduce 90%."
Climate change/Population growth and rely on fossil fuels transportation and the end of chemical fertilizer,In the coming 25 years to promote food supply upheaval.
The world's most important three major grain crops (rice/Wheat and corn,Most of the growth in the most likely to increase the temperature of the country,The future is worrying.The crisis will start from corn,The temperature more than 30 degrees Celsius,It will not grow.
Experts say,Food prices will never like 2000 so cheap,Only a population growth,The future is enough to pull up the price of food.Harvard University professor David bloom of the latest research shows,By 2050,The global population will increase to 9 billion.The United Nations food and agriculture organization is expected,Then we must production 40% food can not go hungry,While the traditional food production mode fundamental inability to resolve this problem.
London metropolitan university food policy professor Tim lang reminded the British government,Rely on oil of traditional food culture has ended,For biological diversity of food policy is imperative.
The future,When some unheard of"unnatural"When food was set before,Maybe we already have no choice.(TangYun)
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