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假牙套卡住八旬老人喉咙 两家医院当肺炎治一年--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  假牙套卡住八旬老人喉咙 两家医院当肺炎治了一年 False teeth set of locks years old man throat two hospitals when pneumonia for a year


A year ago,Xianning ChiBiShi years old man LuoXiaoQiu because of high fever/cough/Words can't wait for a symptom has come to ChiBiShi people's hospital and hubei provincial people's hospital,Were diagnosed with pneumonia.


Treatment after more than a year,Care XuChangCheng surprised to find,The old man in the pipes have card with a set of false teeth.Hubei province people's hospital ent doctors give the old man made foreign matter from surgery,The old man has now speak basic recovery and feeding function.The old man's family question:"Hospital more than a year,Why two hospitals didn't find out the truth?"

  牙套遗失 竟然在喉咙里卡了一年多 Braces was lost in the throat card more than a year


This year 80 - year - old LuoXiaoQiu chibi is,Before retirement was a local leading cadres.Although age large,But at ordinary times the body do not have what big trouble,Lung never appear abnormal.


In December 2011 and day,In the home of the ROM old sudden onset of high fever,Cough more than,Speaking difficult.Outer scare up business LuoFeng son in worried,Hurried to home,Pick up the old man's daily supplies to the hospital,Found that have been put in the father in the jaw teeth set of lost,Because my father was an emergency,He had to hurry to father sent to ChiBiShi people's hospital,The doctor diagnosed with lung infection.


Injection days after anti-inflammatory drugs,ROM. Dad did not get better,More and more mouth saliva.New Year's day in 2012,LuoFeng father's hospital to hubei provincial people's hospital,Still diagnosed"Lung infection",In more than two weeks after treatment of diminish inflammation,The old man was slightly better,Back to the hospital ChiBiShi people's hospital treatment.


For more than a year,ChiBiShi within the people's hospital of the second family doctor still to lot dad to diminish inflammation and improve the immunity of the comprehensive treatment,Almost every day, such as injection cephalosporin antibiotic drugs.Although the illness not further deterioration,But it is still not see fundamental turn for the better,Still can't talk and eat properly,Had to depend on transport liquid barely survive.


Until this year on January 4, in the afternoon,Care for the old man XuChangCheng finish keel over and whole body massage,Surprised to find,The old man lost more than a year of braces was stuck in the throat.


ChiBiShi people's hospital try many times,Failed to remove braces.Four days later,Family overnight ROM. Dad sent to the province people's hospital treatment.

  治疗一年 老人饱受折磨骨瘦如柴 Treatment of a year old man tortured as thin as a lath


On January 8,,Provincial people's hospital otolaryngology doctor DengRen YueWei the old man made"Foreign matter from"surgery,Less than half an hour,Take out the card in the throat in a more false tooth set.


21,Reporters drove to ChiBiShi LuoXiaoQiu old man home,Met out of the false teeth set.False teeth set with arc,About 5 cm long,With a total of nine artificial teeth,Braces have a root to fixed denture of fine wire.


Although dentures set out,But families are not happy.LuoFeng said,This for more than a year,He saw his father by indisposition suffers every day,joey.


LuoFeng said,This for more than a year,My father can't speak,Can't eat,Every day can only injection milk/Egg liquid such as.Because of his mouth too much,Care every time give father feeding spends more than one hour.


yesterday,Reporter in the province people's hospital ward to see,ROM. Old skin and bones,From head to foot be full of pinhole,Arm are large silt block.


LuoFeng introduced,My father was in hospital a year ago at a weight of 120 pounds over,Now only about sixty jin.

  家属质疑 为何两家医院都误诊 Family questioned why the two hospitals are misdiagnosed


surgery,ROM. Old's progress,Last week,Doctors have discontinued anti-inflammatory drugs,And will soon be discharged.Reporters yesterday in ward to see,He has been able to normal speech and eating.


"The collection in the throat teeth more than a year,You didn't know?"In the face of the reporter's questions,The old man said,He always know in the throat card foreign body,But that is a doctor for treatment of a small instrument.


"The collection in the throat teeth a year did not check out,Let a person can't understand."LuoFeng said,This for more than a year,For the treatment of two out of the hospital diagnosis"Lung infection",Home has spent more than 30 medical ten thousand yuan,Who knows the real reason was stuck in the throat of the braces,Feel very cause.


LuoFeng emphasized to the reporter,In the two hospital treatment,He asked the hospital revealed the fact that the lost father braces,Hope to be able to pay attention,But are the neglect,Never take throat shooting and inspection measures,He also had to passive accept the inspection result.


Reporter in the province people's hospital in January 2012 and of the issue of the day"Discharge records"See on,in"Admission conditions"A bar,In addition to the patient symptoms and past history of the description,Which is clear"Patients with family members lost lawsuit dentures,Haven't found it yet"a.

  院方回应 承认此事确实不可思议 The response to admit that it is incredible


21,Reporter to ChiBiShi people's hospital.In the hospital two department accepts the doctor XiongZhiSong is introduced,The patient LuoXiaoQiu admission,Shortness of breath,Pneumonia symptoms,A lot of oral secretions,And the tongue appear fester,Cannot speak.According to these characteristics,The diagnosis of lung infection,And decision can't talk is caused by stroke sequela.


Why not find out the mouth is foreign body?In the hospital the second section head WeiYuanYing said,The admission,She and tube bed doctors found ward,The patient is seriously ill,He and the hospital department of stomatology/Ent of consultation,But still did not find out the mouth is foreign body,Due to illness increase day by day,To suggest a hospital.As for whether there is a hospital in the treatment of negligence,WeiYuanYing said,Authorities need further evaluation.


Yesterday morning,The reporter interviewed the people's hospital of hubei province,The hospital medical department officials said,The collection in the throat teeth a year to be found,Really incredible.It's a variety of reasons,As for the hospital have obvious fault,Will further investigation,Family members as soon as possible to give a satisfactory answer,If the hospital has the responsibility,Will bear corresponding responsibility.

  以上两家医院均表示,不管医院是否有过错,这个病例给患者及家属,还有医院医生都敲响了警钟,只有将工作做得更细致,才会避免隐患。(楚天都市报 记者向清顺 实习生赵世锦)

The above two hospitals are said,No matter whether the hospital have fault,This case to patients and their families,Hospital doctors have taken a toll,Only do a more detailed,Will avoid hidden trouble.(Chutian metropolis daily reporter to clear the ZhaoShiJin interns)
