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每天面临传染风险 女护士独守“最危险岗位”12年--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
ZhangYan for patients do bronchoscope examination.
"Every face the risk of infection,And the position she was the only person,Known as the most dangerous positions of the nurse."This paragraph of words is nanjing thoracic tuberculosis hospital department bronchoscope room only nurse ZhangYan.Has a ZhangYan work online on the micro bo,That few people know the 12 years hold in thorax hospital"The strongest highest risk area"Nurses promote the public view.Even in busy time,Because the patient's condition"Don't leave",ZhangYan recently busy still.On the morning of February 5,Yangzi evening news reporters came to nanjing thoracic hospital,Put on 3 storey height isolation masks/Armed to the teeth,Witness the ZhangYan in the most dangerous post work.
微博摘录 Micro bo extract
章雁:结核科气管镜室唯一护士 ZhangYan:N/med tuberculosis family bronchoscope room only nurse
@玉香园护士网: 章雁是南京市胸科医院结核科气管镜室的专职护士,这个岗位只有她一个人。
YuXiang @ the nurse net: Nanjing is ZhangYan thoracic tuberculosis hospital department bronchoscope room professional nurse,The position only she a person.
...In the chapter nurse post intensive contact various tuberculosis person,And because the trachea examination room and take some intervention operation,Bronchofiberscope into the trachea in a patient vomiting response,Thick phlegm/Necrotic material splash her body/Even bare skin,As often the case...
记者探访 Reporter visits
进入工作室,她让记者戴上3层口罩 Into the studio,She let reporters wear three layer mask
On the morning of February 5,Nanjing thoracic hospital,Reporters wear a layer mask to the ZhangYan bronchoscope room -- she had a isolation clothing,Working for a tuberculosis person do puncture anesthesia.
Studio be separated into two pieces,Outside is work station,The inside is clean room.After ZhangYan busy see the reporter,The journalist immediately to the side of the clean room,"You can't,To wear two layer,",ZhangYan took to two another mask,Say the mask hole more close,To better isolation tuberculosis.Then she returned with one-time bacterial protective isolation clothing/Isolation cap,Let the reporter put on.
"The first time you come here,This place than n/med tuberculosis bacterium hospital somewhere else much higher,We may all have antibody,Isolation clothing weekly and disinfection twice."ZhangYan said.
主动让病人吐出,来不及洗只能擦擦 Active let patients vomit,Too late to wash can wipe
Operation table lay a tracheal tuberculosis person,ZhangYan first from the patient's throat with syringe injection,She explain this is ring a membrane puncture,The purpose is to anesthesia throat part,For the rest of the bronchoscope inspection or treatment.The patient kept cough spit,ZhangYan hurriedly use a tissue to wipe,And help the patient to relax,"Spit it out,It's okay,A short while like ah".
ZhangYan explained,These patients of airway lumen is often a lot of necrotic material and sputum jam,inspection,Bronchofiberscope to tracheal mucosa stimulates the production of,Cause cough aggravate,Commonly known as"Tong hornet's nest",Gushing sputum contains pus/blood/Necrotic material,Contains large amounts of is contagious mycobacterium tuberculosis.ZhangYan through bronchoscope remove washing lotion,The next step for the patient to use test.
Reporter in charge of more than one hour,Witnessed four the patient's inspection,To keep ZhangYan for they wipe sputum,But she said the day is also good.Sometimes the patient cough up badly,Cough spit things will spray out,"Can feel to spray around eyes,But don't have time to clean up,Can only use alcohol sponge to wipe,Wash a face to work".
忙完病人忙器械清洗,从没按时下班 Busy busy cleaning equipment patients,Never work on time
ZhangYan in hospital were colleagues called bronchoscope room"housekeeping",N/med tuberculosis family bronchoscope room fixed staff only her a man,Cleaning maintenance work have to her busy.In the morning,In the patient check clearance,She gave the bronchoscope clean.
Her daily work routine work and before:To understand whether the patient have diabetes/- whether/If bacteria Yin differential diagnosis/If special treatment, etc,Then according to the patient,Arrange the inspection with order,To choose the appropriate type of bronchofiberscope for inspection.
Every day when the lunch break,The morning ZhangYan with instrument cleaning and disinfection of all good backup,Can not influence the work this afternoon;In the afternoon she also can't work on time,For the second day's work to prepare."Teacher zhang stood all the varicose veins.Every day from eight to 12 point even 1 point,To 6 PM,It is not the average person can do it",The tube bed doctor hu said the doctor.
同事眼中的她 In the eyes of her colleagues
她一人坚守“危险中心” She stuck to her"Dangerous center"
Yangzi evening news reporter in the operating room to see a total of three medical personnel,The patient's tube bed doctor/ZhangYan satate of nurses and nurse.
In 2001,,According to the requirements of the country,To tuberculosis person established separately examination room,Nanjing thoracic hospital established the tuberculosis family bronchoscope room.ZhangYan is the first name is the only a professional nurse.A few began to patients,Bronchoscope room every time check only the patient's attending doctor and nurse chapter,Build chamber of five years,Significant increase in patients,So they added a nurse to assist).The reporters,A total of 19 cases of inspection,According to chapter introduced the nurse,Most of the day she did more than twenty cases.
Due to the partial ChuanRanKe patient to her check here,And tuberculosis person only the examination room,Tracheal tuberculosis/Tuberculosis, etc to the surgery,On the one hand ZhangYan increased workload,At the same time also increases the charge to high risk of infection - bronchoscope room became an accepted danger center,And she always here to hold.
她总有法让患者不害怕 She always had let patients do not be afraid
The nurse has chapter in bronchoscope room work for 12 years,for"dangerous",She has her own opinion."Has been used,Well protection work is done."In fact,Original family is against,But ZhangYan persuaded them.And in the work,The and old nurse elder sister also persuade those who fear bronchoscope inspection of the patients.
同事讲了这样一件事,大约在4年前,有位年轻的女患者需要做纤支镜介入治疗,但每次来都是哭哭啼啼,不肯上检查床,管床医生和家属怎么劝说讲道理都没用,章雁知道后就来安慰她,让她平静一下,等等再做。在给另一名比较配合的年轻患者做检查时,章雁特意让她先观摩一下。看着他人很淡定地做完气管镜,这位患者也乖乖地接受检查治疗。因为年轻,她的治疗效果也非常好。前段时间那位女青年结婚了,特地给章雁送来喜糖,科室其他医护人员也沾光,一并被感谢了一番。(记者 陈婧 文/摄)
Colleagues about such a thing,At about 4 years ago,A young female patients need do bronchofiberscope interventional therapy,But each time to is crying,The bed will not check,Tube bed doctors and family members how to persuade reason is useless,After ZhangYan know to comfort her,Let her calm down,Etc to do.In comparison with the other a young patients do inspection,ZhangYan have let her first viewing it.Look at others very weak marked finish bronchoscope,The patient also quietly accept inspection treatment.Because young,Her treatment effect is very good.Some time ago to the young woman get married,Specially to ZhangYan send wedding candies,Department other medical staff also darshan,One and is a thank you.(Reporter ChenJing text/taken)
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