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医院“天书”病历电子化 患者知情权仍无法满足--亲稳舆论引导监测室
Promote the purpose of medical information for doctors and patients go to a doctor to provide convenient.recently,Reporter visited the hospital found that part,When go to a doctor of patients"A sealed book"Medical records has gradually be electronic"No book"replace,But the problem is the patient's prescription and medical records and no terminal can inquire,Doctor still"confused".Opaque medical information is convenient for a doctor"DaChuFang"?Patient's right to know how to guarantee?Journalists to investigate.
“现在连看病历的机会都没了” "Now even look at medical history chance is gone"
In order to let patients go to a doctor more smoothly,In recent years,Ningxia start with the electronic information instead of handwritten diagnosis and treatment process,Standard doctors behavior,Hope to achieve diagnosis information symmetry.however,Recently, reporters found that part of the hospital visit,After the implementation of the medical information,Patients to use/Information such as the cost of the right to know and no significant improvement.
“不太清楚医生开的什么药,也不知道多少钱 , 应该有… …说不全。”在银川市中医院就诊的患者马宁拿着一张没有药名、价格的票据在等待缴费。对此,银川市中医院内科主任医师冯彩琴告诉记者,医院是两年前配置的信息化系统,患者想要在划价前了解用药和费用,只能询问医生。
"Don't know what the doctor prescribed medicine,Also don't know how many money , Should have... ...Said not all."Yinchuan in hospital of traditional Chinese medicine clinic patients marin with a piece of no medicines/The price of bill waiting for pay cost.this,Yinchuan hospital of traditional Chinese medicine medical chief physician FengCaiQin told reporters,The hospital was two years ago the configuration of the information system,Patients want to be in before to calculate understand medical and cost,Can only ask the doctor.
but,Patients were carelessly"prescription"The situation still exist.Not long ago to yinchuan a hospital patients with those named li account told reporters,Because cut hand/Bleeding to surgical hemostasis,Thought ailment won't take much money,The doctor saw through the computer after open the prescription,Let's go to pay cost line,Payment shall carefully ask found,A kind of can't remember the name of the anti-inflammatory drugs is treated now with intravenous fluids to 300 yuan.Then think it's too expensive,Asked the doctor to prescribe,Remove the anti-inflammatory drugs,Only take dozens of dollars general medicine,Just after a few days hand injury is good.
In addition,Part of the hospital after informatization there are clinic electronic medical records input and access barriers.Ningxia institute of traditional Chinese medicine of doctor of vice director of pediatric ZhaoYing said,Many patients,The doctor does not timely input everyone's electronic medical records,Computer basically having only prescription,condition/History records are less likely.
Reporters on the ground floor of the hall to see a lot of hospitals,No Settings terminal patients with convenient access to electronic medical records.Is close to"No book"The doctor has allowed patients is very helpless.Patients in the river tidal said:"I have no before obtaining the medical record,To a different hospital,Doctors sometimes repeated the same diagnosis and treatment;In the same hospital be apart soon see the same disease,Before the open medicine did not finish,Pay cost to know the doctor and open the same drug."
Some people ridicule way,"Before there is a look not too much scribbled paper medical records,Now even look at medical history chance is gone".
“半信息化”难满足患者知情权 "Half the information"Difficult to meet the patients right to know
"The reason appear afore-mentioned problems,The reason is still in the diagnosis and treatment‘Half the information’state."Autonomous region of health reform, do WangWeiCheng said,Medical information the purpose is to make medical behavior more standard/transparent,But there is still under construction.
据了解,宁夏从2008年开始使用 医疗信息化系统 ,大部分医院2010年开始统一配置设备。目前,医院诊疗只是建立在以电子病历为基础的信息化系统上,不是包括医学检验、影像信息和医院管理信息在内的现代化医院管理系统。
It is understood,Ningxia from 2008 began to use medical information system ,Most of the hospital in 2010 began to unified configuration equipment.At present,Hospital diagnosis is established on the basis of electronic medical records information system,Not include medical inspection/Image information and hospital management information, the modern hospital management system.
medical"Half the information"Appears unavoidably some drawbacks.Wang Lin,Such as,The hospital even set terminal system also does not have the network support for patients with query.The health department asked the doctor must input electronic medical records,Due to the entry standard electronic medical records and did not reduce the workload of doctors,And for some old for experts,Input electronic medical records have difficulty,Result in patient's electronic medical records often blank or very simple.
记者采访发现,为了保证患者明白就医,很多医院保留了填写纸质病历等辅助手段。宁夏医科大学附属医院消化科医生王晶晶 说,目前医生在操作电脑的同时,会详细记录病情、病史和处方,给病人提供就医依据。
Reporters found that,In order to ensure that patients go to a doctor,Many hospitals retained the fill in paper records, such as supplementary means.Ningxia medical university affiliated hospital gastroenterology dept. The doctor WangJingJing said,At present the doctor in the operation of the computer at the same time,The illness will detailed records/History and prescription,Give patients a doctor basis.
But as a result of auxiliary measures basic must depend on the doctor's personal initiative,Ensure that patients right to know the effect is not ideal.Reporter discovery,Due to the use of the computer can be smoothly issue prescription,Some doctors avoid and don't write medical records or still write"A sealed book"Medical records,Most patients are afraid to ask.
信息不对称是医患纠纷重要原因 Information asymmetry is an important reason for medical disputes
Between the medical information asymmetry is the important reason for the medical disputes caused by.Experts say,Perfect medical information can satisfy the patient's right to know,Reduce medical disputes,The patient to promote between the symmetry of information.
According to patients reflects"DaChuFang"phenomenon,WangJingJing waiting for the doctor to think,Still need to regulators/Hospital doctors to promote rational drug use/By reasonable,Should as far as possible choose low levels of antibiotics,Reduce unnecessary inspection.
And in the technical level,WangWeiCheng etc people think,Ningxia is currently actively develop medical price supervision information system,Will drug/Check the price after entry,The doctor according to patients with past history first recognition in the patient's condition,If there"DaChuFang"Diagnosis and treatment and other bad situation,Health supervision department will comment on or questioning the doctor,In severe cases will be public/warning.
In addition,Is expected by the end of 2013,Ningxia will be at or above the county level hospital in the establishment of a complete information system."The ministry of health and the goalkeeper through social departments establish‘Private network’,The medical information access‘AD card’Social security card,People use a card can in the portal website of my health information and lifelong medical record."
In the information system construction of change at the same time,FengCaiYing until the doctor also suggested,In order to calculate in patients with known before the open drugs and price,The best equipped with small printer,The doctors at the same time printing paper prescriptions,Respect patients' right to know and option.
Improved medical soft environment is also very important.Some experts say,On the one hand,The doctor patients must be informed about electronic medical records and prescription content,Avoid unnecessary waste of drugs.On the other hand,Patients should be offered to familiar with the requirements,And the doctor decided jointly related diagnosis and treatment plan,Doctors have found violations complaints should be timely.
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