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临床护士短缺致黑护工泛滥 找优质护工全凭运气--亲稳网络舆情监测室


96333 caller id:I recently irritated,Just over the New Year's day,Please take care of her in the hospital care will cry for a raise in salary,Every 100 yuan by up to 120 yuan.They say prices will rise in price,No negotiable,Want to quit her alone,And rare please go to the right,I was a bit method also have no.

  市民 谭先生

Citizens Mr Tan


Journalists to investigate:Mr. Tan received to our hotline 96333 after complaining,Reporter for interview to understand,Mr. Tan reflects some of the more common in hospital.A lot of the hospital at present basic default is,In addition to the special care hospital,And by the family members, please"Black care","common"To solve the current hospital nurse shorthanded gap.But because part of the hospital care management and no perfect standard system,Together with care in random/Factors such as nursing does not reach the designated position,Still bring a lot of patients for families.


案例 case

  “黑护工”过完元旦集体涨价 "Black care"After the New Year's day in the collective


DongTang in hunan university of Chinese medicine the first affiliated hospital,Reporters saw the full of grievances of Mr Tan.He told reporters,His wife this year 74 years old,Because cerebral thrombosis cause paralysis,Now the life cannot provide for oneself.Because a few children are busy working,He can only pay a care,The care we yiyang is people,What work license/Health certificate are not,Because his wife need people to take care of,He also didn't consider so much."I have been is 100 yuan a day,After the New Year's day she suddenly say will increase to 120 yuan,No room for price.I ask a,The whole hospital care are the price,Heard that ten floor have a care,A person to take care of the same room three patients,Wages have 400 yuan every day,Calculate so down,A month can earn 12000 yuan!"Tan said.


现状 status

  部分护工已成“家族产业” Care has become a part of"Family industry"


Because the job is busy or not around family and other reasons,Care has become a lot of changsha people indispensable"Family members",And this one needs and gave birth to care especially"Black care"People grow further,Especially the acquaintance of the mouth"Care guerrillas"Is it care network extends to each hospital.Reporters visited several hospital found that star,Part of the large hospital some long-term"CunDian"In the ward of care"Black care"Even the work development become"Family industry"."And I together do care of a person,Her sister/sibling/My aunt is when the worker.Usually is the first do a good job,The next time the patient's family also find she is introduced."A worker is engaged in the industry ZhangDaJie revealed.


"Many patients from please worker is generally not after what training,Please care well all by luck."The city a big hospital nurse said those named li account,In the hospital,There was some care took the money did not work,Sometimes even look for a person to find situation.Also happened care and patient quarrel,Even curse patients die early bad events.But because they care most is his patients families of, please,Have no formal labor contract,Salary is the verbal agreement,As for the division of responsibility and no more stipulated in writing,To the last tend to disappear.


原因 reason

  无人管理,人员素质参差不齐 Unmanned management,Personnel quality is uneven


From the department of health statistics show,At present,Clinical nurse shortage is the main reason for the care to appear.In the capital of 3 armour hospital as an example,Although the hospital basic to the provisions of the ministry of health protection general ward bed than not less than 0.4:1 requirements,But in fact,The hospital beds are in overload condition,Most 3 armour hospital extra bed rate more than 20%,so,The common ward bed than actual protection can not reach the requirement of ministry of health.In July last year,The ministry of health requirements again,Each nurse responsible for no more than eight patients,But in some hospitals,Each nurse is responsible for the number of patients with far more than the quantity.


In order to standardize the care the industry,The ministry of health care especially put forward the principle of employment,The mention"Care does not belong to the nurse preparation"/"Care belongs to temporary workers,The hospital unified hiring"etc.however,Reporters from the hospital is to understand,The current care management is still present diversified development:Have a plenty of hospital from employment,Have a plenty of property management company contract,Have a plenty of families from employment.the,Since the family hired a lot of home economics is the company's part time employees or their hometown acquaintance introduced friends or distant relatives,and"Recruitment and don't have any technical requirements"And almost become at present a lot of hospital property for the present situation of the worker.


呼吁 Calls for

  建立护工档案库规范护工行为 Establish a care archival standard care behavior


"The care we don't tube,Also don't want to tube."Hunan university of Chinese medicine the first affiliated hospital patient reception room that staff,Because if all return to the hospital tube words,If the patient care and dispute led to the patient what was the accident,Must want to find the hospital be out of pocket.And the hospital said,Some to work itself carrying infectious germs,To hospital patients constitute cross infection threat.and,A room a few patients followed a similar number above to personnel,In the narrow ward,So noisy environment will influence the patient's rest,Also not easy to hospital management.


Hunan province to care a person in charge said,At present the industry there are three aspects of the safety hidden trouble,The first,Most of the care of the patient's specific condition and don't know enough about the background,Lack of health/Safety aspects of common sense,In care professional enough;The second,Care identity good and evil people mixed up,Fluidity big,Appear to accident responsibility to investigate;The third,Practitioners' lack of certain disinfection and isolation knowledge,In nursing some infectious diseases patients likely to harm their own health.The person in charge told reporters,Last year,They had and the women's federation the domestic company organization to hospital care training,Not only don't accept training,Also the bag eats encase,But few people are willing to come,The reason is that the class delay their business.


And according to the medical industry to the problems,Changsha civil administration vocational and technical college social work department ShiTieEr think,The emergence of professional medical chaperone,Objectively reflect the hospital"Sterling-something just"Care shortage/Service is not enough/The price is on the high side and the absence of medical service.but,To work can not completely replace the nurse/The nursing care,Should not for patient medical treatment,After the accident happened to or can't tell that responsibility.

  史铁尔建议,医院应该对这些护工进行专业培训,加强对护工的管理。此外,医院可以建立护工档案库,对护工进行评估,当患者家属需要护工时医院可以推荐那些有经验的护工,这样护工与医院也能建立一个长期的合作。(记者  李姝阳  匡春林 实习生 张亚林)

ShiTieEr Suggestions,The hospital should care for the professional training,To strengthen the management of care.In addition,The hospital can build care archival,To evaluate the care,When patients families need care in hospital can recommend those who have the experience of care,Such care and hospital can also set up a long-term cooperation.(reporter  LiShuYang  KuangChunLin ZhangYaLin interns)
