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心脏病家族史、“三高”、中年肥胖男性等高危人群,尤其容易乐极生悲 A family history of heart disease/"Three tenors"/Middle-aged obese men high-risk groups, etc,Especially easy to sorrow


As for the general public,The Spring Festival is the main activity visit close friends/merely,Almost is a joint a house.i symposium.Heart experts special remind,In the short term continuous guzzle gluttony,Easy to cause acute myocardial infarction attack.Too full/Excessive drinking/smoking/Emotional excitement,Family history of heart disease/"Three tenors"/Middle-aged obese men high-risk groups, etc,Especially easy to sorrow.

  连场欢宴 壮男心梗发作险丧命 Connected revelry strong men die of a heart attack risk


Fifty years old this year, Mr. Zhang is guangzhou one enterprise senior management personnel,Years ago in order to thank current business units,He almost every night spent on the wine table.


Last night,He routinely cram pad belly,And then again and again toast to invite wine,To the end, he almost drank 1 catty liquor,SanXi almost personage hand.Returned home,Mrs. Zhang found him look pan blue,Black in the corners of the,On the sofa could not move.The thought of Mr Zhang found a physical stability angina pectoris,Mrs. Zhang panic in god,Hurriedly call 120 emergency phone.The inspection,Confirmed that Mr Zhang's coronary heart disease has induced acute myocardial infarction,The doctor and coronary surgery in general,Just saved Mr. Zhang life.


 三因素易引发急性心梗 Three factors increases the risk of acute myocardial infarction


Guangdong province people's hospital heart TanNing chief physician pointed out,Recent angina pectoris/Myocardial infarction acute onset cases are significantly increased,That's the end of the year more than entertainment/gluttony/Sin stimulate the.


1. A full efforts to reduce.Dinner the,Eat a lot of food to,Especially difficult to digest fatty food,Increased the burden of the stomach,The brain also command will more blood and oxygen supply to the digestive system,Thus lead to heart for HP reduced,So the heart burden.At the same time,Dinner is often eat greasy thick/High fat/High protein food,The food in 1 ~ 2 hours can be absorbed in the bloodstream,Increase blood viscosity,The original coronary heart disease/Angina pectoris and other basic disease condition changes.


2. Drinking increase heart burden.Crazy drinking,Make a lot of alcohol in the human body,Make sympathetic excited,Heart beats faster,Lead to heart burden.More serious is,Excessive drinking can greatly reduce the human body of cardiac function change/Angina pectoris perception degrees.TanNing think,generally,Heart attacks,Patients will feel"shake",But after drinking might feel,Or feeling also is unable to accurately express,So often miss the timing of the early detection.


3. Smoking leads to coronary spasm and even low oxygen acidosis.As the saying goes"Sin not treated",So dinner rise,Often forget oneself smoke wine, together up.In the airtight indoor,People smoking,Cause air pollution,Basic patients prone to low oxygen acidosis,Difficulty breathing/palpitation.


 高危人群:春节饮食悠着点 High-risk groups:The Spring Festival food take it easy


TanNing pointed out that,A family history of heart disease/"Three tenors"/Middle-aged obese men high-risk groups, etc,And in,Easy to cause myocardial infarction,sorrow,So the Spring Festival diet remember take it easy.


Coronary heart disease patients to remember firmly not to smoke/Drinking too much/Square meal and emotional;Blood pressure control bad,The most afraid of is and suddenly attack,Rush on blood flow,Leads to myocardial infarction/Cerebral infarction;Patients with diabetes after eat and drink too much,Blood sugar will rise suddenly,Cause myocardial infarction/Acute acidosis lead to coma.


Need special remind is,The cold has a fever unfavorable also drinking.Because of the flu virus itself can damage the cardiovascular/Respiratory system,Alcohol to join,Will break through the body resistance,The virus are more likely to infringe upon the heart,Caused by viral myocarditis.


 胸闷绞痛超半小时马上就医 Chest distress colic over half an hour to go to a doctor immediately


TanNing introduced,Suddenly appeared palpitation/Bosom frowsty/Have oppressive feeling/Gas tight/Out of breath/The symptom such as giddy,Whether one-time or aggravate gradually,There are may be of coronary heart disease.If the above symptoms for more than half an hour,There is the possibility of myocardial infarction,Very dangerous,"Don't go,Need to go to a doctor immediately".Especially sudden chest distress,Such as stone pressure chest,A few minutes later ease,Never the,Now is probably not completely blocked blood flow,May be washed in the jam.TanNing emphasize,When the angina symptoms appear on and off,Must go to hospital.Carry nitroglycerin,Can alleviate in time save his life.

  “心肌梗死3小时以内就医,采取静脉溶栓或紧急介入手术,能救活50%心肌;若发病超过3小时,成功率下降;若超过6小时,则可能导致90%心肌坏死。”谭宁表示,正因如此,减少发病机会、有发病苗头及时就医,对自救、救人都非常重要。(记者何雪华 通讯员张丹娜、郝黎)

"Myocardial infarction within 3 hours go to a doctor,Take intravenous thrombolysis or emergency surgical intervention,Can save 50% myocardial;If the disease more than 3 hours,Success rate drop;If more than 6 hours,May lead to 90% myocardial necrosis."TanNing said,Because of this,Reduce the chance of/Is the symptom timely seek medical advice,To save/Save are very important.(Reporter HeXueHua correspondent zhang na/HaoLi)
