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春节长假临近尾声 谨防遭遇“假日综合症”--亲稳网络舆情监测室
据中国之声《新闻和报纸摘要》报道,春节长假临近尾声,很多人得了“假日综合症”—— 精神疲惫、肠胃不适。在一些地方特别是农村,赌博陋习不改,排桌前消磨时间,也让个别农民工输掉了血汗钱。
According to the sound of China[The news and newspapers]reports,Near the end of the Spring Festival holiday,Many people have"Holiday syndrome"- mental fatigue/Intestines and stomach discomfort.In some places, especially in rural areas,Gambling abuse do not change,Row to kill time table,Also let individual peasant workers lost the hard-earned money.
Out hard for a year,To return home for the New Year was home return migrant workers and family rare reunion time.And in some places gambling abuse on sediment,Family is a lot of time consumption in the card table.Some people even equate the build of gambling as a sensible wealth bucket rich way,The more the greater the bet play,Finally lost his hard-earned money,Henan the migrant workers return ZhangShaoYu said:"A few years ago all lose a 1200,After now basically/More than one thousand,As the big words,56000 are normal.Also have to play big,A lose are thousands of."
The Spring Festival in the immersed in all day playing CARDS and even gambling is not recommended.And in the city,Some workers after lazy vacation,Suddenly and into the intense work,Time is difficult to adapt to.In a private companies in zhengzhou city of Mr. Sun,At the thought of going to work tomorrow will have a headache:"You like yesterday we go out to play at 4 o 'clock.He didn't want to go to work,Crazy at home a few days accustomed to."
During the Spring Festival,HuChiHaiHe,Stay up entertainment,Busy with,Unavoidable exhaustion of body and mind.Henan psychological counseling teachers YuHua said,flagging/Tired of work and study,Is typical of"Holiday syndrome",At the end of the holiday,Can advance into the regular life.FuYu China:"After the prone to some physiological or psychological discomfort.From pine lazy state suddenly and to restore to the tense/The state of a rhythm,People will fear to work,Even fear interpersonal relationship.In the heart to give yourself to set up must go on/Can only go on faith and target,The finishing up,Brace up to,To start a new life work."(Reporter HuXiaoHui)
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