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中新网2月20日电 据国家发展和改革委员会网站今日消息,国家发展和改革委员会副主任、国务院医改领导小组办公室主任孙志刚强调,回归和维护医疗卫生机构公益性是医改的基本方向,应当讲,基层医疗卫生机构回归公益性与吃“大锅饭”之间没有必然因果关系。
February and, according to the national development and reform commission website news today,The national development and reform commission deputy director/Cure of the state council leading group office director SunZhiGang stressed,Regression and maintenance of medical and health institution reform, public welfare is the basic direction,Shall speak,Basic medical and health institutions and public welfare and return to eat"mess"Don't necessarily causal relationship.
Issued by the general office of the state council before the[About consolidating perfect system for basic drugs and the opinions of the basic operation mechanism].This SunZhiGang reporters pointed out,More than three years at the grass-roots level to the practice of medical proof,As long as the comprehensive reform put in place,Public welfare and enthusiasm/Fairness and efficiency are not in conflict,Can supplement each other.
But SunZhiGang also pointed out,In the old and new mechanism during the transformation,If simply give subsidies,And personnel distribution/Assessment supervision mechanism reform does not reach the designated position,Appear likely mess,Contusion medical staff enthusiasm.
SunZhiGang mentioned,In order to further mobilize grassroots medical and health institutions and medical staff enthusiasm,The focus will be on to take the following measures:
One is to deepen the reform of the compilation and personnel.The core is to do a good job in two aspects of reform,On the one hand to clear basic medical and health institution legal person subject status,The implementation of autonomy.And to the full implementation of the employment system and post management system,The personnel allocation determine posts not permanent staff,Change the fixed for the contract,Variable identity management for post management.Need to be emphasized,In the file is put forward"Personnel allocation determine posts not permanent staff",Encourage all can build on/Can enter to the competitive employment mechanism.
The second is to strengthen the basic medical and health institutions and their evaluation.Innovation appraisal system,In the guarantee basic institutions adhere to the direction of public welfare at the same time,And efficient operation.Relying on the information means,To strengthen the basic mechanism of quantitative evaluation and effect,The assessment results to the public.At the same time,The basic institutions shall take public selection/Preferred employment,The term target responsibility system.The competent department for examination,The assessment results and its income and the appointment and removal of the hook.It is strictly prohibited to will of the person in charge of the income and grassroots agencies economic income hook.
Three is to improve the basic medical and health institutions staff treatment.Put forward the basic mechanism within the approved your balance in accordance with the relevant provisions in the extraction worker welfare funds/Award fund.The various localities should proceed from reality,In the smooth implementation of the performance salary basis,Combined with the medical staff working characteristics,An appropriate increase in JiangLiXing performance wage scale,Reasonable open the income gap,Reflect more pay for more work/Optimal performance for optimal.This clear"Combined with the medical staff working characteristics",Is to encourage all take more agile distribution mode,Mobilize medical staff especially backbone personnel enthusiasm.
At the same time also put forward,It is strictly prohibited to the medical staff income and drugs and medical examination income hook.File also puts forward,In the basic mechanism of the work of medical personnel support,The local government to give life to ensure ZhouZhuanFang, etc,In the title promotion/Social honor, etc to tilt;To hard to remote areas grassroots service of medical staff,According to the provisions of tianjin subsidies policy implementation.In the rural areas working for a long time/Contribution outstanding medical personnel according to the provisions of the state to give reward.
In a word,Deepening the reform of personnel distribution system,Is the focus of the reform, consolidate the perfect base,Is also difficult.Hope all the central proposed in accordance with the direction and principles,Give full play to the initiative at the grass-roots level,Create useful experience accumulation.
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