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情侣秀合照引发模仿潮 医生:这些动作易造成损伤--亲稳舆论引导监测室

Love her to put her hands heart?Past this valentine's day,A group of difficult couple photo accident popular network.In this piece of to many lovers envy foreign difficult lovers in the photo,The girl sat down on my knees boy strong arm,The boy hands parallel lift girls knee,Will she held high,Two men looked at each other for,Photo simple but full of sweet smell.Many netizens to see in imitation,A piece by network"carnival".
but,Fun fun to,Whether such a stance harmless?And will not hurt cervical vertebra/Lumbar and key parts of human body?yesterday,Domestic spine top experts gathered more than people's hospital doctors said,That position is caused extremely easily damage,Users must be careful imitation.
高难度情侣合照引发网络狂欢 Difficult couple photo caused by the network
This group is widespread difficult 14 photo photo.In addition to the first is"original"outside,The rest are all domestic users to imitate the photos.Have rictus took tremendous effort just picked up his girlfriend,A single hand support shows strong...From the net friends imitate photos to see,The seemingly simple action,Actually not difficult.Precisely because the feat not normal,so,Net friends will have his own"innovation"And development - use wall or table when strong point,Sitting on a girlfriend boyfriend plays on the arm or leg,Or meditation,Or reading a book,Posture pattern,Looks pretty comfortable.
This group photo difficult in micro bo also caused a large number of netizens forward and comments.Netizens said there is no pressure,And predict:"This a skills will become the future China men's required course".Netizens concerns the rookies"Please do not imitate".
危险! dangerous!
该姿势仅限于特殊人群 This position is limited to special groups
yesterday,People's hospital spinal surgery expert gold from zhaohui doctor, said after see,From the net spread of this group of pictures to see,Even if is the first one"original"photos,There are also the possibility of the injured boy."We can see the girl's attitude is very good,Center of gravity is upright,The boy's attitude also calculate standard,But such a big weight,Can cause traumatic boy between dish outstanding."JinDaFu said,"demonstration"Photos so,The net friend of imitation in the photo,No one's action is right standard.Some boy waist over backward drawing graphite,Some hip too much stress,and,All of the girls sitting position is not correct,Can say that men and women both parties have the danger of injury.
“完成这个动作首先要保证姿态正确,其次要有强大的力量支撑。没有力量,就谈不上姿态正确与否。在这样的负重下,可能会导致支撑者肌肉拉伤、腰椎突出、脊柱畸形、关节损伤,甚至骨折等严重后果。”金大夫说,这样的动作其实只限于体操、花滑运动员这样的特殊人群来完成。但是,众所周知,这些运动员即便能完成这样的动作,但由于体位本身的不合理,他们也长期饱受伤病困扰。因此,更不建议网友们冲动模仿。(记者 刘琳 文并图)
"To complete the action first to ensure the correct attitude,Secondly to have powerful support.No force,There would be no attitude is correct or not.In such a weight down,May lead to support the muscle strain/Lumbar prominent/Spinal deformity/Joint injury,Even fracture and serious consequences."JinDaFu said,Such action is limited to gymnastics/Skating athlete such special groups to complete.but,As is known to all,These players even to do this action,But due to the position itself is not reasonable,They have been plagued by injury.so,More do not suggest the netizens impulse imitation.(Reporter LiuLin text and figure)
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