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  央视报出最美假新闻 The CCTV reported false news

  卫生部官员称:从未提“全面推行”要求 今年肯定不可能 Health officials say:Never mention"The full implementation of the"This year for sure can't




For the doctor to be paid,Now is the hospital disbursements,The patient finish see disease only pay the part,The rest of the medical insurance payment to the hospital.


The ministry of health


Some basic conditions still does not have,"For the first diagnosis and treatment"In the short term can't national promotion,Pilot only.


Hospital people


The system should be detailed measures to safeguard,if"Personal credit registry system"supporting/Medical insurance settlement networking, etc.


Net friend


The original empty glad a ah?But this system is good,Deserves praise,Is worth looking forward to!


Since the year before last


Chengdu hospital try to part"After the first doctor pay"

  目 前

Before the eyes

  有的医院已撤漂 有的医院仍坚持

Some hospitals have been removed drift some hospital still insist on


今年全面推行“先看病后付费”?央视“最美误读”卫生部消息 This year, the full implementation of the"After the first doctor pay"?CCTV"Misread the"The ministry of health news

  享受“先看病 后付费” 各地试点标准不一 enjoy"After the first doctor pay" The pilot around different criteria

  央视报道VS落地成都 CCTV reported VS landing chengdu


Originally the doctor is his first disbursements,Finish see go medical insurance reimbursement;It is signed[Hospitalization cost settlement agreement],Charge by hospital disbursements,Patients with watching the disease into the part,The rest pay by health care providers to the hospital.medicare/New farmers close range of patients,No name/Without accompanying people/No address of"neutral"The patient,In serious condition need rescue patients can enjoy.


2 people's hospital of chengdu:No matter the identity of the patients/Whether to participate in medical insurance,All can enjoy"After the first doctor pay"system.


In qionglai city medical center hospital:Provisions must be took part in the medical insurance of urban and rural worker and town worker can enjoy.


"To carry out diagnosis and treatment for the first pilot model",In 2013, the ministry of health was again write annual work points.yesterday,CCTV news but this message diffusion into"Best false news",This year, the full implementation of the health department said"After the first doctor pay"system.Late yesterday,The ministry of health YiZhengSi medical management everywhere telephoto, glance to accept an interview with xinhua news agency said,The system"The full implementation of the"Can't give a timetable,but"This is certainly not possible."

  央视“最美假新闻” CCTV"Best false news"

  今年中国全面推行“先看病后付费” The full implementation of this year in China"After the first doctor pay"


Yesterday morning,CCTV[China news]And CCTV network are bring good news:According to the ministry of health news,This year China will see a doctor for the full implementation of the first system,For the doctor to be paid,Now is the hospital disbursements,The patient finish see disease only pay the part,The rest of the medical insurance payment to the hospital.At present the country had been more than twenty provinces are first pilot.


Experts say,The improvement of the medical insurance system is to implement the doctor first after the foundation of pay.Even with individual patients escape fee,Have health care coverage TuoDe,The hospital can also basic guarantee from losses.

  卫生部澄清 The ministry of health clarification

  从未提过“全面推行” 今年肯定不可能 Never mentioned"The full implementation of the" This certainly can not


While people are for the medical new measures when gave,Late yesterday,The ministry of health YiZhengSi medical management everywhere telephoto, bright accept interview xinhua news agency said,"To carry out diagnosis and treatment for the first pilot model",But in 2013 the ministry of health was again write annual work points.As for when to achieve,She said:"Can't give a timetable,This is certainly not possible."


She said,The ministry of health advocate in the conditional region pilot,but,"After the first doctor pay"In the short term can't national promotion,The department of health has never raised"The full implementation of the"requirements."Our social credit system is still not perfect,The key provinces reform is different also."JiaoYaHui said,"For the first diagnosis and treatment"Model can only be promoted step by step/pilot,Can't push hard.

  消息引来全民关注 News from the attention

  医院人士忙于探讨 网友称值得期待 People are busy to explore hospital net friend say is worth looking forward to


Although CCTV morning bring good news,The ministry of health in the afternoon he became clear,but"After the first doctor pay"The news itself is full of the value of attract eyeball,Caused the personage inside course of study and users to focus on the most.


Jiangsu a 3 armour hospital relevant personage when accepting a reporter to interview made clear,"After the first doctor pay"The promotion of the system is a double-edged sword,In patients with convenient medical settlement at the same time,Also to the hospital diagnosis and treatment to the patient brings higher request.He says,"After the first doctor pay"System in the promotion process want to"Hurrah and draw",Still need detailed form a complete set of relevant measures to to ensure implementation,if"Personal credit registry system"supporting/Medical insurance settlement networking, etc.


Most of the net friend in the"Empty glad"A still think,"This system is good,Deserves praise,Is worth looking forward to!"


 成都医院调查: Chengdu hospital survey:

  两年前就开始试点了 Two years ago the pilot


Chengdu evening the reporter understands,In fact, long since 2011,Chengdu is part of the attempt to hospital"After the first doctor pay"mode.however,Explore the road is not flat,There are hospitals"From drift"the.Investigate its reason,And hospitals need to paid a lot of money/Patients exist fled single behavior and so on.

  有的医院坚持试点:不缴费也能住院 Some hospital adhere to the pilot:Not pay cost can also in hospital


"I injury flow a lot of blood,And had no money,Fortunately, could start after be in hospital pay cost oh!"A few days ago,Citizens ChengFei(alias)Play out the accident,He was sent to the city two friends emergency hospital emergency.ChengFei didn't think of,The hospital did not receive him a penny to let him to the hospital treatment.


Body don't have money,Can still hospitalized.Last march,City two hospital quality service measures appeared in such a new measures."As long as the illness needs,treatment/The operation will not be delayed because of economic reasons!"Two city hospital, vice President of the QianChen weeks,No matter the identity of the patients/Whether to participate in medical insurance,Can not pay nothing under the condition of the hospitalization.


It is understood,In 2011, the city takes the lead in pushing"After the first doctor pay"The model is in qionglai city medical center hospital,As long as the urban and rural medical insurance for the staff and town worker,Don't pay medical treatment in hospital to deposit,Since the hospital pay pay fee.

  有的医院结束试点:遇困难已“撤漂” Some hospital end pilot:Encounter difficulties has"From drift"


yesterday,Chengdu evening news reporter visited west China hospital of sichuan university/Provincial hospital/City two hospital/City three hospital/Chengdu women and children hospital in the city center, such as more hospitals,To know the two years really there is no lack of hospital"After the first doctor pay"exploration,But after trying for hospital quickly"From drift".


"After the first pay in hospital,Hospital faced great pressure!"In qionglai city, vice President of the hospital medical center ChengXueBin says,In 2011, the hospital began to explore"After the first doctor pay"mode."Was going to finish all the institution to carry out,Results in addition to the first pilot finish hospital of traditional Chinese medicine,Finish the rest are not carried out!"Investigate its reason,ChengXueBin says"After the first doctor pay"Model needs to be paid a lot of money,The hospital capital turnover difficult.


According to another chengdu women and children hospital center relevant controller introduces,The hospital has conducted a period of time to see a doctor for measures,But then also for a variety of reasons"aborted"."After the first doctor pay"Executive up what what difficulties?Many hospitals in are not willing to answer.


for"After the first doctor pay"When in our province and formal,The relevant person in charge of provincial health bureau said yesterday,At present temporary has received the superior department related matters notice.

  试点效果 Pilot effect

  逃单率不足1% 多是自费病人 Flee single rate is more than 1% patients at one's own expenses


so,enjoy"After the first doctor pay"How much of patients?"No more than a third of all hospital patients!"Second, vice President of the hospital ZhouQian said,Most of the patients will be active to pay 2000 yuan of advance payment,and"In the first"The patient is mainly last-minute disease/Accident and"3 without the personnel".


According to introducing,Last year, the second hospital more than 27000 hospital patients,Flee single rate less than 1%,For not medicare patients at their own expense,And owe a small amount of money."Owe no pay social security card will be locked,Owe capture automatically unlock!"ChengXueBin said,Medical center hospital in qionglai city, flee single rate is about 1%.

  医院措施严密 但遇逃单则需承担损失 Hospital measures in strict but escaped single will need to bear a loss


Second, vice President of the hospital ZhouQian said,For admission does not pay the $2000 advance payment,And no timely payment of the patients,Medical staff will be prompted to its financing costs."If it is really necessary to verify such as patients undergoing surgery in the treatment of higher cost, etc,Is vice President of the sign‘Owe treatment’or‘Owe checkout’...,Such as cost is in 10000 yuan of above,It must be approved by the hospital administrative club held a meeting to discuss,Once rejected,Will be carried out on the patient basic treatment!"Chengdu evening the reporter understands,Hospital although adopted some measures to prevent escape single,But flee single patient with the economic loss by the hospital still bear.

  记者手记 Reporter notes

  健全保障制度 Perfect security system

  勿让“先看病后付费” Don't let the"After the first doctor pay"

  仅仅“看上去很美” only"Looks very beautiful"


"After the first doctor pay",Lack of economic ability for patients,No doubt is a big good news.however,In the actual execution appears the disbursements money too much,Lead to hospital ran out of money;Escape the fee for the hospital to bring economic losses,Will let"After the first doctor pay"Out of struggling.

  健全社会医疗保障体系,建立公民诚信制度,严厉打击“老赖”,都是“先看病后付费”制度施行前亟待解决的问题。在这些问题一一得到解决前,“先看病后付费”在众多患者眼中不过是看上去很美,却难从中得到实惠。(成都晚报记者 锁千程 涂文全 李诗敏 摄影 黄尚斐)

Improving the social medical security system,To build civil credit system,Crack down on"LaoLai",are"After the first doctor pay"Prior to the coming into force of the system to solve the problem.In these problems be solved one before,"After the first doctor pay"In many patients eyes but is looks very beautiful,But difficult to get benefits.(Chengdu evening news reporter lock thousand path TuWenQuan LiShiMin HuangShangFei photography)
