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"Resistance to the"Hero XiaoZhengLun fine above"SARS"The discovery of the first case/Pathogens find and names, such as details

人物传奇 Figure legend

  2003年的“抗非之战”,有一个人,功不可没。 2003"Resistance to the war",A man,Play an important role.


He bold concluded that the first case is"Atypical pneumonia";He is the first rate team to heyuan survey"SARS"Cases of experts;He is in a debate in the voice shouted:"Don't argue!Don't argue!Just write‘The possibility of viral infection big’!";Led by him for[Guangdong province zhongshan group about unexplained pneumonia investigation report]Will become the world's first"SARS"Defined as viral infectious disease report,Is also in the future"SARS"The chief source of prevention and treatment;when"SARS"In guangdong continues to rage,He has been heyuan/guangzhou/zhongshan/shunde/Dongguan and other province each big hospital for consultation and investigation;when"SARS"In other provinces and cities spread,He is the vice premier wu yi and the ministry of health assigned to fly to Beijing/Shanghai/Tianjin for the treatment of severe patients;He is contact"SARS"The first case of the experts,Also contact"SARS"Most cases of experts;He insisted that will strengthen the construction of the hospital ICU written into the report;He insisted that the first in China"SARS"Materials used in writing"Infectious atypical pneumonia"Naming...


he,Is our country critically ill medical professional, one of XiaoZhengLun founder,The deputy director of the institute of guangzhou respiratory disease/The prevention and control of guangdong province"SARS"Group deputy chief of.That year,He 59 years old.

他是最早介入“抗非之战”的专家之一 他还全程参与救治“非典”病人―― He is the first intervention"Resistance to the war"One of the experts he also participate in treatment"SARS"The patient --


Ten years ago"SARS",The first case what is how to find?Why only initial infection medical personnel?Why spread so quickly?about"SARS"The report is a how?"Infectious atypical pneumonia"The official name is how to?As the earliest in China involved in this"Resistance to the war"One of the experts,The deputy director of the institute of guangzhou respiratory disease/The prevention and control of guangdong province"SARS"Group XiaoZhengLun deputy leader,On that history has a indelible memory.


a,With the reporter's polytropic relation and earnestly for the visit,Retired years/the"Resistance to the"Key professionals XiaoZhengLun finally answer,Kiss back to guangzhou accepted our reporter's interview,Fine above the"Resistance to the war"story.


Even ten years later,XiaoZhengLun speak of the year"Resistance to the war",Remains fresh in.More than three hours,He talked,Let a person through the ten years of time,Still can touch to the share of the heartquake;Remember that go through fire and water together to fight side by side of health care workers,Twice he bought tears to my eyes,Setting pharyngeal aphasia,Let a person cannot help through his tears the misty,Finish the angels of the cavity and feelings.


For the own various insist on,XiaoZhengLun said,He still don't know why he was so"stubborn".

首个病例: First cases:

大胆断定是种“非典型肺炎” That is a bold"Atypical pneumonia"


Guangzhou daily:Said the ten years ago"SARS"To fight isdoes not have the gunsmoke the fight a little too much.As the earliest in China involved in this"battle"One of the experts,Can you recall the first case report of the discovery process?


XiaoZhengLun:the"battle"It is all of a sudden,Just began to,We have no predicts its severity.in"know"In the process of SARS,We also pay a lot of cost,But we all still use the shortest possible time to recognize the disease.


We call the first case of treatment research"SARS"The patient is on December 22, 2002 from heyuan city people's hospital to turn the GuoXing patients.Just turn comes,The doctor when he is average patient arranged in common respiratory medicine,And I had a look at the patient,Feel I have to make a diagnosis and give treatment of pneumonia cases are not the same.So I will put forward,He should not ordinary caused by bacteria pneumonia,But a"Atypical pneumonia".


In fact,"Atypical pneumonia"This concept,In clinic has been in use,It is generally refers to the bacteria that cause,By a then check means more difficult to clear some of pathogens/Clinical symptoms are not so typical of pneumonia.


27,The patient began to appear respiratory failure,Our ICU doctors from family members that there also,Send him to guangzhou ambulance with the doctor/The nurse and driver back all the disease.We immediately nervous,On December 31,,We to the yuexiu district CDC issued the first about this case report.


In January 1, 2003,Heyuan city people's hospital medical personnel have many people infected.On January 2,,Guangdong provincial health bureau decided to set up a group to heyuan were investigated.

河源调查: Source survey:

坚持认定是肺炎且有传染性 Adhere to the identification is pneumonia and infectious


Guangzhou daily:To heyuan consultation/After investigation,How do you determine the disease is contagious?


XiaoZhengLun:On January 2, 2003,Provincial health department called experts to open an urgent meeting,Decided to send experts to heyuan consultation/survey.I, as the head of guangdong provincial health bureau group,Leads a team to heyuan.


The source,We found,Eight patients.For in GuoXing patients before,For two people disease.In addition 5 names are medical personnel.They are the characteristics of a fever/pneumonia/White blood cell is not high.After some discussion,We concluded:One is that a group of cases are pneumonia;The second is this kind of disease can be contagious.


At that time,To make the two judgment is to need courage,At that time the group also have different opinions.But I was make a diagnosis and give treatment cases are all pneumonia,No such as bronchitis,Will adhere to this group of cases are"pneumonia",And we make sure it can be contagious.but,This kind of infectious and strange,It is more easy to medical personnel.


On January 3,,Group submitted"About to heyuan city people's hospital consultation investigation preliminary work report."We will the disease diagnosis of infective"Atypical pneumonia",Is a kind of"Unknown cause pneumonia of local outbreak",This is the first time we describe its characteristics and the diagnostic criteria for.Remember I was in print in a A8 prescription paper reports on the department"Health experts to heyuan"after,Health department and asked me to sign his name.


later,Every time I think of this signature,Are still feel some"fear",Because the pen is really too"heavy"the,The responsibility is really is too big.If the diagnosis is wrong,If not really is infectious disease,Not only will cause social fluctuation,And also can make into a big joke,Consequence is very serious.At that time, someone told me that,Can I write"infection",but,If you don't write,We how to live people?

中山调查: Zhongshan survey:

力排众议确定病原体是病毒 Prevail over all dissenting views sure pathogens is virus


Guangzhou daily:Identified as"SARS"after,How to determine the pathogen is?


XiaoZhengLun:The first patient identified as after SARS,The most important task is to find pathogen.At that time,Experts have,Pathogens should be flu/chlamydia/Mycoplasma, etc,But from the clinical point of view,We don't agree.I prefer so corps bacteria,But can't find evidence of infection environment.


From the source to the specimen,We and provincial center for disease control division of labor,Call inquiry do corps bacteria detection,They do virus and mycoplasma detection/training,The result is negative.however,Just over a week,We have received the zhongshan hospital director phone,Zhongshan also have the same case,And as with source,Only medical personnel are infected.


At that time,Once I listen to feel bad.I conclude that is not the corps bacteria,But viral infection!For less than a week,Can 300 kilometers away from the source to zhongshan,Only the virus will be so.so,We stopped corps bacteria detection and immediately report to the health department.


By January 15,,Zhongshan patients more and more.19 morning,We arrived at the zhongshan.I see all the cases,A total of three hospital and patients,The medical staff 13 people,Disease characteristics and source of the patients is the same.But this time and have a new characteristics,Heyuan cases,Infected is full of medical staff,But sun yat-sen cases of family gathered sex,And obviously in the medical personnel pass the lighter.This is more confirmed my diagnosis,Because of atypical pneumonia especially viral pneumonia has a characteristic is self-limited.

1月21 日中午,省卫生厅又派出了以我为组长的专家组到中山进行第二次调查。当天,我们又得知佛山有一组回顾性病例。卫生厅将情况上报国家疾控中心,很快,国家疾控中心的专家也到了。

January 21, at noon,Provincial health department and sent to me for leader group to zhongshan on the second survey.the,We have learned that foshan one group of retrospective case.The case report the national health center for disease control,soon,National center for disease control expert also came into.


On the day of the conference,The most controversial pathogens is what?Some experts don't believe is a viral infection.Discussion was very bitter,finally,I said aloud,Don't argue!Don't argue!Just write"Viral infection great possibility".But what kind of virus,There were not clear,We can only make sure it is a kind of atypical pathogens - the virus.


so,We are finally presented[Zhongshan province group about unexplained pneumonia investigation report]in,Put the disease is defined as"Atypical pneumonia".Out of the consideration of stability,We didn't do it"infectious"On the definition,And just"infectious"As a long description,From the fact that the later to see,This report is completely correct.Want to know,At that time is not the exact microbial report,Only with our clinical experience and medical staff sense of responsibility.

“非典”报告: "SARS"The report:

坚持写进加强ICU的建议 Adhere to the written into strengthen ICU suggestion


Guangzhou daily:It is the report,Become in the future"SARS"The chief source of prevention and treatment.


XiaoZhengLun:to.On February 3,,Guangdong provincial health office, we will be in zhongshan survey report submitted as a no. 2 file forward to across the province,This is the SARS period of the first official documents.


According to the source only the medical staff infection characteristics,We put forward the point of view of short distance droplet infection,The reasoning in the later also proved to be correct.


In the symptomatic treatment of the scheme,Because this kind of pneumonia disease is indeed better than common"Atypical pneumonia"Larger proportion of serious illnesses,I roughly to endotracheal intubation mechanical ventilation cases ratio is about nearly 20%.I in critical care professional sensitivity,Think it can only use ICU can also cure so multiple patients,So this paper first puts forward the opinion of the intensive treatment in ICU and the formulation of the severe SARS diagnosis standard.


At the end of the document,We have added two Suggestions:One is to suggest the government early treated early prevention;The second is in view of severe patients a larger share,Guangdong immediately around the hospital to strengthen the construction of the ICU,Ready to save,Reduce mortality.Although had experts say no so serious,But I just insist on this point in writing.Now it seems,This is correct.


But this is only the beginning.Guangzhou each big hospital were"SARS"Patients gradually increased.Only in the New Year's eve that day,Provincial health department received a 5 cases of fever cases report.Health department held in the city of guangzhou hospital immediately work meeting,We GuangYi attached to a court of YeGuangChun immediately organized the first isolation).This also means that the SARS epidemic is a beginning.Should say,Our government's response was soon.

“非典”命名: "SARS"named:

建议把“传染性”加入病名 Suggested that the"infectious"Join name


Guangzhou daily:The report is the first time for this kind of disease is named after?


XiaoZhengLun:accurately,For the first time, the disease should be defined.Until February 11,,Guangzhou held a press conference for the first time,At that time the public conference"Atypical pneumonia"name,This is our country published the first name,Also is in zhongshan survey before we submit the report"definition"The name.But in fact,At that time the name of the use of the real meaning should be"Infectious atypical pneumonia",Just considering the influence on the society,will"infectious"In the back of the description.


time,I was in the United States"The critical care international conference",Then know conference will it named"Atypical pneumonia"when,That's a bit out of science.Until March 5th,I participate in national center for disease control about"SARS"First that the compilation of the teaching material,I found that use of or"Atypical pneumonia"The name,He is very cautiously to the national CDC director suggests recovery"Infectious atypical pneumonia"The name.finally,This teaching material reserve the naming.


So far,About this disease China's official name or"Infectious atypical pneumonia".Of course,The naming also was not accurate enough,But then find pathogen,Have to use a temporary name.


but,Words come back,"Infectious atypical pneumonia"At least more than WHO named"SARS"Much more accurately.because"SARS"It is"Severe acute respiratory syndrome"mean.But in fact,Strictly speaking,The disease is not"syndrome",It is a kind of disease.


now,Had identified the disease is coronary virus infection,Should be able to call it"Epidemic new coronavirus pneumonia".

四处抢救 Rescue around

“请在ICU帮我留一张床” "Please help me to leave a piece of ICU bed"


Guangzhou daily:You are to all over the country consultation"SARS"Cases the first/Most experts,Have you ever thought oneself also infected?


XiaoZhengLun:Can say,In our country"SARS"The first patient and finally a patient,I have participated in the treatment.In fact,In guangzhou"Resistance to the"The smoke began to subside,I realized one of the hidden trouble.indeed,after"SARS"In shanxi/Hong Kong/Beijing outbreak/popular/spread,Confirmed that I was worry.


For the past few months,I kept fly to all over the country to participate in the rescue severe"SARS"The patient,His will of course may be infectious mental preparation.I'm the head nurse said place,Must be in ICU help me to leave a piece of bed.


Guangzhou daily:When fighting in a line of all health care providers let a person full of respect.


XiaoZhengLun:If must say I was a commander,The partial our doctors and nurses are the most brave soldiers.(SOB)At that time,Because of the many hospital ICU were closed,Almost all of the critical patients in the ICU to we send.Many doctors and nurses are infected,All the attending physician are ill.but,Less a,Immediately sent to a;Fell down a,Soon have an automatic back on top,Not a retreat.


Everyone knows that face is infectious patients...(SOB again)Know there's danger ahead,Is the enemy of the blockhouse,They are still with his chest to stop the enemy's bullet.Some doctors had are rescue patients,Suddenly find themselves have a fever,Hurry to the ordinary isolation ward to isolation.

“非典”给全人类 "SARS"To mankind

都上了一课 Are a lesson


since"SARS"Is a kind of infectious disease,Will it disappear completely is not possible.


But its influence is profound.It makes the human more actively formulate plans of emergent public health events,And greatly improve the human ability to deal with public health events.


Guangzhou daily:Ten years,"SARS"And may again?


XiaoZhengLun:It is hard to say.Since it is a kind of infectious disease,Will it disappear completely is not possible.It is a kind of coronavirus infection causes of pneumonia,In fact,Coronaviruses are everywhere now,It in developing,Will continue to happen varieties.so,To a certain time,"SARS"Appear again,Not impossible.


Guangzhou daily:Do you think"SARS"To our biggest influence is???????Do you think the guangdong currently has similar to emergent public health events of the ability to resist?


XiaoZhengLun:"SARS"In guangzhou/To the whole China and the world,Influence is profound.It gives a lesson to all mankind,This paper puts forward a warning.It forces people to more actively formulate plans of emergent public health events,And greatly improve the human ability to deal with public health events.


From the SARS to after the fight against bird flu/A flow,Guangdong in the sudden public health incident,Whether in public health facilities,Or in the plan mechanism,In continuous improvement.The past only three level of first-class hospital to have big ICU,Now the pearl river delta cities hospital ICU have popularity,Even the grass-roots level 2 hospital also had my own ICU.


More valuable is,Guangdong every city is equipped with one negative pressure for an ambulance,In the treatment of infectious diseases and transport and other special patient,Can minimize the risk of medical staff cross infection.
