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食品安全问题突出 七成网民认为原因在执法部门--亲稳网络舆情监测室
编者按: Editor's note:
Ahead of the 2013 national two sessions,On February 1st,People's Daily and People's Daily political culture ministry launched 12 times"Survey of ten hot issues".Since February 19,People's Daily online survey data,Selection of netizens to leave a message,Analysis of survey results and interpretations."Two surveys"Results and netizens message will be sent to related department in many ways.Please netizen continuous attention/Participation and Suggestions are put forward.
2013年两会调查入口 Entrance to the CPPCC survey in 2013
2013年全国政协十二届一次会议和十二届全国人大一次会议将于近日在北京召开。2月1日起,人民网和人民日报政治文化部就公众关注的热点问题展开调查。调查涉及17个热点问题,截至2月25日8时,已有73万网民参与了调查,“食品药品安全”获得网民投票43024票,位于第七位,“社会保障”、“反腐倡廉”、“收入分配” 、“住房保障”、“医疗改革”、“稳定物价”分别位居热点问题前六位。
First session of the 12th CPPCC national committee in 2013 and the 12th National People's Congress, a meeting will be held in Beijing recently.On February 1,,People's political culture and the People's Daily on hot issues of public concern.Investigation of 17 hot issue,As of February 25, 8,730000 netizens took part in the survey,"Food and drug safety"Internet users have voted for 43024 votes,Located on the seventh,"The social security"/"Combat corruption and build a clean government"/"The income distribution" /"Housing security"/"Health care reform"/"Price stability"Six respectively before the hot issues.
In the"Food and drug safety"Itemized survey,96% of Internet users to food safety is not rest assured now,73% of Internet users think 2012 worse than before the food safety problems,Don't rest assured food more and more.85% of Internet users think the local government to crack down on illegal and criminal behavior of small food and drug administration.
In the"The poison capsule(Medicinal hollow capsules, chromium to exceed bid)event,Have any influence on you?"In the survey,79% of netizens have influence,Can not eat or not eat as much as possible,15% choose as far as possible not to buy too poison capsule production enterprise products.
About the cause of the food safety problems,73% of Internet users think that law enforcement regulation/Law enforcement is lax,14% think that laws is not sound,Punishment is not strong enough,9% don't think integrity of production and sellers,The lack of moral self-discipline.And about the main problems in the field of medicine,33% of Internet users think drug prices artificially high,23% think that rampant counterfeit medicines on the market,21% think drug curative effect with the facts,20% of Internet users has chosen the drug use unreasonable phenomenon serious.
网民:当前我国食品药品安全问题突出 百姓仍吃得不放心 Internet users:Current food and drug safety problems in our country and the people still eat the rest assured
In 2012,,"Liquor plasticizer""Fast-growing chicken"/Chrome overweight"The poison capsule"Such as food and drug safety events let the consumer.Many netizens on the food and drug safety problems of the current our country still don't rest assured.With netizens think the unscrupulous entrepreneurs to maximize interests,The illegal adding additives,Even the real ones,The netizen thinks drugs/Health care products to exaggerate the effect deceive consumers,Netizens think hormones in the vegetables/Pesticide residue is serious,The child's snacks nor safe.
IP:182.118.12.★ 现在的食品还能让老百姓放心吃吗?有些利欲熏心的食品生产者放弃了做人的原则,无视社会道德甚至法律,以达最大利益,添加一些不该添加的东西,简化加工设备,不注重加工环境,钻法律的空子,更有甚者以假乱真,以次充好。
IP:Painted 182.118.12. Now the food can also make people at ease to eat?Some unscrupulous producers to give up the principle of life,Ignore the social morality and law,So as to achieve maximum benefit,Add some things shouldn't add,To simplify processing equipment,Don't pay attention to the processing environment,Take advantage of the loopholes in the law,What is more convincing,shoddy.
IP:60.169.10.★ 菜场很多的菜宁可不吃也不想买,因为激素农药残留太严重。孩子的零食也不敢多买,因为食品添加剂泛滥。
IP:Painted 60.169.10. The market would rather not eat also don't want to buy a lot of cuisine,Because hormone pesticide residues were too severe.The child's snacks also dare not buy more,Because food additives.
IP:112.90.172.★ 问题食品太多,药品、保健品夸大其词,忽悠消费者。原因在于多头管理,又没有一个是真正的在管。工商、食品药品监督管理局、质量技术监督管理局等职能部门应该合并,对不作为要加大追责力度。
IP:Painted 112.90.172. The problem of food too much,drug/Health care products exaggerated,Cheat consumers.The reason is that bull management,And no one is really in the tube.Industrial and commercial/Food and drug administration/Administration of quality and technical supervision and other functional departments should be merged,For inaction should enhance accountability.
IP:123.150.197.★ 现在的食品药品问题特别突出,如果生活的环境,吃的用的都不能放心,真是太可怕了!管理部门加大监管力度,提出各个体系的具体标准和规范,严惩危害人民身体健康者!
IP:Painted 123.150.197. Now the food and drug problems especially prominent,If life environment,Can rest assured to eat,Is terrible!Strengthen supervision management department,Puts forward specific standards and specifications of each system,Severely endangering people's physical health!
IP:182.118.12.★ 国以民为本,民以食为先,食以安为先,食品药品安全关系着人民的健康乃至生命。
IP:People-based 182.118.12. Taken the countries,People to eat first,Food to Ann first,Food and drug safety relationship with people's health and even life.
网民:加强食品药品安全监管 加大处罚力度 Internet users:Strengthen the food and drug safety supervision increase penalties
About how to improve the quality of our country's food and drug,Let people eat at ease,Netizens put forward many reasonable proposals.Have netizen suggested that China should continue to increase the production of food and drugs/Sales supervision,Strengthen the supervision of food and drug safety,To perfect the relevant laws and regulations of the refinement.Have netizen suggested the offenders punished without leniency,Increase the penalties,And impose fines on the family.
IP:118.123.3.★ 加快食品药品监管体制调整,防止职能交叉和出现盲点。
IP:Painted 118.123.3. Accelerate the adjustment of the food and drug supervision system,Prevent cross function and blind spots.
Food drug regulatory department should intensify drug food inspection,To strengthen enforcement efforts,To crack down on,Cut off the profit chain,Make the production and sale of counterfeit goods enterprise bankruptcy,The counterfeiting ShouJiaZhe to justice,Go to great lengths to maintain people's health.
IP:124.232.149.★ 加强对食品安全的监管;加大对违法企业惩处力度;公示违法企业黑名单;提高群众的鉴别意识才能有效解决当前严峻的食品安全问题!
IP:Painted 124.232.149. Strengthen the food safety supervision;Increase the penalties for illegal enterprises;Public blacklist illegal enterprises;Raise awareness of the identification of the masses can effectively solve the severe food safety problems!
IP:182.118.12.★ 民以食为天!食品和药品安全是民众最基本的生存和保障,希望加大处罚力度,对违法者严惩不贷,确保民众最基本的需求。
IP:182.118.12. U!Food and drug safety is the most basic survival and security people,Want to increase the penalties,The offenders punished without leniency,Ensure people's basic needs.
IP:122.227.222.★ 我国应该继续加大食品药品的生产、销售监督力度,完善细化相关的法规制度,重刑严惩造假药、毒食品者,并对其家庭处以巨额罚款。
IP:Painted 122.227.222. China should continue to increase the production of food and drugs/Sales supervision,To perfect the relevant laws and regulations of the refinement,Is used to punish false medicine/Poison ShiPinZhe,And impose fines on the family.
IP:220.166.65.★ 明确监管部门职责,完善立法,严管重罚,让造假卖假者倾家荡产。
IP:Painted 220.166.65. Clear regulatory responsibilities,Improve the legislation,Heavy penalties bat,Make selling fake ruin.
网民:加强食品药品行业人才管理 成立食品公安加大监管 Internet users:Talent management was set up to strengthen the food and drug industry increased food security supervision
In the Internet message,Many people think the food and drug industry need to focus on the talent management,Should have netizens think the agency with the should choose more pharmaceutical professional talents,There are Internet users think about food/Pharmaceutical manufacturer's technical personnel should follow up supervision,Put an end to prohibited substance is added in the food and drug.And netizens think the country should be set up as well as the traffic police and forest public security, food security,To strengthen the supervision of food safety at the grass-roots level.
IP:116.114.22.★ 食品药品安全事关国民健康大事,特别是药监部门选人用人时应多选药学专业人才,执业药师应有用武之地。
IP:116.114.22. Taken the food and drug safety is a matter of national health event,Especially when should the agency with the alternative medicine professionals,Licensed pharmacists should have nowhere to go.
IP:118.123.2.★ 应从源头根治食药品问题。食品、药品厂家都有技术人员,多是大学培养出的人才,进入厂家后,有关部门应进行监管,档案跟踪。如果发现技术人员勾结厂商,在食品药品中添加违禁物质,尽早发现、尽早处理!
IP:The root of food and drug problem 118.123.2. U should start from the source.food/Drug manufacturers have technical personnel,Is university cultivate more talents,Enter the manufacturer,Relevant departments should be regulated,Trace file.If it is found that collusion between firms,Added in the food and drug administration banned substances,Found as early as possible/To deal with as soon as possible!
IP:223.87.1.★ 基层食品安全监督形同虚设,对发现的问题也得不到有力的打击,食品安全令人万分担忧,国家应重视和加强基层食品安全的监督力量,成立像交通警察和森林公安一样的食品公安,保障人民群众的食品安全。
IP:Painted 223.87.1. Basic food safety supervision,To found the problem is not strong,Food safety is extremely worried about,Countries should attach importance to and strengthen the food safety supervision power at the grass-roots level,Was established as well as the traffic police and forest public security, food security,Ensure food safety for the people.
专家:如何破解食品药品安全难题 experts:How to crack the food and drug safety problem
The current,Our country is in the food and drug safety incidents"Yi Faqi".National school of administration of social and cultural actuarial-oriented lecturer Dr Hu Yinglian said,More than 30 years of reform and opening up,The rapid development of the implementation in our country is equivalent to the western developed countries hundreds of years to walk the journey.so,Western countries gradually appear in the food and drug safety problems in different periods,In our country is concentrated/Prominent exposure.
Associate professor at renmin university of China administrative law Wang Guisong pointed out in an interview with the media,The leading cause of food safety problems frequently is the distortion of the market,The second is that government regulation or corruption.Market distortions in part due to excessive government intervention.
At zhongnan university of economics and law of the dean professor qiao xinsheng pointed out,Suicide rates are higher in Japan's minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries,Because in the event of food safety accidents,Agriculture, forestry and fisheries minister must first bear the responsibility.Qiao xinsheng thought,To solve China's food/The fundamental solution to the problem of drug safety is to strengthen the food and drug supervision and management of the office work personnel's legal responsibility,Rather than setting the so-called administrative licensing.
Hu Yinglian think,Under the background of economic transition and social transformation,China's food and drug safety is beyond the scope of government regulation,Become a social problem.Strengthening and innovating social management is the only way to break the current our country food and drug problem.
政策背景:强化食品药品安全监管 提高人民健康水平 Policy background:Strengthen the food and drug safety supervision to improve people's health
In recent years,The party and the state attaches great importance to solve the food and drug safety problems,In the food safety management,Basic established covering drug research in our country/The production/Circulation and use of the whole process of safety supervision system,In addition to set up the state food and drug administration,Strengthen the management of food and drugs.Has developed a[On strengthening food and product safety supervision and management of special provisions]/Food safety law and its implementing regulations,Set up a food safety commission under the state council,Carried out a series of food safety special governance and rectification.In drug safety management,Made the drug administration law and its implementing regulations,[General office of the state council on further strengthening the drug safety supervision work of the notice]/[Drug registration management measures]/[Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China], etc..
Since 2012,Our country introduced several policy measures to strengthen the supervision of food and drug safety.In January 2012,Under the state council issued by the[National drug safety"The 12th five-year"planning],From drug standards/The production/circulation/use/Suggestions on regulation of drug safety security work in the next five years and task specific indicators.
The state food and drug administration chief Yin Li said,"The 12th five-year"Planning is the overall goal of national drug safety,After five years of efforts,Drug standards and improve the quality of medicines,Drug regulatory system to further improve,Drug development/The production/Further standardize the distribution order and use behavior,Drug safety guarantee ability as a whole is close to international advanced level,Drug safety level and people's medication safety and satisfaction significantly increased.
In June 2012,Under the state council issued by the[Under the state council on strengthening food safety work],Emphasize to adhere to the remedies of governing revolution,Always keep crackdown on high pressure situation,Make heavy punished in food safety governance norm,In various areas/Departments must fully recognize the dangers of illegal activities of food safety and people's strong desire,For all kinds of illegal and criminal behavior,Adhere to the"yan"Word pledge,Outcrop dozen/His ruthlessness.
In June 2012,Under the state council issued by the[National food safety regulatory system"The 12th five-year"planning],Presented in the"The 12th five-year"During the period,Comprehensively advancing regulatory standards/Monitoring and evaluation/Inspection test/The process control/Import and export food regulation/Emergency management/Coordination mechanism/Science and technology support/Food safety integrity/Mission training and so on ten big system,And aiming at the weak links and problems needed to resolve,Focus on food safety traceability system and the connectivity information platform, etc. 9 key construction tasks.
In November 2012,Eighteen clearly put forward in the report,To improve the level of the people's health."Reform and improve the food and drug safety supervision system and mechanism."
In January 2013,State food and drug supervision bureau held a teleconference,Is asking the country to the food and drug supervision system to carry out the central deployment,The party to build a clean government and anti-corruption work to deepen constantly,Ensure the safety of food and drug administration and cadres two.
2013年2月,《国家食品药品监督管理局关于进一步加强食品药品监管信息化建设的指导意见》出台,指出要全面加强食品药品监管系统信息化建设,加快建立适应食品药品监管工作需要的信息化体系,进一步提升食品药品监管信息化能力和水平。 (记者 罗旭)
In February, 2013,,[The state food and drug administration on further strengthening the guidance of informationalization construction of the food and drug supervision]a,Pointed out that to strengthen the food and drug regulatory system informatization construction,We will accelerate the establishment of a information system to satisfy the needs of the food and drug supervision work,To further improve the food and drug regulatory information ability and level. (The reporter rasch)
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