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人体器官捐献年内全国推开 捐献者丧葬费有望减免--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
3 years pilot over China's human organ donation work,Yesterday formally jointly by the ministry of health and Red Cross society of China,All provinces throughout the country(The autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the central government)To promote.
659人身后捐献器官 659 people behind the donation of body organs
yesterday,In a national video conference on the human body organ donation,Standing vice President of the Red Cross society of China/China's human organ donation work committee chairman zhao said,In the year to February 22,19 pilot provinces total donation of 659 cases,The donation of body organs, 1804.
The effectiveness of the pilot human organ donation for 3 years,Deputy health minister huang jiefu said,Established in accordance with China's national conditions of classification standard of organ donation;At the same time,The ethical principles of organ donation:voluntary/Free of charge/Informed consent.
力争年满足1/3等待者 Strive to meet in a third waiters
The prospect of human organ donation in China,Huang Jiefu said,According to the international standard measure,China's ICU medical institutions(Intensive intensive care ward)Potential donors, 154000 people a year,About 50% concentrated in 3 armour hospital.
"If the organ donation system roll out across the country,Key breakthroughs in tertiary hospitals,50% after the death of donation rates,May each year 40000 people who implement,Can get 110000 organs,Meet the demand of 1/3 patients waiting for organ transplants".
捐献与分配对接保公平 Docking donation and distribution fair
Zhao asked,Not to carry out the pilot work of organ donation,Should be in accordance with the procedures as soon as possible to the Red Cross society of China and the ministry of health to submit an application,Years the provinces throughout the country(area/The city)All works start human organ donation.All parts should actively strive for setting up provincial human organ donation center(Or the office),To coordinate voluntary unpaid donations and fair and reasonable allocation of human organs.
In January of this year,China's human organ donation has been formally established a management center,As the Red Cross society of China has level 2 business unit,Will be in Beijing in the future/Tianjin office,Work independently with.
The human organ donation information system by year online,Realize the nationwide network of organ donation volunteer information.Organ allocation and sharing system will also be formal and donated organ donation information systems implementation/Obtain and seamless combination of fair distribution.
北京落地 Beijing fall to the ground
北京已完成两例器官捐献 Beijing has already completed two cases of organ donation
Although is pilot city,But in March 2012,The Red Cross in China/Beijing Red Cross/Beijing municipal bureau of health guidance and authority,Hospitals organ donation form Beijing south station,Exploration level in the hospital to carry out the organ donation information registration and acceptance of emergency voluntary contributions.
Beijing youan hospital dean/Li ning, director of the south station is introduced,In December last year and this year the Spring Festival eve,South station has two cases of successful completion of the donated heart death.but,Because of the Beijing Red Cross has yet to formally apply for organ donation to the Red Cross society of China pilot work,The southern district of workstation also don't have the gifts of the legal qualification of the witness,so,Two cases of donation is carried out by the organ donation coordinator of pilot provinces are in conformity with legal and ethical requirements of the donation.Two organ donors to donate organs,Also through organ allocation and sharing system,Has realized the long-distance distribution.
yesterday,Beijing municipal health bureau and Beijing municipal Red Cross said related responsible for per capita,Will be in accordance with the deployment in the years to carry out the organ donation,Set up specialized management institutions.It is understood,The most likely solution is,Beijing will first integration of city and affiliated hospital to carry out the organ donation work.
现场 The scene
卫生部长:愿身后捐器官 Minister of health:Behind is willing to donate organs
"To do a volunteer for organ voluntary unpaid donations,This is my dream three years ago,Still today".The meeting yesterday,The standing committee of the National People's Congress, vice chairman of hua in this sentence,Ended his speech.Health minister Chen zhu said,Behind the donation of body organs,"Is one of my wish".
Deputy health minister huang jiefu,Not only is a doctor,Or clinical medical experts in the field of organ transplantation in China.At the meeting yesterday,Over the years dedicated to promoting organ donation work Huang Jiefu excited,Once a SOB,He said,Organ donation is"The Chinese dream"One of the,"It send a message to the world,The development of China's organ transplant technology and application,Can no longer rely on death row".This sentence,Once again let Huang Jiefu SOB,Bow to wipe tears.
焦点1 Focal point 1
救助困难捐献家庭不等于器官买卖 Rescue difficult organ donation families is not equal to buying and selling
This year,National Red Cross and the provincial Red Cross will be set up for the conduct of an organ donation"Human organ donation funds".In addition,The ministry of health and Red Cross society of China are trying to coordinate the civil affairs department,Funeral expenses for organ donors after death,Be relief.
The standing committee of the National People's Congress, vice chairman of the hua said,To difficult to provide humanitarian aid to the donor's family,Is the government and the inevitable responsibility of the Red Cross societies at various levels.
He admits,To donor families behind to give relief,Not equal to the organ"Buy and sell"or"trading".so,The urgent task is to formulate public/Transparent assistance system,Clear donor family bailout program,Master appropriate standards,Both to ensure the basic rights and interests of the donor and the statutory beneficiary,Don't let the organ donation"Voluntary unpaid"The principle of being distorted.
China's human organ donation management center business, vice minister of high spectrum is introduced,Lottery ticket public welfare fund from the government for the rescue fund/Social donations, etc.;Raised money is mainly used to honour the organ donor,As well as to the organ donor after the death of the poor family,For humanitarian assistance.
焦点2 Focal point 2
植物人不是脑死亡不能捐器官 Vegetable is not brain-dead not to donate organs
Huang Jiefu said,After many years,Because the from all walks of life struggle with"Brain death"Whether to belong to death,Organ donation has been stagnant in China.
Huang Jiefu said,Death under the framework of our country current law standard is the heart of death.The organ donation work can also adapt to national conditions,Donation do classification standard.The brain death/Cardiac death and brain - heart death.
After three years,The vast majority of organ donation after death are cardiac death or brain - heart.The fact proved that,Cardiac death or brain - heart after the death of organ donation is the same quality and brain dead donor.
Beijing youan hospital dean li ning is introduced,"Brain death"and"In a vegetative state"Have the essential difference,These two concepts cannot be confused.Brain death patients with brain dead,Give full of life support in a timely manner,Can't live more than 1 week time;Given full life support and vegetable can live for a long time,So before reach the state of brain death can't do the organ donation.
焦点3 Focus on three
可探索捐献家属与受捐者自愿见面 To explore meet families and recipients of donations voluntarily
Huang Jiefu said,According to the principle of the international organ donation,Organ donor who don't know their organs to,Recipients who also don't know their organs come from.but,Organ donation work has its own national conditions of our country,Most of the organ donor,When is irreversible in death,Close relatives in order to let him(she)Life has continued in other ways,And on behalf of or replace the donor's decision.
Huang Jiefu think,According to this desire,China will explore a particular organ donor consolation way behind?In the voluntary consent by both parties,Allow recipients on a regular basis visit the donor's family,Let them become another kind of sense of family.
【现状】 [Status quo]
According to the ministry of health,At present,Our country each year about 300000 various registration organ transplant organ failure patients.On death row to donate/Ordinary citizens donations behind them/Parent channel such as transplantation donor organs,The national organ transplant operation can be completed about 10000 cases a year.Than at about 1:30 organ supply and demand,Gap is still big.Another statistic is displayed,In 2012,,Citizens volunteered to donate organ donor,About 13% of that year the total number of organs for transplant surgery.
本版采写 新京报记者 魏铭言
This edition is to write the Beijing news reporter wei MingYan
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