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中国器官分配系统拟强制推行 只看病情不看身份--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Chinese organ transplantation,Faced with come from/Where to two big problem.Because of organ resource shortage,Just need more fair distribution.This month 10,The ministry of health news spokesman said,[China human organs obtain and distribution management measures(trial)]Has been discussed through the,In the near future will be issued by the national.


Management measures,The hospital in the future such as get organs,Shall be through the"China human organs distribution and sharing system"Uniform distribution.This is a what kind of system?Bear the life's expectation,How it will be able to ensure a fair and just?And how to determine the need organ transplants in many patients,Accurately find"Most in need"the?a,Our newspaper reporter interviews the system designer/Department of surgery, university of Hong Kong research WangHaiBo director.


□卫生新政 - health New Deal


器官分配系统拟强制推行 Organ distribution system quasi impose


According to WangHaiBo introduced,Entrusted by the state ministry of health,The university of Hong Kong Chinese liver transplantation registered research center in September 2009 began to human organs distribution and sharing policy research project,Completed in 2010[China human organs distribution and sharing basic principle and liver/Kidney distribution and sharing core policy](Hereinafter referred to as"Core policy")drafting,And in the December formally issued execution.


The outside world wide concern organ uniform distribution,The specific"China human organs distribution and sharing system"(Hereinafter referred to as"Distribution system")To realize.Distribution system based on the core policy and research and development,Last April 6 on-line test run.


WangHaiBo said,In the trial run period,This distribution system only"require",The measures for the administration of the stay after the official launch,The use of the distribution system will be a mandatory.


According to introducing,This distribution system including two subsystems,Respectively are waiting for organ transplants the reservation list system and organ donor registration and organs matching system.


Transplant center should be waiting for transplantation of those cases before entering a system,It includes the liver/Renal transplantation is waiting for the appointments list system;And organs for organization will donor information recorded after a system,Finally through a system trigger organs after the match,Automatic in two subsystems interact between matching.


Since start since the pilot,The system has been completed 340 organ allocation.Through the distribution system,If the organ for organizations within the jurisdiction of no suitable waiting for the person,Can organ sharing to organ at the provincial level for organization in a waiting list,And even greater range.The geographic distribution policy can effectively reduce waste organs.


□政策监管 - policy supervision


违规分配将取消资质吊销证书 Illegal distribution will cancel the qualification certificate revoked


WangHaiBo introduced,This distribution system is an automated computer system,Strictly follow the national distribution policy.


According to statistics,The distribution system of distribution,From entering donor information trigger distribution,To organ really was assigned to wait upon those,The whole distribution process when average 26 minutes,The matching link the average time of just 0.96 seconds.The whole process completely ruled out the human disturbance.


WangHaiBo said,Two subsystems from each other,Relevant personnel in key distribution before,Because the pathogenic condition in the constant change,According to the principle of medical needs,He did not know this organ will go to him.


meanwhile,Every time distribution mark will be permanently retained in the system's database.If you have any questions at any time can rebuild the distribution of the time,Retrial case,Check any suspicious place.


In addition,From the standpoint of supervision,The whole process of distribution by human organ donation working committee supervision.Every provincial administrative department of public health and the state ministry of health has the system to the supervision of the account,They can always login system,Real-time view organ allocation and accept the situation.


According to industry insiders revealed,The measures for the administration of the will in the organ distribution appeared in the process of illegal behavior,The seriousness of the cases and the damage degree,By the China human organ donation working committee/The ministry of health human organ transplant technology clinical application committee and the public health administrative departments respectively be cancelled FenXiangQuan organs/Cancel transplantation qualification/Revoke his practicing certificate of doctors and punishment.Constitute a crime,Shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.


□器官分配流程 - organ allocation process


1 by the organ for organization type donor information 2 organs for organization trigger distribution system according to the core policy matching for recipients


3 distribution system to obtain tissue organ/Matching to wait in the transplant centers send matching results(System real-time notice,SMS notification)


4 transplant center reply(Accept/reject)distribution


Five organs confirm the distribution result for organization


6 get assigned transplantation center after receiving organs upload organs receive confirmation


□分配原则 / distribution principle


如有适合病人医院享有优先权 If there are suitable for patient hospital enjoy a right of priority


Earlier reports said,The ministry of health"The new gauge"Come on stage will mean for organ hospital use priority is given to the rights of organs will disappear.But WangHaiBo said,This statement is not accurate.According to he introduced,After China's organ donation in the hospital internal to the state of the distribution.Than ever and,Management measures and not completely cancel organ for organizations within the jurisdiction of the priority of the hospital.Because management measures will carry out the principle of priority areas,Donor organs first assigned to organ transplant for organization belongs to the hospital waiting for the organ transplantation,The second is the provincial administrative area of the other transplantation hospital organ transplant waiting for the person,Finally in the nationwide all transplant hospital organ transplant waiting in the distribution.


But management measures will also encourage conditional provincial administrative area can cancel the organs for transplant hospital organization belongs to the priority,To the provincial level administrative areas organs of the unified sharing.


"Stay in the hospital with,If you have the right patient,If there is no must share out,Can't waste organs."WangHaiBo said,Keep priority in fact also from transplantation effect to consider,Organs assigned to the hospital where the patient,To avoid because of transport organs and produce ischemic injury,Ascension transplantation effect.


According to introducing,At present some cities to break the hospital is preferred,To realize the regional sharing,But this need to have transportation/Coordination and so on various aspects comprehensive conditions.


Even in the same hospital,Who is the most need organ is a problem.WangHaiBo expressed,Organ allocation policy is a comprehensive rating system,Different organ transplant recipients for matching need to consider different factors,Distribution policy is also different.(See links)


■链接 S link


肝脏移植分配政策 Liver transplantation distribution policy


1. Regional priority principle;


2. Children matching principle of priority;3. The priority principle of critical illness;4. Blood group matching;


5. Organ donor and its directly-related members of one's priority;


6. Registered voluntary donor priority;


7. Waiting for the order priority principle.


Renal transplantation distribution policy 1. Regional priority principle;2. Blood group matching;3. Kidney transplant waiting for the rating system.The waiting time scoring/Organ donor and its directly-related members of one's priority/Waiting for the sensitization degree/Human leukocyte antigen type-specific matching quality/Children waiting for the priority and registered voluntary donor of priority.


□对话 / dialogue


不论富翁还是高官系统只登记患者病情 No matter rich or official registration system only patient


Jinghua times:Distribution system since the pilot made what effect?


WangHaiBo:From the matching quality to efficiency have ascension.Such as efficiency,We now find the right waiting for is just 0.96 seconds,Before long.The United States did the experiment,If the call is,A a hit in the past,At most to 30 hours,Organ is wasted.


Jinghua times:System in the distribution,The operating system of the people know the identity of the receiving party?


WangHaiBo:All patients had no registration he is worth much,Is a millionaire or high-ranking officials,Record is his illness.So, we worry about uniform distribution will give priority to be an official/rich,The system can't do this.In addition each people all the operations are recorded,We have the ability to restore any distribution,No matter who to query,We can trace the distribution,Look at the operation is reasonable.


Jinghua times:Have to distribution operating personnel in private"Say "hello""may?


WangHaiBo:Operating personnel didn't know that"Say "hello""Those involved in the system the waiting for the state,He doesn't have this authority.The organ for organization can't see the patient's condition,Is isolated,Even distribution over,He even the name of the winner of all don't know.


Jinghua times:How to ensure that data matching time will not go wrong?


WangHaiBo:We have a lot of technology/The process design to ensure this.Such as blood type is very important,Once make a mistake will be dead.We'll regulation blood type of input need to lose two times,A man after losing,Must by another person to lose it again,The two men must be different people/Different account,Two times in different time detection.Such cross to make sure that the data is not an error.This is also why we to the user has a strong limit,If the wrong,Who is tracking the wrong,If an illegal,We will know who is illegal.


Jinghua times:If the organ donation in the hospital without appropriate patient will take out the organ sharing,The hospital's enthusiasm will there be influence?


WangHaiBo:In fact in the pilot process,Many doctors welcome this system.Because when people to operations,There will be various factors of interference,Sometimes the doctor didn't want to do so,But it is difficult to resist the intervention.Another pilot hospital within the time prescribed by the must complete a certain number of citizens donors after death case,If you can not,The pilot will cancel the transplantation of hospital qualification.So this is for the hospital to a certain extent promote the organ donation.


Jinghua times:I am a little bit don't understand,Such as organ in the hospital has patients need organ,But scoring is low,Another hospital score high,This situation is to consider the hospital priority or to another hospital?Or other processing mode?


WangHaiBo:It is best to comprehensive consideration,Premise is a data,We analysis the organ from one city to another city the impact of,Tell a man score this sharing,How many points do not share.Super emergency patients,May survival time is very short,These patients I think should break the hospital priority,But this how many patients,We have to wait until after the data,To see what would happen,This policy is by the organ donation experts committee and working committee to decide,Can submit to discuss its maneuverability is what is fair,Clinical will produce what effect,Policy once so changed later,We can use mathematical model to simulate the impact of the curative effect to patients.The question that you ask is also we are thinking about the problem.I think should be to super emergency patients implement break hospital is preferred,This system USES period of time,After the data submitted to the expert committee for discussion.


Jinghua times:Illness weight also take precedence of matching degree?For instance, the person is dying,But the matching degree and not another high,Organ will give who?

  王海波:病情和匹配度相互之间涉及复杂的风险和效益的平衡和计算,是一个复杂的医学问题。要决定哪种对患者是利大于弊的。(记者 张然 制图 吴尚楠)

WangHaiBo:The illness and matching degree between each other in complicated risk and benefit balance and calculation,Is a complex medical problems.To decide which to patients of outweigh the drawbacks.(Reporter ZhangRan drawing WuShangNan)
