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28 is the international day for the rare disease.Launched by the 17 medical unit of 13 provinces of our country's first national group - China rare rare disease disease prevention and control of 27 league was set up in shandong jinan.China's first national research project on rare diseases prevention"China's rare disease prevention and control research and demonstration"At the same time start.


In our country,Incidence of less than one over ten thousand/Prevalence of less than of a disease is defined as a rare disease,There are 5781 rare diseases have been confirmed.Because of the discovery of rare diseases/The low level of diagnosis,A lot of patients were misdiagnosed in the long run/In diagnosis,Cause they begin treatment time later,Irreversible lesion,Cause a lifelong regret.


China rare disease prevention and control of union is committed to building rare disease prevention and control platform and network,Construction of a group of rare diseases diagnosis and treatment center,To grasp the rare disease epidemiological situation in our country,Focus on science and technology research/Rare disease of popular science and health education,Raise the level of China's rare disease prevention and control.


One of China's rare alliance launched a unit for disease control and prevention said Han Jinxiang party secretary of shandong academy of medical sciences,Rare disease is a disease,Disease to many,Each discipline of distribution in hospital.Due to lack of registration report mechanism,Don't have access to rare diseases clinical outcomes/Medical conditions such as reliable data,Epidemiological studies/Health policy formulation has brought difficulties.Expert analysis,A rare disease prevention coalition,Help to rare disease data collection statistics,To carry out epidemiological studies,Master the disease spectrum,Improve the level of diagnosis and treatment.(The reporter Wang Haiying)
