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福建急救车运家具引质疑 院方:司机帮妹妹搬家--亲稳舆论引导监测室
Putian a 120 ambulance appeared in fuzhou residential areas,The car carrying furniture to leave,Looking like a moving company van.yesterday,Screen made organ west residential area a lot of questions after residents witnessed the scene,Why 120 ambulance have become used to heal the wounded and rescue the dying"Moving vans"?
The license plate number for fujian BQ6812 white 120 ambulance,Belonging to putian civilian hospital.Hospital yesterday responded,Help the sister move the driver is the parties,Take criticism education and deal with.Reporter found that,For the ambulance private regulation are blank.Many people suggest that,Should the ambulance GPS,On the"hoops".
120车搬家引居民质疑 120 cars moving led people to question
At noon yesterday,This reporter saw made authority residential area,A car license plate number for fujian BQ6812 white 120 ambulance is parked within the community,The car door open,A man is helping a woman to carry out from the room sofa into the car,While the car is in the bed/Furniture such as ark of the head of a bed.
Witnesses Mr. Wu said,120 ambulance is used to heal the wounded and rescue the dying,But ran out of move,One thousand critically ill patients at this time have to rush to a hospital,Just the hospital car is not enough,Not a tragedy?
Many people questioned 120 ambulance not rigorous monitoring system,"As long as literally and scheduling personnel on duty lie to which patients,Or the patient delay time not back to the hospital,The driver can be taking the bus".
Many residents are worried about nearby,The 120 ambulance private bus,Just like"The Wolf is coming"The story of,The next time the ambulance is there when needed,Other cars but not to give way?
医院:司机帮妹妹搬家将批评处理 The hospital:The driver will help my sister move out criticism
The ambulance car body brush"Putian civilian hospitals"A few Chinese characters.Putian civilian hospital is located in the famous overseas Chinese hometown Jiang Kouzhen.Its predecessor was a overseas Chinese hospital,Founded in 1951,In 1956 by the original PuTianXian government service for public hospitals,In 1998 is evaluated under ownership by the whole people"Level 2 grade a"The hospital.In May 2002 by HanJiang district government to take over,Renamed the putian civilian hospital.In February 2006 for collaboration in fujian medical university union hospital affiliated hospital.
Putian civilian officials admitted to hospital,The driver will indeed 120 ambulance taking the bus.Party a driver surnamed ruan,On that day to send a referral in patients with brain to fuzhou hospital,Then the accessory medical staff at the hospital waiting for the driver,The driver to help it move to his younger sister's house."Main move out of bed/Sofa and other big-ticket items".
Officials said,In criticizing the driver education and process to the parties.The researchers told reporters,Hospital, a total of three ambulances,Two of them is responsible for the main emergency task,In ruan master driving the ambulance for the car is too big,Path in the countryside is not good,At ordinary times is mainly responsible for the transfer/Run a long distance.
急救车监管有空白 The ambulance there are regulatory gaps
Reporters interviewed the provincial/Provincial emergency center,The staff told reporters,120 ambulance resolute can't private,But temporarily not issued relevant policy system to restrain the ambulance.
The staff told reporters,For 120 emergency regulation at ordinary times,There is blank.At present,Although the ambulance to unified deployment of emergency center,But the daily management of 120 ambulance still belong to hospital management.Last year,,Health department also asked each hospital in the ambulance GPS,To achieve the purpose of regulation to,But it is not hard and fast rules.In fact,On the one hand,Because of the lack of money,Not every hospital in the ambulance GPS installed,On the other hand,The installation of GPS on regulation is still useless.
“很少有医院会主动去查看急救车的行车记录,还是需要市民的监督举报。”工作人员表示,如果市民遇到120急救车出现公车私用的情况,也可向卫生部门反映投诉。(海峡都市报 记者 江方方 文/图)
"Few will take the initiative to go to hospital check an ambulance driving records,Still need citizen oversight of the report."The staff said,If citizens have 120 ambulance in private,Also can reflect the complaint to the health sector.(Strait metropolis daily reporter jiang fang fang wen/figure)
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