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调查 survey
For the warbler weibo fixed fee referred to in the hospital for health care patients,yesterday,Beijing hospital doctor said"Definitely have heard",Some doctors also said at the beginning of hospitals has given a glimmer of a doctor"blowing","To the doctor's bonuses tied directly and healthcare use credits,Cost will be deduct bonus."
“医保使用额挂钩医生奖金” "Health care use hook doctors bonuses"
Many hospital doctors said,Beijing health care system of the total amount shall be paid in advance,Beijing people club bureau can according to each hospital ZhenLiaoLiang from previous years,Assign hospitals a share this year's insurance premiums.Although these share in proportion to increase every year,But in fact are not enough use.In accordance with the regulations,Beyond 8%,Hospital pays 5%,Insurance premiums pay 3% stronger,More than part shall be burden by the hospital again.
"In October last year,Our hospital's coverage has spent nearly 90% of all the year round,This a few months later,Hospitals have been requires all hospitals and doctor of medicine and clinical reduction."Dongcheng a dimethyl hospital doctor said.
"Our hospital has been to the doctor blowing wind."yesterday,Dongcheng, another dimethyl hospital doctor zhou Lin(Not his real name)said,The last year,Hospital regulations take care each department doctor,No longer give assessment evaluation of advanced qualifications.At the beginning of the year,Inform all departments to doctors hospital,"To the doctor's bonuses tied directly and healthcare use credits,Cost will be deduct bonus."
“挂钩”多发生二级医院 "hook"Tend to occur secondary hospital
Journalist survey found that,"blowing"Is small and medium-sized hospitals.
"Hospital patients with health care fixed fee,In the small and medium-sized hospital have heard earlier."yesterday,Meng Xiangzhou west side, a big 3 armour hospital physicians(Not his real name)said,At the end of last year has spent over coverage is not for hospital,To the doctor of medicine and clinical reduction instructions.
Meng Xiangzhou revealed,In addition to the health care share is not enough,Cancel the drug addition is also a reason.
Last year,,Some of Beijing's big hospital pilot cancellation of drug addition,"Have a wind that cancel the drug addition will gradually popularized,If small and medium-sized hospitals also,The impact on the income is much more serious than big hospital."Meng Xiangzhou said,Big hospital outpatient service,Medical check reservation line up,Cancel the drug addition to hospital income did not cause severe influence,"But is not the same as small and medium-sized hospitals."
Dongcheng a dimethyl hospital doctors said,The secondary hospital outpatient/Check the amount is much less than the tertiary hospitals,Drug addition accounts for more than a third of total revenue to the hospital.Drug addition,Income is excess of medicare patients to hospital"Contribution to the"the,If cancel the drug addition,The excess of medicare patients will become the burden of hospitals."Is drug addition to cancel the trend of The Times,This part have no income,Hospital doctors only card,Used to reduce coverage."
医院有“政策” 医生有对策 Hospital has"policy" Doctors have countermeasures
Hospitals will coverage bonuses tied to a doctor,The doctor also began to countermeasures.
The dongcheng district a dimethyl hospital doctor zhou Lin said,To control health care spending limit,Their department is the most commonly used approach is less prescriptions,"Patients with chronic disease,Originally a are open to half a month,Now open a week at most."
Pick the patient,Is also a doctor control insurance amount.
Zhou Lin said,Each department has admitted patients with health care standards,"Older patients are reluctant to accept,There are a number of diseases of the old and the sick are reluctant to accept,These patients are likely to cause health standard."
If the patient is not a doctor"standard",The doctor will"politely"helped,"We will talk to family members of patients,We not sure the patient,Families will find another hospital."
科室控医保 患者住院难 Department accused of medicare patients in hospital
To prevent press is ward doctor control means of the amount of health care.
Is often the case,Medicare patients in the hospital longer,The higher the cost,Will affect the department of health care cost limit.Most of all hospitals have a principle,Don't accept may cause press of medicare patients.
Zhou Lin said,In patients with easy to press,An take a look,Patients also had urinary system disease,Suggest family members to the urology hospitalized,"Many patients are a variety of diseases,Each department pushed around,Who are not willing to accept."
Sometimes the department coverage levels,The doctor would grill urge patients discharged from hospital,", of course, is the gateway to persuade,Said the patient in the hospital has no practical significance,Can go home rest."
For these practices,Doctors said very helpless,Health insurance amount exceeds the hospital doctor will buckle bonuses,"Are we going to reward the doctor don't say,At least could not be buckles money."
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外地曾出现拒收医保患者 Nonlocal appeared refused medicare patients
In fact,,Some places for total health care system in advance,In part of the hospital shuffle phenomenon of the patient.
It is reported that in 2012,Shanghai total health-care system pilot in the third year in advance,Because medicare fixed pressure,Shanghai residents qinling cancer late father hospitals refused,He is writing a letter to Shanghai party secretary yu zhengsheng,Reflect this matter.
In April 2012,The Beijing news reporter investigation,Hebei baoding implement total health care system in advance,A health care center to set target hospital,Hospital to the department indicators,The doctor XianShou worker health care of the patient,"Health-care spending is super,Doctors were buckle bonuses"The phenomenon of,In some public hospitals XianShou worker health care of the patient.After the report,The request of the ministry of health administrative department of health survey in hebei province know about the matter,And put forward the effective measures to solve the problem according to the actual situation.Baoding city people club bureau said,For public hospitals refused of medicare patients,Continuous questioning key hospital chief,Requirements must ensure that the normal medical treatment health care patients.
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