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专家解析延时症:看书越看越想睡 手机越刷越精神--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


night,When you are determined to"Go to bed"Went to bed,You really go to sleep,This need how much time in the middle?


Xiao Lin is the answer"At least more than 2 hours".Not because of her insomnia,But her before I go to bed every day can't help but to brush a mobile phone/Brush a tablet,say"Go to bed",Just hang QQ chat from computer to phone chat,Brush micro bo,Just from sitting down, brush brush into a lie,Or holding the IPAD play games,Reading a novel...Mobile phones and IPAD as long in her hand,Has come to the point where they couldn't sleep every day,But more see more excited,The brush the don't want to sleep.


Food best-selling author/Food show host human grace a few days ago sent a microblog:"I'd like to initiate a in less healthy way of life,A little for their health do something what initiative,Would you like to join?The play(it)Is -- 1 hour before bedtime,Apart from the mobile phone and twitter!Who can do it,The signature,Turn away,Remind yourself every night,I will remind you every day,sauce(such)."


This tweet was forwarded thousands of times,Netizens have said:"Turn away,But really good hard ah!""The most exaggerated once went to brush brush mobile phone after 5 hours..."


In the before,Another popular microblogs was also netizens turn hot,The psychological solemnly warned weibo users:"Mobile phones and tablets of light,Plus sleep delay caused by the loss of personal control is easy to cause depression."


yesterday,Reporters interviewed the nanjing sun expert consultants Li Peizhong counseling center.He agree with this statement:"Why read more read more want to sleep,Brush mobile phones are becoming more and more excited?This is for a reason."


倡议“弃刷”,真的做不到啊 initiative"Abandon brush",Really can't do it


Xiao Lin is typical"Delay before sleep".She must put phone on his pillow before you go to sleep,Hand can reach,A closed room lamp,Mobile phone screen will be bright,Otherwise she will not know how to sleep."If you go to bed directly,Mobile phone or IPAD is not in the hand,I was sad."The bed with a mobile phone what?"Brush micro bo,Brush at least dozens of pages,Don't brush don't meet.QQ chat,In the qq group of peep screen,Or see network novel,If encounter particularly good-looking,Can always see three in the morning."Because every night watching mobile phone,Xiao Lin on the second day is always very dry eyes,tired,The wind will shed tears,But she is not put mobile phone,Wake up in the morning,Mobile phones often pressed under her body.She said it has taken the time to go to bed early to night at half past nine,"Because to go to bed at half past nine means that I at least 12 points to sleep..."


"Before going to bed has become a serious procrastination!"And Lin many identical situation.The initiative after the weibo Wen Yi,A netizen said:"Yesterday began to perform,but,No computer no IPAD,Don't know what to do,so,Turn the kindle at noon today,Comfort myself,Although is electronic products,Somehow the picture didn't waste time..."Another netizen said helplessly:"The first day,Don't do it.The second day,Still didn't do it.Continue refueling."Netizens have said,Since playing the mobile phone and twitter,Sleep time delayed for at least an hour,"Want to do it earlier,Brush brush weibo don't have time to read a book.But the two days down to find it really good."Some netizens simply gave up:"In response to the,To go to bed early.Can be away from phones and weibo,But must have the IPAD."

  有瘾不是一两天,到底怎么办?网友们也给出了对策:“我把手机换成不是智能的了,睡前看书。”“看电视吧,可以慢慢安静下来,等到差不多就会关掉电视,不久就和周公在下棋了!”“手机今天晚上不带进卧室了。” 一位网友狠狠地说:“用最原始的手机,只有打电话和发短信功能。我9点半就睡觉,有人耗到12点睡,想想这2个半小时的时间你为国家做贡献了么。如果没有,那就为你自己做点贡献吧。”

Addicted is not a day or two,What to do?Netizens also gives countermeasures:"I change the phone is not smart,Read a book before sleeping.""Watch TV with,Can slowly quiet down,Wait until almost will turn off the TV,Soon and the duke of zhou in playing chess!""Mobile phone is not brought into the bedroom tonight." A netizen said bitterly:"In the most original phone,Only the function of calling and texting.I went to bed at half past nine,People consumption to 12 points to sleep,Think of this two and a half hour of time you contribute to country yet.If there is no,Contribute for yourself."


拖延睡觉容易引发抑郁? Delay the sleeping prone to depression?


A long weibo from shells do is discussed,This article micro bo also heat transfer on the Internet.This article micro bo said,Such a behavior is actually a form of procrastination,But the price will be higher.In physiological,Late sleep bad for health,And some studies have shown that,Mobile phones and tablets of light,Plus sleep delay caused by the loss of personal control is easy to cause depression.


yesterday,Nanjing sun counseling center expert consultant Li Peizhong told reporters in an interview,This argument has some truth.Because before sleeping, I always cannot help to brush a computer/Brush a mobile phone,addiction,Is a loss of self-control.Said from some kind of degree,If you want to sleep in itself,Always brush control cell phone again,Can't control their own behavior,Will be disappointed in myself/Blame yourself,In a"Should be sleeping"and"Can't put down the phone/The computer"In the conflict,Will cause the inner stirring.After a long time will form a certain emotional impact.


"There are‘Brush charged with’People often cannot leave a mobile phone in your life,To experience his presence,Attention by the society.Subconscious is a need for social interaction,Especially some in real life is not fully get social people meet."Li Peizhong told reporters,Although not as serious addiction,But it also is a life lacking a kind of embodiment,A lot of strong loneliness,The relations in real life is not perfect look forward to,So the network has a strong social dependence.


为什么看书犯困,刷手机兴奋? Why read nod off,Brush mobile excited?


Xiao Lin don't understand is why she is reading a book will soon be sleepy,But the brush the spirit brush mobile phone,Painted himself completely"fighter"?


Why study can promote sleep, brush page instead of the hazards?Long weibo from shells are explained,Both are the carrier of information,The difference between them lies in the attention.Need to focus on reading,Need to think about and deep processing,Run less brain system,Be thorough,Easy to feel tired,Easy to fall asleep.instead,Surf the Internet especially brush, due to the distraction from the weibo, etc,Jumping from one topic to another topic,Many brain areas are activated,But processing are relatively shallow,It is not easy to tired,Time is flies,It is not easy to fall asleep."From the beginning to sleep to sleep into the first stage requires a certain amount of time,In this process is accompanied by the rhythm of the heart/Lower blood pressure,Many operating systems in the brain began to reduce the operation rate,And the part of the brain that is responsible for the sleep began to work.From sober to sleep have a larger difference between the time required to people,Like a lot of attention and emotion problems people to sleep the time it takes longer.Imagine you have two SIMS in the brain,A is A, perform other functions,Another is the sleep function of B.They there are reciprocal inhibition between relations,A, the more excited before bed,B work harder to do,The more difficult to fall asleep!Many people are playing with mobile phone or a tablet before going to bed,A is in A state of A will be more excited,Finally conscience found after the decision to go to bed,Found it difficult to sleep,How to send boring time, continue to play mobile phones and the Internet.Thus forming a vicious circle,Play more and more difficult to fall asleep,More sleep more to play."


Li Peizhong also agree with this statement.He told the reporters,The book is a one-way communication,Didn't respond,But a mobile phone/Tablets are interactive/Have a response,Than the book is more vivid and vital social intercourse function,So can mobilize people's brain is more and more excited,Rather like reading a book,The watch will be the calm down,Into a state of burnout.

  那上了瘾怎么办呢?李培忠建议说,不要将手机和电脑带上床,睡前把手机放在自己看不到、够不着的地方,首先改变手里必须要拿着手机的习惯。而且自我暗示很管用,白天还没睡觉时做个决定,告诉自己晚上几点必须把手机关掉,另外把注意力更多地放在白天的现实生活,让生活更丰富和充实,满足自己的社会交往需求。可以选择读书或者其他促进睡眠的方式消磨时间,来替代刷手机,看看杂志,听听音乐,放空脑子,都是不错的办法。(记者 姚媛媛)

The addicted?Li Peizhong suggested,Do not carry cell phones and computers to go to bed,Before put the cell phone can't see myself/Can't reach the place,First of all change must be the habit of holding a cell phone in his hand.And self-talk is very useful,Haven't slept by day when making a decision,Tell yourself at night what time must turn off the phone,Another focus is more on the day of real life,Let the life more rich and colorful,Satisfy their social needs.Can choose reading or other ways to spend time to promote sleep,To replace the brush a mobile phone,Look at the magazine,Listen to the music,Empty mind,It is right way.(The reporter Yao Yuanyuan)
