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女子左脸毁容 不愿孩子被嘲笑欲手术“变脸”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

The love of beauty is a lot of women's lifelong pursuit,But from chongqing to kunming medical needs"Become beautiful"The generation of regular LAN,But not for their own,But in order to own a pair of children."Don't want to let her children were classmates made fun of,Is the purpose of her surgery."For the mother's surgery hospital staff said,This is for hospital"Ghost face mother"One of the reasons for surgery.
At about 6 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,See reporters lido hotel in kunming medical hairdressing hospital,"Ghost face mother"Generation often lie on the bed to lose a liquid,Her husband Huang Wande silently accompany aside.The generation of attendance on Tuesday for a period after the operation,The face was wrapped,Not to speak,But conscious of her hands after finish see lose fluid, the husband.
26 this month,Generation of attendance to the hospital for treatment.The doctor introduced,Generation frequently eyelid eversion serious under the left eye,Left face widespread disfigured,Skin tissue contracture serious adhesion.Mr. Huang said,In the generation of frequently 8 months old,She fell into the home of furnace,Left face was seriously injured.
8个月大时面部受伤 童年经历心酸 Eight months old facial injury sad childhood experience
Generation frequently fell into home 8 months of the furnace,Face a hit.Due to the home in the countryside,She is a girl,When her mother carried her to his uncle's,My uncle said to cold:"Governance is also a waste of money".Dry the tears will frequently hold home of generation mother,Apply to face used various herbal medicines for children.Several times for the child's life insurance,But left a serious scar on his face.
Because of the scar on his face,When primary school classmates all call frequently"ugly",No students are willing to play with her.At the beginning of a,Generation frequently drop out of school go home.
Five years ago,Pillars of his hometown of chongqing county Huang Wande and generation frequently for wedding introduced.Two years ago,Two people together to work in kunming.Because the left face was damaged,Generation frequently been when looking for a job,To do his men on the site together with the husband,Pick sand ash/Move the brick,Husband Huang Wande see in the eye pain in my heart.
This year 24 years old, and frequently LAN and her husband get married more than 5 years,Two people have two daughters,A five years old,A is only 4 months old.Generation frequently LAN will be mentioned to her husband after marriage had tragic experience,But after all it is pain in the heart,She did not want to talk too much.Ok time attendance will also look in the mirror,Just few times.
Huang Wande very distressed wife lives in isolation and ridicule,"She has never had a friend."Although the couple don't have much savings,But in order to wife to restore normal face,Huang Wande no less encouraged his wife,"Money is not much,As long as can make you become beautiful."Huang Wande hope,And his wife after the success of the surgery,She can find a job easily.
修复面容 就是为了孩子 Repair feature is for the children
Why lasted for 24 years"Ghost face",Generation frequently LAN to sudden change?Because of her daughter's words.A generation frequently on the way to pick up daughter kindergarten,Is daughter asked casually"My mother,How do you face so ugly?"A don't understand word suddenly let children often realize,The child's classmates and parents would not only with strange eyes look at myself,More will see daughter.Can't let others laugh at two daughters have a"Ghost face mother",Generation frequently consult with her husband after,Entered the lido medical hairdressing hospital in kunming.
Hospital staff said,The whole process need spend about 80000 yuan.Huang Wande family were farmers,They work at ordinary times maintain life,Can earn 3000 multivariate money every month.Because the family is not rich,Hospital for generations often breaks the bulk of the surgery.A stage, the need to 40000 yuan,Only need 24000 yuan after breaks.Even if is some difficulties,The move is still grateful Huang Wande to hospital.
手术前,代勤兰的左眼闭不了,睡觉时都睁着,还老是流泪,嘴角控制不好的话会流口水。手术后,这些都恢复正常。一周后,代勤兰脸上的线大多都可以拆除了。半年后,她将进行二期治疗,不用再担心自己童年时的阴影继续影响到女儿了。(孙黎薇 普焘)
Before the operation,Generation of attendance of left eye closed,When sleeping is open,Also always shed tears,Corners of the mouth control not good words will drool.After the operation,These all back to normal.After a week,Generation of most frequently face of the line can be dismantled.After half a year,She will be for second phase of treatment,Don't have to worry about the shadow of childhood continue to affect the daughter.(Sun Liwei PuDao)
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