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精神病母亲杀死14岁儿子 被申请强制医疗--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Because psychiatric hair doubt anyone would harm himself,Mother had to kill his own son.
In recent days,Shenyang city big east the area to the people's procuratorate accepted and transferred to the mental patient with criminal responsibility in accordance with the mandatory medical treatment special procedure.This is the revised[Criminal procedure law]After the formal implementation,Shenyang procuratorial system enable the procedure of the first case.
We have learned,Ai a 43 years old this year,Suffering from a mental illness,But the frequency is not high,At ordinary times in the hotel kitchen after work in the water case.A few months ago,Because again, home for illness.Ai one after the onset,Someone always said the key itself,And many times with my family said that rather than being killed himself.This year on January 6th afternoon,Ai a husband have something to go out,Mr. A to 14, the younger son alone to look after for a while.Only to find her husband just left fore,Ai a disease.Her hands grip the little son's neck,And then to strangle it.then,Ai a cut left wrist want to commit suicide with a kitchen knife,The results are back to husband found and rescued in time.
Had the following morning,Involved in the mental patient ai a summoned by the public security organs as accomplices.After approved by liaoning province mental health center of forensic identification committee of judicial authentication,Some people with psychotic symptoms of depression,When in the period,Legal capacity assessment for no criminal responsibility ability.
The public security organ according to the appraisal conclusion make the decision to cancel,And will be involved in the mental patient ai a sent to provisional protective restraint measures of mental health center in shenyang,And submit to DaDongOu's procuratorate in accordance with the mandatory medical opinion.
DaDongOu procuratorate decided that after review of the case,Mental patients involved somewhere ai psychotic episode during the implementation of intentional homicide behavior,Don't need to bear criminal responsibility.But it has murdered delusion,During the onset of psychotic symptoms for loss of ability to identify and control their actions,In the case of legal agent cannot be effective supervision,There may continue to harm to society,Conform to the compulsory medical conditions.(Reporter LiuZhao correspondent Li Wenhui Zhang Fang)
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