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大病救助单靠医保不容易 需借社会之力做“加法”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

大病如灾,仅靠医保扛得住吗(民生视线) A serious illness, such as disaster,Only by health care carry live(The livelihood of the people line of sight)
A uremic patients,Using home-made equipment maintenance hemodialysis for 13 years;Gallium 10-year-old boy hu hao,Shoulder the burden of taking care of sick mother alone;Beijing man SiKe hospital official seal,Diddle cost of treatment,Let the wife uremia hemodialysis...A serious illness let people to taste the bitterness behind the story,Also caused the public thought.
International triggered a serious illness"Family catastrophic spending"There is general consensus,If its spending more than 40% of household income,The disastrous spending is a serious illness.clearly,In the face of a serious illness,Ordinary people, especially farmers' per capita income of less than RMB 7000 per year,To afford.
For the large medical burden of patients with serious illness,Of urban and rural residents in August last year to launch a serious illness insurance policy,Clear after the basic medical insurance reimbursement for 50% again,This policy will be in the provinces.At the same time,New farming and serious security capacity to 20 major workplace disease.A serious illness is very cruel,Reality has been focused on,But only by health care does not hold up?Outside of health care,Also can use what means?Reporter has carried on the investigation and research.
①免费的“救命大餐” (1) free of charge"For dinner"
——免费救助,为江西10300名困难尿毒症患者节省约3.4亿元 - free assistance,Difficult for jiangxi 10300 uremia patients save about 340 million yuan
Winter in poyang lake side,The weather is cold.
On January 18,,Is a regular on Friday,For the xinjian county in jiangxi province stone port town of w village uremia patients fine bao cheng is different.Every Tuesday/Five range coverage will be fine in the afternoon to the town in hemodialysis.
In 2011,,Fine bao cheng in the hospital were told had uremia,In order to cure,uh,The medical expenses spent 30000 multivariate.Disease progression,He had to hospital for blood dialysis in a week.
Due to the treatment time is long,The high cost of health care,Uremia has become an important disease of some families because of sickness poor.Fine bao cheng said,Every hemodialysis 300 multivariate,A year spent nearly 30000 yuan of hemodialysis,A lot of patients and reduce the number of hemodialysis for lack of money.
In 2012,,In jiangxi province, started providing free hemodialysis patients with uremia poverty relief."Hemodialysis can do 8 times a month,More than a year down the doctor cost reduced by seventy percent."Fine bao cheng said,"Dialysis need not spend money now,New drug cost farmers can submit an expense account,Home less to worry about,The in the mind is more clear than before!"Fine bao cheng lie on the bed said with a smile.
With fine cheng bao also lucky,And the province's 10300 other difficulties in uremia patients,They also enjoy the free meals.
Do a hemodialysis is very expensive,More than a few years ago Beijing tongzhou uremic patients"Means of"Hemodialysis events,Let the national people's understanding of the hemodialysis.Hemodialysis need equipment,Need material,Need to disinfect room.In jiangxi province,Do a hemodialysis,Tertiary hospital in 400 yuan/times/The secondary hospital 360 yuan/times/Level 1 hospital 320 yuan/times.According to the policy,Trouble free do 2 times per week per person hemodialysis uremic patients,Calculated at 52 weeks each year,10300 patients at least 340 million yuan for free.
谁来给“免费大餐”埋单? Who is going to give"A free meal"Foot the bill?
Jiangxi province health department was appointed deputy director-general of the who ChuanMei is introduced,Jiangxi mainly adopts"As a whole health resources,Reduce health care costs"The practice of.In August 2011,Jiangxi province has[Uremia hemodialysis treatment scheme for free],Provisions from January 1, 2012 began to implement free aid,Treatment costs borne by the medical institutions was 10%/New farmers bear the 70%/Home medical care bear 20%.Good for the implementation of the project,Jiangxi province government allocated 135 million yuan for special funds,Buy the main equipment/consumables,And batch bidding procurement,Market price of 200000 yuan of hemodialysis machine,Purchase prices of tens of thousands of yuan,Supplies each time also plunged 100 multivariate.
The use of hundreds of millions of money,Rescue patients,This for is not developed in jiangxi province,It's not easy,Even in developed area also have no similar samples free of charge.In fact,,Free assistance in jiangxi province is not only a uremia."Bright smile,"/Urban and rural children"Two conditions"And uremia"Free hemodialysis"Three major disease free treatment engineering,211500 patients with cataract surgery,Smile, 9126 cases of cleft lip and palate patients,440 cases of children with leukemia and 5700 cases of children with congenital heart disease receive free treatment,Difficulty also asked 10300 uremia patients get rid of the economic pressure.There will be heavy psychosis 44000 eligible patients get free treatment.
②大病救助不容易 (2) a serious illness is not easy to salvage
——疾病经济负担增长势头远高于GDP增幅,单靠医保会非常吃力 - the disease economic burden of momentum is far higher than GDP growth,Health care alone will be very hard
Illness is not easy.In order to treat these patients with a serious illness,Jiangxi came up with ways to/Mobilize the resources,"Centralized specialist/Pooling resources/Centralized treatment".The province shall be determined and published 161 fixed-point medical institutions/The first 151 towns and townships blood purification technology from medical personnel can do free for patients with hemodialysis,72 towns and townships as a designated hospitals.For the county/Township medical establishment that decide a dot configuration of hemodialysis machine/Water processor/Defibrillation apparatus, etc. The main equipment.Training staff nearly 2000 people.Jiangxi encourages charities to support patients at the same time,Explore to establish multi-level basic medical security system.
Cities and counties are also trying to.For the convenience of uremia patients go to a doctor,New county more than 200 200 yuan last year in constant lake institutes and uncooked rice institutes built a hemodialysis room each,And the villages and towns directory class drug reimbursement ratio reached 95%.
In addition to this,There are a series of complicated work to do.According to the county people's hospital, vice President of the new Wu Xiangdong is introduced,After a check-up/Blood check/Renal function tests,After confirmed patients,Then decide if we need to long-term dialysis treatment.In the patient's identity,Depends on the account/Id card,Audit whether the local residents,If poor households/Low edge or low income households.
This is a huge task.If the country came to rescue the patients with serious illness,And how much power?
The fourth national health services survey released by the ministry of health of mainly according to the results,By the calculation,In 2008,,Doctors across the country have a definitive diagnosis of 260 million cases chronic diseases.Heart disease and malignant tumors etc. We called"A serious illness"The number of cases surge in every year.
Large patient population to bring heavy burden of disease.By measuring,Direct economic burden of disease in China in 2010 for $2 trillion,Indirect burden of about 2.8 trillion yuan,Both total is RMB 480 million,Compared to 12% of GDP.It is worth noting,Increased economic burden is greater than that of GDP growth.Compared with 1993,GDP growth of 11 times,Disease burden by a factor of 14.
To dissolve the burden of disease by who?Many people think of health care.Such as the new farming and almost completely covered,Accounting for 830 million people,According to the calculation to raise 300 yuan per year,The premium scale in 250 billion yuan.however,Rapid growth in the total health expenses/And more than $2 trillion today,The power of the medical insurance also let a person worry.Still to new farming as an example,Security level is not high,But little savings each year."Public hospital reform is not fully in place,This will in turn affect the use of the efficiency of funds."Tongji medical college huazhong university of science and technology professor Yao Lan said.This means that,Remain in public hospitals"With medicine cure"will"fill"Spend a lot should not have.Health care according to the project payment method also stimulates the unreasonable cost growth.
In addition,There are a lot of the cost effectiveness of treatment is not necessarily good,This is also new farming and select 20 kinds of diseases to protect one of the reasons.
and,The disease burden is not only refers to the treatment cost.
Cheng bao and He Fengtao have experience greatly.Range coverage out-of-pocket expenses for medicine, last year, more than 2000 yuan fine,And rode and dialysis before YingYangFei reached 6000 yuan.He usually take the villages and towns passenger transportation back and forth to 12 yuan,If meets the Spring Festival/Major holidays and bad weather,The car will be rise in price at any time.Range coverage is fine every Tuesday/Five in the afternoon to the town in hemodialysis,On January 4th, Friday,Under the heavy snow that day,His back and forth the fare up to 30 yuan,During the Spring Festival,Some days back and forth dialysis to 40 yuan.He Fengtao is every Tuesday/Five hemodialysis in the morning,She every morning at 5 40 points take bus 143 to nanchang,And then take bus 211 to county hospital,Do the bus back and forth 6 yuan.If take the villages and towns passenger go to the county town,Then sit back and forth ring road to the county hospital need 16 yuan.Every time in order to save 10 yuan fare,Her to the bus master clearly class line.
③借社会之力做“加法” (3) through the power of social"The addition"
——大病如灾,应整合政府、社会、个人、慈善的力量,最大限度避免“看不起病”、“因病返贫”现象发生 - a serious illness such as disaster,Should integrate the government/social/personal/The power of charity,The maximum to avoid"Look down on disease"/"Chinese because of illness"phenomenon
In August last year,Introduced to carry out the urban and rural residents in China a serious illness insurance guidance documents.Earlier this year,The ministry of health announced,New farming and serious security capacity to 20 kinds of diseases,And implemented across the country.so,Many places adopted"The basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance and medical treatment",or"New farming and a serious illness, serious illness insurance and medical treatment"Rescue mode of a serious illness.
Effect has been preliminarily revealed.The earliest run a serious illness insurance system of qinghai province,More than 500 patients with serious illness,And cohesion in the basic health care/Civil affairs medical assistance system.
Party secretary of the Chinese medical association RaoKeQin provides new farming and serious security data.By the end of 2011,New farming and serious security pilot national treatment for childhood leukemia/Congenital heart disease/Major diseases such as end-stage renal disease in patients with more than 230000 people,2012 years ago in the third quarter,With 650000 patients included in the major disease protection,The right to obtain corresponding compensations.Congenital heart disease in children/Leukemia compensation ratio reached 77% and 77% in real terms,End-stage renal disease and diseases of the actual compensation ratio reaches 67%,12 new pilot diseases such as lung cancer the actual compensation ratio reaches 59%."Began in 2013,Can also first by new farming and carried out in accordance with the policy within the scope of not less than 70% of the expenses,To compensate pays more than the urban and rural residents of the individual after a serious illness insurance compensation standard part,Then by a serious illness insurance compensate proportion to the amount of no less than 50%."
World bank senior sanitation Zhang Shuo economic experts said:"Disease caused by catastrophic spending,Has the nature of public goods,Shall be borne by the social insurance.With the domestic health care to set up the top line,General international disease spending that is set up stop-loss point,The ginseng protect the patients out-of-pocket expenses reached a certain level,Such as monthly income,The new fees are all borne by the insurance,.Of course,,Existing in our country's basic health care funding level cannot support such guarantee,Therefore consider to establish a serious illness insurance and serious illness,Is also a kind of transition."According to her,The rural health project carried out a serious illness in shaanxi XunYi secondary benefits,With the aspects of financing,Such as financial/Social charities/Civil affairs medical rescue funds, etc,Build a bailout of a serious illness.
But these security system there are prerequisites,Such as the new farming and only about 20 kinds of serious illness protection;Urban and rural residents since there is a serious illness insurance pay for line setup,And subject to local funding level;Medical assistance only face special difficulties in the crowd.A serious illness how aid is more powerful?
At the grass-roots level for a long time/Contact with many low-income patients with serious illness,Wu Xiangdong think,For a particular disease,Remove the admission threshold line should be considered,Is the hospital reimbursement starting line.
In addition to see a doctor to reduce the economic burden,Wu Xiangdong think,If it is possible,The local government can put the object was not included in low uremia patients included in the scope of threshold.Because uremic patients lose labor ability basically,If included in the low,Can solve the problem of their basic life.It is understood,Xinjian county has now cancelled the low-income residents/Reimbursement of infirm pay line.
Wu Xiangdong also suggested that,Should be like"Spring bud project"As well as,A women's federation/The communist youth league/Federation of industry and commerce,Some patients with serious illness children care for particularly difficult.Wu Xiangdong also contacted a company,But found themselves alone to do it,Ability is limited,More hope the whole society pay close attention to this part of the disadvantaged groups."The government/social/personal/The power of charity,Maybe should do addition,For patients with serious illness, the most effective relief."
In view of the current funding level is low,Experts suggest that focus on health care"outlet",Focus on cost control,To implement the optimal treatment plan,On the premise of guarantee quality,Macro-reforms, etc is carried out control measures.
“关键是建立一个全社会的保障体系。”姚岚认为,这个保障体系,能让各种制度衔接起来,有较高的保障能力,即充足的资金和高水平的服务能力。“当然,个人也有责任,必须要参保,尽自己的责任。”(记者 吴齐强 李红梅)
"The key is to build a security system of the whole society."Yao Lan think,The security system,To link up all kinds of system,The guarantee of high ability,Sufficient funds and a high level of service ability."Of course,,The individual also has the responsibility,Must want to join,Do your duty."(Reporter Wu Ji Li Gongmei)
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