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专家称肿瘤患者须从心开始庇护 勿自认为来日不多--亲稳舆论引导监测室

专家称肿瘤患者须从心开始庇护 勿自认为来日不多


When they hear"A tumor patients and three months/Half a lifetime"This is similar to"sentence"The statement,Some people fall apart,Even short"sentence"Don't spend,But there are many patients in the doctor's help to create a another miracle of life.Facing these two quite different results,Air force general hospital oncology Zhu Guangqing, director of the some Suggestions are given.


预计生存期 , 并不是指实际寿命 Expected lifetime , I wasn't referring to the actual life


Expects the life term of is actually to have relatively difficult to cure the disease of the survival of an estimate.Such expectations screening patients is mainly used for scientific research,And should not as to the patient"sentence".May have large deviation.


"The so-called terminally ill patients"Cannot treat as the same,Forecast is not equal to life will be end at that time,So can't give up at any time."expected"Is of positive significance,When that disease may be difficult to heal,Should timely adjust the work/life,The things are assigned by the confessed to his family in advance/Colleagues and subordinates,Do a easily to struggle with the disease.


 丢下包袱 , 轻松上阵 Drop the burden , Easy to play


There is a chest big bump/A lot of pleural effusion/Elderly patients with bone metastases.Cough every day/Chest tightness,Fever of 38.5 degrees Celsius,Cannot lay down/Can't turn,Due to bone metastases pain double lower limbs lie without buckling,Can't squat when standing,Only 35 kg weight,Estimated survival period less than three months.According to condition the doctor gave her biological treatment and small doses of individualized chemotherapy,Combined with the patient's optimism/A bright and cheerful disposition,Now in the past three and a half years,Is 76 years old,Weight increased to 45 kg,Become a ward of anticancer star,Also in a humorous way, let the doctor she live to be 80.


And a colorectal liver metastases patients in Taiwan.A year ago after being confirmed by fear/Accepted chemotherapy and so on"qigong"And Chinese medicine treatment.On the liver has become worthy of the name"Tumor pocket",On the top heart,Left to squeeze the spleen,Issued the pelvic,Along with massive ascites,Severe jaundice,Liver meritorious service is abnormal,Purulent blood has more than 20 times a day,The whole people like"Will the panting tumors".He had no formal treatment into consideration,The doctor give biological treatment and individualized chemotherapy.Two weeks later, the miracle appear,He defecate reduced to 6 ~ 7 times a day,Also use mobile phone took a long time not see long shit.After a few months,"Tumor pocket"Is nearly empty,Return to normal liver,He take the plane/Came back by train,Just like normal people.


Their experience is to drop the baggage,Easy to play,Actively cooperate with the doctor treatment.Avoid by all means"The fate",In fear all day long,More don't think"Every little in the future",In detail,hands-on,Doubt everything.This kind of tension/Anxiety can cost a lot of energy and strength,Let the family worry/More let the doctor.


患者 : 吃喝拉撒睡最重要 In patients with : Eat and drink pull scatter sleep is the most important


Many families will focus on cancer treatment and patients,In fact"Plenty of sleep/Reasonable diet/Proper exercise and good state of mind"Is the most important thing.This is to ensure that the treatment of patients with the most basic conditions,The best thing is for patients and their families.Regardless of the patient is in which stage,Try my best to learn these,Is likely to win more opportunities and time,Even to create the miracle.


Some patients can't sleep at night,Couldn't use a toothpick with a lid,Afraid of as little shenyang says"Eyes closed,Don't open,In this life is over".Enough sleep is a very important aspect of the treatment.If you can assure enough sleep,Will be better than any supplements,Is one of the best immune enhancer.


 患者要保持良好心态 Patients should keep a good state of mind


About the good state of mind,Patients will say:"Disease in the body feeling very well."Especially in tumor patients,Especially the terminally ill patients.For the pessimists,The end of the world seems to be always chasing him.They will complain without a good fate,Without a good doctor.Wonder if diagnosis was wrong,All around the way,Visited famous doctor,Be sure to find the best hospital in the world,The best doctor,Using the best medicine to voluntarily.In fact,In today's highly developed information,Medical technology is not the sole party time.The patient must set up a good state of mind,Calm down as soon as possible,To find your trust/With professional technology/And convenient for the family to take care of the hospital,Reasonable treatment,Instead of constantly inquire about all kinds of information/Folk prescription/specific,Results may delay the best treatment time.Zhu Guangqing stressed"Cancer treatment,Starting from the heart",The patient to adjust themselves,With good state of mind to accept treatment as soon as possible.


 家属 : 多数都会焦虑和抑郁 Family members of the : Most are anxiety and depression


A tumor patient's illness is often a family illness,So the doctor in the diagnosis and treatment when patients are often pay attention to the psychological state of the family,To give guidance,So that they cooperate with good treatment.


When people are in a bad mood what all don't pleasing to the eye,Listen to what all don't sweet.The patient was in a bad mood,Family members also follow bad,Will form a vicious circle,Hardly conducive to patient treatment and rehabilitation.If the patient condition have been late,Family members should be more rational treatment,Pay attention to the attitude adjustment,According to relieve the pain/The principle of prolonging life,Cooperate with medical personnel to formulate reasonable treatment plan.Don't blindly request is too high,Otherwise the expectations not only increased his pain and shading.

  “偶尔能治愈、常常去帮助、始终在安慰”是美国著名结核医生的座右铭,他当年身患结核久治不愈而后奇迹生还成为著名医生。就用这句话来勉励我们吧,不论是医者、患者或是家属。肿瘤治疗从心开始,调整心态、放下包袱,无论何时,努力争取创造自己生命的奇迹。(王 琳)

"Occasionally can heal/Often go to help/Always in the comfort"TB is the famous doctor's motto,He was suffering from tuberculosis, cured and then miracle survival become famous doctor.Can use this sentence to encourage us,Whether it is a healer/The patient or family.Tumor treatment starting from the heart,Adjust the mentality/Put down the burden,No matter when,Strive to create their own the miracle of life.(Wang Lin)
