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张家口百岁老人护耳有方 自称“没事常拽拽”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网张家口3月3日电(谭地 刘洋)3月3日是全国第十四个“爱耳日”,在河北张家口市一个社区举办的活动中,记者见到了一位百岁老人,她耳不聋眼不花,自称护耳有方。

Beijing zhangjiakou, March 3 (Reuters)(Tan to liu Yang)On March 3, is the fourteenth"AiErRi",In a community activities in zhangjiakou, hebei province,Reporter saw a centenarian,She is not take ear is deaf to the eye,Earmuffs themselves well.


According to the event host/Sunshine home, head of the fan is introduced to China,In nearly a century old she encounters,About 70% are faced with varying degrees of hearing impairment.She thinks that,When the old man hearing loss,Understanding followed the decline,Led to the decrease of the speech expression,Language function recession,This will gradually produce a series of problems such as alzheimer's disease.So take care of the elderly hearing,Is the most practical help for the elderly.


In the field,There is an old man has attracted the attention of journalists.The old man called Ma Sufang,Born in 1916,This year is 97 years old.Although ma grandma age long,But look good,Listening is good too.


Grandma said that ma,They are pay attention to physical exercise,Also attaches great importance to the protection of the ear.She said,The effects of aging,Hear the noisy sound must be avoided,Set off firecrackers to ear or car horns will produce certain stimuli,Try to avoid contact.In addition,Old people have nothing like to ear cleaning.In fact,The old man ears are vulnerable,A little do not pay attention to hurt my ears.


Ma grandma told reporters,All right ye ye rub ear,Activity of ear blood vessels,And regularly check,So ear hearing does not drop too much.


At the scene of the love yizhen activities,A hearing rehabilitation center Zhang Feng doctor for present the old man hearing tests.The 81 - year - old Xie Sheng old people suffering from diabetes,Hearing loss is very obvious.When do the test,Need to shout to hear clearly.Xie Sheng claus told reporters,I like listening to the ballad,Children bought his MP3 download a lot of ballad,But slowly found that hearing is getting worse.


Zhang Feng doctor explained,Take headphones to listen to MP3 player for a long time,Is one of the important causes leading to hearing loss.Young people take headphones to listen to things will damage the ear for a long time,For the elderly is more damage.


Zhang Feng said the doctor,As the growth of the age,The function of organs is also gradually decline,This is an irreversible process.But it can be to delay the hearing loss through casual observation and maintenance level.Keep the mood cheerful/Avoid loud noise/Light diet/Regularly do ear examination and so on all is an important way to actively to prevent hearing loss.


Have a survey,Around the world with mild hearing loss is nearly 600 million,Moderate more than 250 million people with hearing losses.China has a hearing impairment of 20.57 million for the disabled,Seven of deaf children under the age of 800000,Will also be new produced more than 30000 for each year,Age-related deafness is also increasing in number.On March 3, 2000,The national AiErRi was born,This year's theme is"Healthy hearing,Happiness life - focus on the elderly hearing health".(After the)
