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  中新社北京3月3日电 (记者 丁栋 徐杨祎)“食品安全是全球范围内需要我们共同面对的重要挑战之一,我们肯定要坚持做到最好,所以每天如履薄冰。”3日,全国政协委员、伊利实业集团股份有限公司董事长潘刚接受中新社记者采访时,对当前备受关注的食品安全问题进行了回应。

China news agency, Beijing, March 3 (Reuters) (The reporter Ding Dong Xu Yangyi)"Food safety is one of the world within the scope of we need to confront one of the most important challenges,We must adhere to do the best,So every day."3,,The CPPCC national committee/Yili industrial group co., LTD., chairman of the China news agency reporters interviewed Mr Pan,The current food safety issues of concern for the response.


Hong Kong was formally implemented on 1"Milk powder with limit",After new rules introduced many hong kongers and mainlanders were arrested.domestic"Rest assured milk"And food safety issues concern again.


For this,As a leading Chinese dairy brand leader,Mr Pan said,Hong Kong's special situation,Milk powder restrictions have introduced its background.after,New Zealand and Australia have milk powder moratorium, respectively,In order to reduce China's buyers of local milk powder of the impact of the retail market.


"We respect consumer choice",Mr Pan knows Chinese"Preference for"The key reason is that consumer confidence in domestic milk powder, milk powder.From the company,Erie on to regain consumer confidence issues over the years done a lot of work,In 2012 alone,In the aspect of product quality inspection equipment investment reached 500 million yuan RMB.


The Chinese people's political consultative conference meeting,Mr Pan raises two proposals related to the dairy industry,Suggestions for the development of dairy industry systematism,Second is the issue of sustainable development of the industry chain,"As the food industry practitioners,This is our career of a lifetime",Mr Pan said.


As the first session of the 12th CPPCC spokesman Lv Xinhua puts it,"Milk powder is 99% conform to quality standards in the mainland,Now the question is,The confidence of milk powder is of standard quality."


On how to regain consumer confidence,Mr Pan said,He support consumers on product quality put forward higher requirements,"Customers have any requirements are not too much,Our company also has made a very strict strict standards."(After the)
