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山西试行日间手术模式 患者高兴医生“愁”(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网太原3月4日电 (范丽芳)日间手术这一在西方等发达国家较为普遍的手术模式,正在中国广泛开展。4日,记者从山西首家推广该模式的医院获悉,运营半年之久,日间手术优势渐现,但此模式对医技的高要求也让医生压力倍增。
Beijing, taiyuan, March 4 (Reuters) (Fan Lifang)Ambulatory surgery is a common operation mode of the developed countries in the west,Is widely carried out in China.4,,The reporter learns from this pattern in the first hospital of Shanxi Province,Run half the year,Ambulatory surgery advantage gradually now,But the pattern of medical high demand also let doctors increased pressure.
Daytime operation mode,Is to point to in a working days to arrange the patient's hospitalization/surgery/Brief observation after the operation/Restore and go through the discharge,Patient in hospital for 24 hours.
"Now serious ageing problem,Medical resources lack,We need to do is to adjust the structure of resources,Changed the medical service mode,With relatively low price to get a high quality service,Daytime operation mode is a kind of let the patient/Hospitals and countries benefit from medical service pattern."The executive vice President of shanxi medical university second hospital Li Rongshan said.On August 6, 2012,The hospital began to implement the operation mode.
The hospital provide figures show,As of the end of February,The orthopaedic/Department of gynaecology/Mammary gland/urology/General surgery/Renal medicine/Vascular branch/neurologist/Haematology department 13 departments have carried out the surgery in the day,Involved in disease to 26,Between January 2013 and completed more than 400 cases.
Recorded in the case,On January 10,,In patients with Lou a xinzhou,Right breast neoplasm resection,24 hours after discharge,Operation cost is 2504.16 yuan."In general,Need to be hospitalized breast lump resection in 5 to 7 days,Now only 1 day,And hospitalization expenses from 5300 yuan to 5300 yuan."Sheng wang nurse-in-charge is introduced in the department of surgery in the day.To reduce the in-hospital costs,Ambulatory surgery has been incorporated in the local province/City medical insurance reimbursement.
Ambulatory surgery hospitalization period is short/Medical costs low advantage gradually now,Be relieve patients see a doctor expensive/Medical care is one of the means,Are recognised by hospitals and patients."But this requires see doctor medical skill is more exquisite,The nurse care more in place,After discharge of the review is also important,So as to ensure patients discharged from hospital after recovery."The hospital orthopaedic Yang Chaohui said,Due to the high risk/Responsibility for heavy,Doctors generally enthusiasm is not high,Hope this model is more and more perfect in the future.(After the)
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