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2013年中央预算医疗卫生支出逾2602亿 增长27.1%--亲稳网络舆情监控室
2013年预算草案提请审查 民生投入给力 Draft budget for 2013 to review the livelihood of the people in
According to the March 5 to 12 National People's Congress of a meeting to review reports of the central and local draft budgets in 2013,In 2013 the central budget for striking in the livelihood of the people.
—— 教育支出4132.45亿元,增长9.3%。包括支持学前教育加快发展。进一步提高农村义务教育经费保障水平。支持改善普通高中办学条件,加强职业教育基础能力建设。全面落实国家资助家庭经济困难学生政策,促进教育公平等。
- education spending of 413.245 billion yuan,Growth of 9.3%.Including support for pre-school education to accelerate development.To further improve the level of rural compulsory education funds safeguard.Support to improve managerial condition of average high school,We will improve vocational education foundation ability construction.Full implementation of national aid policy of family economic difficulties students,To promote education fairness, etc.
—— 文化体育与传媒支出540.54亿元,增长9.3%。包括深入推进博物馆等公益性文化设施免费开放。加强基层公共文化服务体系建设。大力支持红色文化资源、文物保护重点工程、水下文化遗产和大遗址文物保护。加强全民健身设施建设等。
54.054 billion yuan, culture and sports and media,Growth of 9.3%.Including deepening museum public welfare cultural facilities free of charge.To strengthen the construction of public cultural service system.Support the red culture resources/The protection of cultural relics of key projects/Underwater cultural heritage and the big ruins cultural relics protection.To strengthen the construction of national fitness facilities, etc.
—— 医疗卫生支出2602.53亿元,增长27.1%。提高新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民基本医疗保险的财政补助标准,由每人每年240元提高到280元。扩大城乡居民大病保险试点,巩固完善基本药物制度和基层医疗卫生机构运行新机制,加快公立医院改革。将城乡居民基本公共卫生服务经费标准由每人每年25元提高到30元,扩大部分服务项目覆盖面。扩大城乡医疗救助范围,加强对特殊困难人员的医疗救助等。
- and spent 260.253 billion yuan on medical and health care,Growth of 27.1%.Improve the new rural cooperative medical care and basic medical insurance for urban residents of the fiscal subsidy standards,Up to 280 yuan from 240 yuan per person per year.A serious illness insurance pilot expand urban and rural residents,Consolidate the perfect system for basic drugs and grassroots medical and health institutions operation mechanism,Speed up the reform of public hospitals.The expenditures on basic public health services of urban and rural residents increased from 25 yuan per person per year to 30 yuan,Expand coverage for some services.Expanding the scope of the urban and rural medical assistance,Strengthen the special difficulties of medical treatment, etc.
—— 社会保障和就业支出6550.81亿元,增长13.9%。按照10%左右的标准继续提高企业退休人员基本养老金水平。巩固新型农村和城镇居民社会养老保险制度全覆盖成果。适当提高城乡居民最低生活保障水平,对中央财政补助地区继续分别按照月人均15元和12元增加补助。进一步完善社会救助体系,保障受灾群众基本生活等。
- social security and employment costs 655.081 billion yuan,Growth of 13.9%.In accordance with the standards of around 10% to continue improving enterprise retiree basic pension standard.To consolidate the new rural and urban social endowment insurance system covers all results.Improve the level of urban and rural dweller lowest life to ensure appropriate,Financial subsidies to the central region respectively according to $15 and $12 per month increase subsidies.We will further improve the social assistance system,Guarantee the affected people basic life, etc.
—— 住房保障支出2229.91亿元,比上年预算数增长5.3%。按照年度建设任务计算,财政投入力度加大,资金安排重点向公共租赁住房、棚户区改造倾斜。
- housing expenditure of 222.991 billion yuan,YuSuanShu increased by 5.3% over the previous year.According to the annual construction mission computing,Financial investment increased,Key to public rental housing arrangements/Shanty towns transformation.
5, premier wen jiabao in his government work report points out,To focus on optimizing fiscal expenditure structure.Continue to education/Medicine and health care/The people's livelihood areas and weak links such as social security,Strictly control the funds and general expenses,Industry and thrift do all undertakings.The central budget for investment mainly to government-subsidized housing projects,agriculture/Water conservancy/Urban pipe network infrastructure, etc,Social undertakings such as the people's livelihood project,Energy conservation and emissions reduction and ecological environment, etc.
The National People's Congress/Beijing fengtai district party committee secretary Li Chaogang said,Increase the budget to the livelihood of the people in the field of investment,Is the embodiment of the people-oriented idea,Economic development of the purpose and goal should be to improve the livelihood of the people,Let people share the achievement.
He thinks that,Invest heavily in the livelihood of the people has two meanings,It is can make people benefit directly;2 it is can lead to more social capital into public domain.Increased investment in the people's livelihood,Is adapted to China's stage of development,"Make the cake"and"Dividing a cake"Are more important,Should let more people share the achievements of development.
In the past five years,Xinhua net continuous for two sessions of the survey,Involved in distribution of income/housing/prices/employment/Education fair/Medicine and health care, etc. The topic is Chinese Internet users the most concern.
十二届全国人大代表、山东济宁市市长梅永红表示,让老百姓分享改革发展的成果应该是发展的原则,老百姓享受到的实惠其实还是挺多的。但贫富差距依然存在,甚至在某些行业领域依然在拉大。公共财政支出结构应该注意让老百姓公平分享。让农村人也享受到城里人一样的公共服务。(记者孟娜 高洁 赵仁伟)
The 12th National People's Congress/Shandong jining mayor MeiYongGong said,Let people share the fruits of reform and development should be the principle of development,People enjoy the benefits actually very much.But the gap between rich and poor is still there,Even in some industries still widening.Public finance expenditure structure should pay attention to let people to fair share.People also enjoy the city's rural public service.(Reporter Meng Na jie Zhao Renwei)
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