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卫生部:2012年全国6685人食物中毒 146人死亡--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网3月5日电 日前,卫生部在其官方网站通报2012年全国食物中毒事件情况。通报指出,2012年,卫生部通过突发公共卫生事件网络直报系统共收到全国食物中毒类突发公共卫生事件报告174起,中毒6685人,死亡146人,无特别重大和重大级别食物中毒事件报告

Beijing, March 5 (Reuters) recently,The ministry of health in the 2012 national food poisoning, and report to the official website.Report points out that,In 2012,,The ministry of health of emergent public health events through the network to direct company altogether receives the national class public health emergency report 174 cases of food poisoning,Poisoned 6685 people,146 people died,No special major and significant levels of food poisoning event report.


Report points out that,Compared with the data network for in 2011,Report) and poisoning were reduced by 7.9% and 7.9% respectively,The death toll is increased by 6.6%.Details are as follows:


一、2012年食物中毒事件报告情况 a/Food poisoning incident report in 2012


(a)Report on a monthly basis.

卫生部:2012年全国6685人食物中毒 146人死亡

2012年5-10月食物中毒事件报告起数、中毒人数和死亡人数分别占全年总数的70.1%、61.4%和79.4%。 5-10, 2012 food poisoning incident report)/Poisoned and deaths accounted for 70.1% of the total respectively/61.4% and 79.4%.

(二)食物中毒原因分类。 ((2))Cause food poisoning.

卫生部:2012年全国6685人食物中毒 146人死亡     2012年的食物中毒事件报告中, 有毒动植物及毒蘑菇引起的食物中毒事件的报告起数和死亡人数最多,分别占总数的41.4%和67.8%;微生物性食物中毒事件中毒人数最多,占总数的56.1%。        Report of food poisoning events in 2012, Poisonous plants and animals and poisonous mushrooms cause food poisoning, and report) and the most deaths,Respectively 41.4% and 67.8% of the total;Microbial food poisoning, poisoning the greatest number,56.1% of the total.      与2011年相比,微生物性食物中毒事件的报告起数和中毒人数分别减少28.2%和27.0%,死亡人数增加2人;化学性食物中毒事件的报告起数、中毒人数和死亡人数分别减少30.0%、45.9%和66.7%;有毒动植物及毒蘑菇引起的食物中毒事件的报告起数和死亡人数分别增加35.8%和94.1%,中毒人数减少35.8%。     Compared with 2011,Microbiological report of food poisoning events) and poisoning were reduced by 28.2% and 28.2% respectively,The death toll increase 2 people;Chemical food poisoning incident report)/Number of poisoning and death toll respectively reduced by 30.0%/45.9% and 66.7%;Poisonous plants and animals and poisonous mushrooms cause food poisoning, and report) and the number of deaths increased by 35.8% and 35.8% respectively,Poisoned by 35.8%. (三)食物中毒场所分类。 (three)Food poisoning site classification. 卫生部:2012年全国6685人食物中毒 146人死亡     2012年的食物中毒事件中,发生在家庭的食物中毒事件报告起数和死亡人数最多,分别占总数的55.2%和87.7%;发生在集体食堂的食物中毒事件中毒人数最多,占总数的46.3%。      Food poisoning events of 2012,Happened in the family for the food poisoning incident report) and the most deaths,Respectively 55.2% and 87.7% of the total;Occurred in collective canteens in the largest number of food poisoning, poisoning,46.3% of the total.       与2011年相比,发生在集体食堂的食物中毒事件的报告起数减少4.5%,中毒人数增加13.3%,死亡人数减少1人;发生在家庭的食物中毒事件报告起数和死亡人数分别增加11.6%和29.3%,中毒人数减少37.3%;发生在饮食服务单位的食物中毒事件报告起数和中毒人数分别减少57.1%和78.6%,死亡人数增加5人。      Compared with 2011,Occurred in collective canteens the food poisoning incident report) decreased by 4.5%,Poisoning the number increased by 13.3%,Fewer deaths in one person;Happened in the family for the food poisoning incident report) and the number of deaths increased by 11.6% and 11.6% respectively,Poisoned by 37.3%;In food service units of food poisoning incidents report) and poisoning were reduced by 57.1% and 57.1% respectively,The death toll by 5 people. (四)学生食物中毒事件情况。 (four)Students food poisoning case.卫生部:2012年全国6685人食物中毒 146人死亡     2012年共报告学生食物中毒事件35起,中毒2754人,死亡4人。学生食物中毒事件的报告起数、中毒人数和死亡人数分别占全年总数的20.1%、41.2%和2.7%。其中34起发生在集体食堂,中毒2669人,死亡3人。与2011年相比,学生食物中毒事件的报告起数和中毒人数分别增加16.7%和44.9%,死亡人数增加3人。     In 2012, a total of 35 students food poisoning events reported,Poisoned 2754 people,4 people died.Students food poisoning incident report)/Poisoned and deaths accounted for 20.1% of the total respectively/41.2% and 2.7%.34 of them occurred in collective canteens,Poisoned 2669 people,Three deaths.Compared with 2011,Students food poisoning, and report number is increased by 16.7% and 16.7% respectively) and poisoning,Death increase in the number three.

  二、食物中毒情况分析     (2)/The food poisoning case analysis
   (一)从食物中毒原因来看,2012年微生物性食物中毒事件报告中毒人数最多,主要是由沙门氏菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌、副溶血性弧菌、大肠杆菌、肉毒毒素、葡萄球菌肠毒素、变形杆菌、气单胞菌、志贺氏菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌、椰毒假单胞菌等引起的细菌性食物中毒。有毒动植物及毒蘑菇引起的食物中毒事件报告起数和死亡人数最多,也是食物中毒事件的主要死亡原因,中毒因素包括毒蘑菇、河豚毒素、未煮熟四季豆和草药,其中以毒蘑菇为主。化学性食物中毒事件的中毒因素包括亚硝酸盐、有机磷农药、剧毒鼠药及甲醇等,其中以亚硝酸盐为主。     (a)From the reasons for food poisoning,In 2012 most microorganisms food poisoning incident report poisoning,Mainly by salmonella/Bacillus cereus/Deputy hemolytic vibrio/E. coli/Botulinum toxin/Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin/proteus/The gas cell bacteria/Will hayes bacteria/With klebsiella pneumoniae/Coconut poison such as pseudomonas bacterial food poisoning.Poisonous plants and animals and poisonous mushrooms cause of food poisoning incident report) and the most deaths,The main cause of death is food poisoning events,Factors include poisonous mushroom poisoning/tetrodotoxin/Undercooked green beans and herbs,Which is given priority to with poisonous mushrooms.Chemical food poisoning include nitrite poisoning/Organophosphorus pesticide/Virulent rodenticide and methanol,Which is given priority to with nitrite. 


((2))Look from the food poisoning happened place,In 2012 took place in the family for the food poisoning incident report) and the most deaths,Eating poisonous plants and animals and poisonous mushroom poisoning caused by misuse and chemical poisoning is the leading cause of death.Occurred in collective canteens in the largest number of food poisoning, poisoning,Accounting for 46.3% of the total number of poisoning;Poisoning are the main reasons why food contamination or deterioration/Improper processing and cross contamination, etc. 

  (三)2012年无特别重大和重大食物中毒事件报告。报告较大食物中毒事件105起,中毒2857人,死亡146人;一般食物中毒事件69起,中毒3828人。三、工作要求  (一)加强食物中毒事件的监测报告和风险评估工作。各地卫生部门要认真组织分析本地区食物中毒事件发生风险,确定高发地区、高发季节以及高发食物中毒的种类和原因,加强食物中毒事件的监测报告和风险评估工作,开展食物中毒风险排查和防控工作,有效减轻食物中毒事件对公众健康造成的危害。 

(three)In 2012, no special major and the major food poisoning event report.Report major food poisoning events since 105,Poisoned 2857 people,146 people died;General food poisoning events since 69,Poisoned 3828 people.three/Job requirements(a)Strengthen the food poisoning event monitoring report and risk assessment of the work.Shall carefully organize the analysis of the health sector across the region risk of food poisoning event,Identify high-risk areas/Season and high-risk types and causes of food poisoning,Strengthen the food poisoning event monitoring report and risk assessment of the work,In the food poisoning risk screening and prevention and control work,Effectively reduce the damage to public health food poisoning events. 


((2))Improve food poisoning emergency disposal ability.Local health departments to strengthen the clinical diagnosis and treatment of food poisoning/Epidemiological investigation and laboratory testing of the training work,Earnestly treatment equipment/Detoxification drug/Detection instruments and equipment and standard, etc,In order to effectively deal with all kinds of food poisoning. 


(three)Strengthen the health education to prevent food poisoning.Food poisoning and public life/Hygiene and food safety is closely related to the consciousness.Local health departments should combine the local diet/Life habits and climate characteristics, etc,Through a variety of forms,Targeted to strengthen food safety publicity and education work,The public food safety awareness,To improve public consciousness of health and diet,Effectively reducing the occurrence of food poisoning.
