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选手跑马拉松乳头“挂彩” 专家:处理不当或坏死--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
The first guangzhou marathon held successfully running hot,However, some netizens bask in a set of competitors abroad the marathon chest near two photographs of the blood, and clothes for a long time of friction,The nipple"injured"the!Guangzhou have breast expert reminds,Nipple is very delicate,If improper handling can cause nipple necrosis after abrasion,Severe cases can cause nipple fall off.In order to avoid regret lifelong,Running a marathon nipple milk can be used to stick such protection.
The nipples"injured"Not only can be found in a marathon.Guangzhou Red Cross hospital, director of the mammary gland of Chen Weiguang said,Occasionally also occur in the play boy.Investigate its reason,The nipple is not intense campaign hyperemia,But the nipple and the dress fabric long time friction lead to injury.The original nipples special and delicate skin,Although it is epithelial tissue,But density than in other areas of the face and skin.If the fabric is rough,Compared with nipples stick too tight,Repeated friction is prone to injury.Relatively few women appear nipple bleeding situation,Because their areola development better,Has a wealth of sebaceous glands,Secretion lubrication nipples substance has a protection function.
The nipple is rich in blood circulation,Skin once a scratch,Blood loss is bigger,Difficult to stop bleeding.Chen Weiguang said,This place oppresses hemostatic measures,To deal with the wound with disinfection tampon,Covered with bandages,Do not need to use of hemostatic drugs commonly.Movement out of the whole body smelly sweat,Nipple bleeding if mishandled, prone to infection,If the control is bad to peripheral expansion,Even the chest wall appear red and swollen.If the bacteria into the blood circulation can cause bacteremia,Patients with high fever is not retreated,Want to go to the hospital treatment.
Chen Weiguang noted,Nipple necrosis falls off when severe inflammation.No nipples life is miserable,Especially for women.Fortunately, now can also through the reconstructive surgery,Process is not complicated:Take a small section of the jacking frame under breast skin,Then, in"The nipples"Produced using the method of tattoos around areola.This operation should be divided into several periods,Effect can be very realistic,But the nipple lactation function will be lost.In addition,Reconstruction of the nipple stimulation and to the outside world"Original authentic"So sensitive.
To sum up,For a marathon isometric time strenuous exercise before do their best to prevent measures.
Chen Weiguang puts forward 3 Suggestions:
1. Don't wear made of chemical fiber fabrics such as nylon jacket and the bra,Change to wear cotton clothes.
2. Give the nipples on skincare products in order to increase lubrication,Reduce the friction;Use milk to stick,The nipple with the clothes.
3.女性乳房体积较大,运动幅度大时也有挫伤乳腺组织的可能。陈伟光建议佩戴文胸来承托乳房,其中运动型文胸的保护效果较好。(记者伍君仪 通讯员胡颖仪)
3. The female breast is larger,Exercise also has a large amplitude of contusion breast tissue.Chen Weiguang recommends wearing bra breast to retainer,Which sports bra protective effect is better.(The reporter WuJunYi correspondent Hu Yingyi)
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