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【对话动机】 [Dialogue motivation]
Hong Kong export restrictions on March 1, milk powder,According to the revised law of Hong Kong,Each daily limit with two cans of milk powder.According to the report,New rules to implement until yesterday,87 people were arrested.
A free trade port"With limit",A controversial.then,"bandlimited"Policy is introduced in the context of what?The Hong Kong government to achieve what effect?This policy will last long?The reporter for Hong Kong's secretary for food and health bureau chief Gao Yongwen dialogue.
Ranging from a reporter's question,Hong Kong's secretary for food and health bureau chief Gao Yongwen says it has noticed the first people on the mainland and online comments,And said hope face-to-face exchanges with the mainland media.
About the milk powder"bandlimited",He said the most is a word,"It is necessary".In addition,He stressed that was another thing,Some baby formula milk powder is a staple food,"We are nervous baby".
曾出现供应短缺 Appeared in short supply
The Beijing news:Hong Kong milk powder what kind of situation happened,Eventually lead to a restrictive policy?
Gao Yongwen:Starting in January of this year,Hong Kong formula supplies began to nervous.Originally some parts of the north district near the border,Retail level,There are local parents find it difficult to buy milk powder.Three weeks later,This kind of situation from the north to sheung shui, yuen long/Fanling spread to sha tin,Then in Kowloon city,Finally to the Hong Kong island.
The Beijing news:The shortage of the whole,Or retail level?
Gao Yongwen:Supplies should be localized.Hong Kong many retail stores are small,There are not many places to store,Faced with more active to snap up,There will be temporary out of stock.
Our representatives with milk powder suppliers and retailers will opened three or four times,Requirements to ensure that the overall supply is adequate in Hong Kong.Their response was positive.
I totally believe in the overall level of supply is enough,This I also through many times of media interviews explains to the Hong Kong people.
The Beijing news:What government took measures to guarantee the supply of milk powder?
Gao Yongwen:A series of measures,Such as direct suppression gray border,Also with the government hotline.
We encourage suppliers to improve their supply chain,Supplier also promised to take measures to regulate the retailer.Some retailers will cooperate with the flow of the gray,Set aside a most of the milk powder to gray.Suppliers to these retailers are also adopted some commercial gimmick to limit.
The Beijing news:These measures are not enough to improve the situation,So finally chose the form of restrictions?
Gao Yongwen:The improved a bit in the middle,But overall not.Government to plug in this way only can protect the supply of a supply chain.In view of the powdered milk event for words for a long time,Shortages will continue.
确保本地买到奶粉 To ensure that local buy milk powder
The Beijing news:Legislative advice consulting about how long period of time?
Gao Yongwen:Consultation period is not too long,Two or three weeks.After the Spring Festival was also taken into account,Gray activities will be active again.So I want to hurry to introduce laws.
The Beijing news:I saw some of the milk powder business mentioned in the submission,Should give time to free market mechanism,To the market a bit more time from my coordination.
Gao Yongwen:I also understand,Supply as a whole is enough.But you can give it a little time,Today you can't buy,Tomorrow can't buy,Must be available the day after tomorrow.But this kind of situation is very serious matter for a family.The livelihood of the people not things,We can't let it ferment.
And the degree of active and gray matter.To some degree,Has been in the retail chain,The size,And our store too much,Small scale,We don't believe they can really improve the supply chain in a short time.
The Beijing news:Hong Kong is free trade for the development of the fundamental,This kind of practice,Will not affect the vitality of free trade?
Gao Yongwen:This perspective from free trade,We also think this is a limitation.I hope that Hong Kong residents and mainland people can understand,This is necessary,Doesn't mean we are free on line or gray activity itself.
We don't have a negative view of free line,And we are grateful.The gray activities,Our attitude is that this is part of the free trade.If it is not affect the part of baby's essential food supplies,We will not take such measures.
The Beijing news:It seems to many people,Baby milk powder is a kind of general consumer goods,Should not be restricted?
Gao Yongwen:We believe that the first principle of the target,To ensure that our local mom and dad buy powdered milk for their babies.Why have to do this,Milk powder and other things have what different?Because there are part of the baby milk,Formula for them is a necessity,Like white rice.This is their staple food,We must take various methods to supply.
The Beijing news:It's not a one head,Can restrict the milk powder,Also can restrict other consumer goods?
Gao Yongwen:This is a necessity.I don't see there are other aspects of for the time being,Also don't hope it happens.
The Beijing news:You constantly referred to public opinion,This measure is under pressure from public opinion?
Gao Yongwen:Not is entirely a matter of public opinion.Do you want to know at the time of Hong Kong,Including now,When we saw everyone was talking about this thing,That is life,Not public opinion.I met every one of us are nervous,Baby milk powder is too important a thing.
I don't think this is an overreaction of the under the public opinion,This is the livelihood of the people!.
暂无取消时间表 No cancel the schedule
The Beijing news:Carry the milk powder supreme punishment for two years,Fine of $500000,Will be not too strict?
Gao Yongwen:The laws of the Hong Kong define only the maximum penalty.The highest punishment so severe,Is not aimed at small-scale irregularities,But large-scale smuggling.We believe that,The court to decide,According to the plot of each case and consider the severity.
The Beijing news:Through the implementation of these days,What do you think of restrictions to achieve expected?
Gao Yongwen:Look at this a few days,I think to.We have been monitoring the supply of the retail level on the market of milk powder.This few days didn't receive the shortage report.
The Beijing news:Do you think"With limit"Of the leads to the contradiction between mainland and Hong Kong people?
Gao Yongwen:Objective to,some.This is I don't like to see,So why do I welcome you to interview.I want to explain in detail face to face,The SAR government on this issue really is necessary.
The Beijing news:The debate on the network to let you feel pressure?
Gao Yongwen:I admit that this is a heavy pressure for me.On the one hand, I want to meet the needs of the residents of Hong Kong.On the other hand,In the emotional,I am very don't want to see anything could hurt peoples feelings.I say this is not entirely based on my personal will be criticized or reviled.I am a very pay attention to blood relation of the mainland and Hong Kong people common feelings of people.
The Beijing news:This is a long-term policy?What state can cancel this policy?
高永文:特区政府从来没有表示过这个措施是短期或是长期的,我们不会预先给一个时间表。我们不希望这个阶段下一个决定,我们的立场是不断去跟进、监察这个情况的发展,来决定有没有继续的必要。(首席记者 张寒)
Gao Yongwen:The SAR government has never said this measure is short or long term,We will not give a timetable in advance.We don't want to at this stage the next decision,Our position is continuously to follow up/Oversee the development of the situation,To determine if there is any necessary to continue.(Chief reporter zhang cold)
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