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两会车队上路让行 临产孕妇借两会勤务车道就诊--亲稳舆论引导监测室
昨日,长安街西单路口,两会车队和社会车辆一起等候红灯。新京报记者 浦峰 摄
yesterday,Chang 'an avenue xidan intersection,Both the team and the social vehicles waiting at a red light.The Beijing news reporter PuFeng perturbation
昨日,长安街西单路口,两会车队和社会车辆一起等候红灯。新京报记者 浦峰 摄
yesterday,Chang 'an avenue xidan intersection,Both the team and the social vehicles waiting at a red light.The Beijing news reporter PuFeng perturbation
昨日,长安街西单路口,两会车队和社会车辆一起等候红灯。新京报记者 浦峰 摄
yesterday,Chang 'an avenue xidan intersection,Both the team and the social vehicles waiting at a red light.The Beijing news reporter PuFeng perturbation
两会车队上路让行等灯 Both the team on the road to give way, etc
与会车辆首次早高峰上路,交警据道路通行情况,全力放行社会车辆 The morning rush vehicles for the first time on the road,Traffic police, according to traffic conditions,To release social vehicles
Yesterday was"The two sessions"Team for the first time in weekday morning rush.This year"The two sessions"Cancelled motorcades,The traffic of new ways,As the team through the intersection for a long time,Ranging from the team all through,Will temporarily unlock vehicle for the society"Teng said",The maximum discharge.
时间:7时30分-8时 time:7 when 30 points to eight
车队快到路口腾出专用车道 Set aside a special driveway convoy near the intersection
HePingMen road is located in the west side of the great hall of the people,At ordinary times the traffic pressure,That day there will be nine participating teams from west to east through here.7 when 30 points,Intersection traffic started to rise,Four or five officers who have been crossing command vehicles in all directions/pedestrians.
At about eight,The first team to reach HePingMen crossroads,The traffic police temporarily vacate two lanes,For the team,Due to traffic has not been saturated,Social traffic more smoothly.
8 when just after,The first fleet arrived in HePingMen crossroads,A red light just in west to east direction,Team with social vehicles waiting behind the stop line.The north-south direction at this time the number of cars increasing rapidly,Some officers who came to the north and south on both sides of the road,Kept waving his baton,Command vehicles and pedestrians through quickly.
时间:8时许-8时30分 time:At 8:30 PM - 8
打开与会车道放行社会车辆 Open the release social vehicle lanes
After 2 minutes,North and south direction slightly reduced pressure."Putting things direction!"The gate traffic brigade deputy district chief Meng Kun jade command colleagues,then,East to west direction becomes green,Team and the social vehicles through the intersection.In HePingMen QianSanMen street intersection east from four lanes to three lanes,Some social vehicles after crossing a backlog,Meng Kun jade hurriedly guide vehicles and colleagues,Take advantage of travelling/Bus lanes/A turn lane shunt.
At 8 26 points,Direction of traffic flow increases QianSanMen street west to east,The traffic police temporary open the driveway,For social vehicles,Rapid relief vehicles queuing situation."Coordinate with each other several crossroads,Team didn't come back lanes,To release social vehicles,Team quickly and then sequentially one at a crossing lanes."Meng Kun jade is introduced.
时间:8时30分-近9时 time:8 when 30 points - nearly nine
车辆交替放行不少于40秒 Vehicle clearance of not less than 40 seconds alternately
At 8 31 points,Another team team approach HePingMen junction,West to east direction of traffic at this time,Traffic police again make two lanes for the vehicles to pass.After 4 minutes,The last team through,Several traffic indication quickly pack up the traffic,Direct social traffic.After ten minutes,HePingMen intersection traffic returned to normal.
Meng Kun jade is introduced,Due to the HePingMen intersection traffic pressure at ordinary times,This time,"The two sessions"Prior to the,Traffic administration specifically for the temporary traffic control measures in detail planning."The vehicles and social clearance of not less than 40 seconds alternately at the same time,Also according to the traffic situation,Lane temporarily restored full release social vehicles,As far as possible ensure traffic capacity."
■ 相关新闻 S news
临产孕妇借两会勤务车道就诊 Pregnant women in labor through lane two service visits
yesterday,A pregnant woman during the morning rush people congress open and overlap in labor,The traffic police for help after,The police car is 120 to lead the way,More than 20 minutes to pull pregnant women from the Marco Polo bridge to tongren hospital.
Pregnant women mother ms Chen says,Around 7 in the morning,Pregnant women in labor symptoms.She hurriedly call 120 emergency call for help,The doctor suggested that at the same time make alarm calls.Because her daughter has been doing in tongren hospital antenatal examination,Although the road is far but must also to tongren hospital production.
When ms Chen worry,An ambulance and the police car came to ms Chen at the same time in the Marco Polo bridge south home downstairs.Because of pregnant women the route to the hospital and meeting service route overlap,In order for pregnant women to arrive as soon as possible,Traffic administration immediately launched the emergency traffic service mechanism during the two sessions,Along the way the police relay to lead the way along the road,meanwhile,Radio traffic has also been called the driver out of the way on the route.
昨日8时08分,载着孕妇的120急救车驶入同仁医院,全程20多公里仅用时24分钟。(新京报记者 郭超)
At 8 yesterday 08 points,120 ambulance carrying the pregnant women in tongren hospital,The more than 20 km only takes 24 minutes.(The Beijing news reporter Guo Chao)
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