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中国基层医疗人才缺口大 加剧百姓看病难--亲稳网络舆情监控室
新华网两会访谈:解码“医学毕业生为何不愿穿上白大褂” Xinhua net two interviews:The decoding"Why do medical graduates don't want to put on a white coat"
It is estimated,The training was conducted among hundreds of thousands of students each year in our country,Only about 100000 people wearing white coats,A lot of on-the-job doctor was turned,Grassroots doctors erosion is serious.
"White angel"Is a sacred title.But now why so many medical graduates abandon health reform,More reluctant to the grassroots?In 2013 the country during the two sessions,The CPPCC national committee/Ningxia medical university principal Sun Tao at xinhua both interviews,From what he understand the plight of the grassroots medical enterprise faces,Read quite a number of medical students professional struggle for the future of love.
“普通感冒本可以在基层解决,但实际又不能在基层解决,这是医患双方的问题” "The common cold, this can be solved at the grassroots level,But it can't solve at the grassroots level,This is a question of both doctors"
The 56-year-old Sun Taoceng is a barefoot doctor,In ningxia rural medical practice for many years,Restore the university entrance exam after accepted the medical education system,After unremitting efforts to finally become a neurosurgical specialist.Even in today's administrative leadership positions,He still insists on grand rounds once a week,A week to do a surgery.As a leader of a local medical enterprise,Sun Tao have deep understanding on western medical status.
"Premier wen's[The government work report]Do let a person very exciting.I, as a medical education workers,Pay special attention to the health of prime minister mentioned to perfect the grass-roots medical institutions run the new mechanism,I think this says to the root of the problem.Quite a lot of patients are willing to large hospital see a doctor,This is due to the lack of basic medical and health personnel and the quality does not reach the designated position,The function is not perfect.Now countries invest mainly spend big hospitals in big cities and small and medium-sized cities of hospitals,Should let grassroots medical institutions get more security."
Sun Tao said,"People a common cold,Originally can solve at the grassroots level,But the actual can't resolve at the grassroots level again,This is a question of both doctors."
基层医疗人才缺口到底有多大? 北京大学公共卫生学院教授陈育德在此前接受媒体采访时曾谈到,按照国家计划,到2015年要为城乡基层培养15万名全科医生,目前只有7.8万,且大部分是转岗培养的。
How much grassroots medical talent gap? School of public health, Peking University professor Chen Yude before media interview talked about,According to the national plan,In 2015 for the urban and rural grassroots culture 150000 gp,At present only 78000,And mostly job-transfer training.
Sun Tao told reporters,He had led the team to do a survey,Per 1, one thousand people have in towns and townships of number or number in the western region village health hospital index is about 0.91 and 0.95,The country is 1.18,The central region is 1.12."With thousands of units,Regardless of the rural population has the number of township hospitals/Or every one thousand people the number of rural population have the village doctor,Ningxia is below the national average,Also below the central region.This shows in the western region the shortage of health personnel situation is very serious."
Let Sun Tao concerns not only the lack of personnel at the grass-roots level,And grass-roots medical personnel structure problem."Ningxia village doctor only 40% reached technical school education,The rest are medical professional background,Grassroots health institutions is not only a talent shortage,The function is not perfect,Medical personnel degree is low/Medical quality is poor,The people see a doctor difficult."
Since the reform began in 2009,Countries in the aspect of policy continue giving the Midwest rural population increasing medical service safeguard,In the Midwest especially rural issued in 2010[About rural order oriented medical students' training work of the implementation opinions for free],Directional recruit students,Orientation training,Back to the countryside,In order to solve the shortage of grassroots health workers.Sun Tao said,This is a very good policy.
定向生为何不愿下基层 Directional why refuse to supply
Orientation training can keep medical graduates?Especially in the social and economic development level is relatively backward in western rural areas,How many medical students are willing to work at the local level?Although ningxia medical university the first batch of orientation training students just in grade three,To graduate until 2015,But a strong concern has stretch in Sun Tao mind.
"The school made a survey about employment intention,70% of students said they signed the oriented protocol and then regret it,23% of students said confused,Only 7% of people would like to base."Sun Tao said.
Medical humanities research institute of Beijing university did a study of 380 medical undergraduates employment intention survey showed,8 into medical students hope to stay in big cities,Only 2 into willing to grassroots.
Sun Tao said,The past three years,Ningxia medical university received 180 directional cultivating students respectively,Policy sets students after graduation to grassroots service for six years.Lenovo has introduced a similar to the previous school project,60 directional cultivating students final commitments by no one,To base,That is at the county level and the following work of medical institutions at the county level,Sun Tao more worried.
Study medicine long learning time/Academic pressure/Trains the student to countries with large,The doctor's growth is especially hard on the road success.Really to be a doctor,Work overload,Labor intensive,Don't have time with family/Have no time to fall in love,This is the general status of doctors in our country.And doctors work intensity contrast is their normal income is not high,Grass-roots medical personnel pay less.
The same story.Sun Tao said,Quite a number of village doctor on normal income cannot feed their families,Even at the same time engaged in farming or go to work.
Directional are most concerned about is how much money the local can take in the future/If there is any preparation/Promotion can solve in the future.It is about everyone vital interests of the real problem.But it is because of the establishment/treatment/Not sure. The problems of the promotion,Lead them to the grassroots employment direction is not assured.Such as the,Current policy,In towns and townships to solve the problem of promotion,Will need to request requirements in accordance with the standards of county hospitals,Such as requiring published two papers.It seems to Sun Tao,Ask the doctor even village doctor in towns and townships,In fact is hard to do.
"It is imperative to remove trouble back at home of students,Let them have to go,To retain,That is[The government work report]mentioned,To improve the grassroots health institutions to run the new mechanism."Sun Tao said.
“大医院像自由市场,医学生不愿下基层,我忧心忡忡” "Large hospital as the free market,Medical students are reluctant to supply,I'm worried about"
The medical profession,Heal the wounded and rescue the dying,For many industry is full of sense of honor,But according to the Chinese medical doctor association survey found on doctor the attitude of the children to study medicine,An increasing proportion of doctors don't want their children to study medicine,53% in 2002,63% in 2004,78% in 2011.
Working for many years,Sun Tao profound experience,The mistrust of the doctor-patient contradiction is a lot of medical graduates"A medical"The important reason."So must be emphasized that medical humanities education,Because medical skill is a person,Because of his service object is a person,Rather than the content.So medicine is not only do you have a technical problem.Although you have the technology,But you don't have a good medical ethics,Without the sense of responsibility,Have no respect for the patient at the very least, love,That will lead to serious problems."
Ningxia medical university in the teaching plan in the special design of the humanities education curriculum,Opened the department of medical humanities.In the late stage of clinical teaching by the personnel engaged in medical and health management and medical management for medical students health policy/The doctor-patient communication/Education of medical ethics, etc.
"In recent years the response of the community as a whole is good.In the current circumstances,How to make the medical students is more rich in the heart of love,Good medical ethics,To serve the people at the grass-roots level,It is very important.If we don't have any kindness blent medical students,Can't service for people,It will be very poor."Sun Tao said.
当记者问及孙涛的“中国梦”,他说,“我是一个医生,每当我出诊的时候看到大医院的大厅里挤得就像自由市场一样,老百姓都拥挤到此,我们培养的学生不愿到基层去,基层医院不能完成基本的医疗服务,让我忧心忡忡。我最大的梦想是希望更多的学生愿意从事基层医疗卫生工作,让老百姓回归基层医院,就近接受就诊、保健等一系列完整的医疗服务。”(新华网记者 曹滢 李莹)
When a reporter asked about Sun Tao"The Chinese dream",He said,"I am a doctor,Every time I visit to see big hospital in the lobby of packed just like the free market,People crowded into it,We cultivate students don't want to go to grassroots,Basic-level hospitals could not be completed basic health services,Let me worried.My biggest dream is to hope that more students are willing to work in the basic medical and health care,Let people return to the grassroots hospitals,Accept to see a doctor nearby/Health care and a series of complete medical service."(Xinhua Cao Ying unpaid)
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