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传戴文胸时间长患乳癌几率猛增 专家称不太靠谱--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Microblogging heat transfer,Bras for more than 12 hours a day,21 times higher risk of breast cancer.Experts say,Carcinogenic said too scary,But the bra hinder the circulation of the blood,Don't wear too long indeed.
Weibo also mentioned,Women who also don't pick a bra at night,More than 100 times more likely to develop cancer.Because a bra tight chest will affect the normal lymph circulation,As time passes makes normal cells occur cancer of breast.
Wuhan Li Yonghan day beauty hospital mammary gland disease experts said yesterday,Inferior material of the bra,Tight size or too long time wear,Can lead to diseases such as hyperplasia of mammary glands.In theory,,Don't wear bra properly,Do have may increase the risk of breast cancer,But the possibility is impossible to quantify,Less likely to 21 times or even 100 times higher.
Li Yonghan said,There are many causes of breast cancer,Including genetic factors,/Late childbirth of marry at a mature age/Don't have children or lactation/Abortion more or ever higher levels of estrogen.
他发现,为了追求乳房外观的漂亮,许多初高中生早早开始佩戴文胸。他说,上下胸围相差16厘米以上,才需要佩戴文胸。青春期女孩仍在生长发育期间,过早戴文胸既不利于健康,也阻碍了乳房自然生长。即便是成年女性,每天佩戴文胸的时间也宜短不宜长,最好是出门佩戴,回到家就摘下。(记者武叶 通讯员杨娜)
He found that the,In pursuit of breasts look beautiful,Many high school students at the beginning of early wear bra.He said,The chest up and down by more than 16 cm,Only need to wear bra.Adolescent girls are still in the growth and development period,Bras too early is not conducive to health,Also hindered the breasts grow naturally.Even in adult women,Every day wear bra also appropriate short shoulds not be long,It is best to go out to wear,Came home took off.(Reporter correspondent wu leaves monakhov)
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