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  掺着西药中成药,由于临床上往往不知道中药里含有的西药成分的剂量,所以如果与西药同时服用,容易过量。新京报记者 王远征 摄

Mixing proprietary Chinese medicine with western medicine,Because clinically often don't know in Chinese medicine with western medicine ingredient dose,So if taken in conjunction with western medicine,Easy to too much.The Beijing news reporter Wang Yuanzheng perturbation


In recent days,Microblogging sensation female doctors in the emergency department warbler"And proprietary Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine",Put forward a series of questions,For proprietary Chinese medicine"One thousand people one side"/"Western medicine on proprietary Chinese medicine"/"Proprietary Chinese medicine clinical trials"The question is intensified"A controversy for many years is still no conclusion".In Chinese medicine for the patient as a whole"Evidence-based medicine"And western medicine against a particular disease"Evidence-based medicine"Divide outside,Some people in the profession is also on the proprietary Chinese medicine ingredients/results/Security and drug listing approval,Believe that traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine industry"Irrational support"and"The privilege of too much".These pills/scattered/cream/Dan's proprietary Chinese medicine,Whether security effectively?


 含西药成分的中成药在消炎药和感冒药中常见 Proprietary Chinese medicine with western medicine ingredients in common anti-inflammatory drugs and medicine


recently,Hong Kong department of health found that from the market surveillance:"Fairy but wet, cure zhuifeng TouGu pill"and"Fairy however the pain enemy zhuifeng TouGu pill"The proprietary Chinese medicine(Made in China)Western medicine composition containing trace is not labeled"paracetamol",Inappropriate use"paracetamol"Can make the liver and kidney damage.


Although these proprietary Chinese medicine is not sold in the mainland,But can contain proprietary Chinese medicine"Western medicine"composition,Many believe in natural herbal medicine side effects of small's mild,This actually is a kind of Chinese medicine"cheating"?


"VC common pieces of fructus forsythiae/Fructus forsythiae detoxification pills containing chlorpheniramine maleate in composition,And other western medicine combination containing chlorpheniramine maleate,Makes the dose increasing and possible side effects."A clinical pharmacist said on condition of anonymity.Fructus forsythiae antidotal tablet is actually in the traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine,And such"hybrids",In anti-inflammatory analgesic/A very common in cold medicines.


 掺有西药的中成药与西药同服容易过量 Mixed with the proprietary Chinese medicine with western medicine of western medicine take easy too much


"Using Chinese herbal medicine as raw materials,The preparations made into various dosage forms of Chinese medicine products,Known as proprietary Chinese medicine.Although Chinese medicine and western medicine can be taken at the same time,But with proprietary Chinese medicine with western medicine,Because clinically often don't know in Chinese medicine with western medicine ingredient dose,So if taken in conjunction with western medicine,Bad master dose,Easy to too much.Such as proprietary Chinese medicine contain step-down hypoglycemic western medicine ingredients,Serve with western medicine,Will cause the patient blood sugar is not stable, etc,Reach therapeutic effect and adverse reactions.so,I don't agree with add western medicine ingredients in proprietary Chinese medicine."China-japan friendship hospital cardiac vascular disease center/Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine medical director of the heart/Adjunct professor of Beijing university of Chinese medicine Huang Li said.


"Traditional Chinese medicine from the‘The human body as a whole’Ideas of evidence-based medicine,In the treatment of certain diseases, especially chronic diseases/Regulate the has certain advantages.In clinical practice,Often be wrong understanding‘Chinese and western medicine combined’- add western medicine in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),Turned out to be neither medicine nor western medicine,Compatibility of Chinese medicine fujin made the idea with western medicines added standard is completely different,Clinically very confusion,Easy to an accident."The ministry of health of the national rational drug use monitoring network expert professor loyal sun says,Doctors don't know what added in the proprietary Chinese medicine or western medicine how many western medicines,Folks who believes that a 100% pure.


 ■ 质疑秘方安全 S for safety

  名方就能不通过临床安全试验? Parties can't passed the test of the clinical safety?


Such as yunnan baiyao"Ancestral secret recipe"Is known to contain toxic ingredients,If the agency about this"Is still widely used/With obvious characteristics and advantages"the"Classic square"The green light?


Weibo on a call"Bump of the doctor"The people who,Repeating three questions about traditional Chinese medicine"Irrational official support"The blog post[The privilege of how traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)?].The mentioned[Informed about supplementary provisions issued by the Chinese medicine registration management](The drug safety note [2008] no. 3)Article 7.:"From ancient classic square compound preparation of traditional Chinese medicines,Refers to is still widely used/Curative effect/Has obvious characteristic and advantages of prescriptions written medical books of qing dynasty and the qing dynasty before",And conform to the conditions of the traditional Chinese medicine compound preparations,Can only provide non-clinical safety study data,And directly report to production.


"Bump of the doctor"explains:A new drug to be approved to enter the market,Must go through animal experiments and clinical trials of two levels of security inspection,"Non-clinical safety studies"Is testing the safety of the drug by animal experiment.Any development before getting into human trials of new drugs,First of all to the clinical trials(The animal testing),Support for clinical trials will provide safety.Clinical safety evaluation is the final guarantee the safety of new drugs,Non-clinical safety testing is absolutely no substitute for clinical safety testing.


The so-called ancient classic square what mean?In the[Supplementary provisions]provisions,The specific directory"By the state food and drug administration to assist relevant departments to formulate and publish",however,Over the past four years,Until today, no to work out such a directory.That is to say,Approved in recent years"The ancient classical square"Have identified themselves as approval.


"In traditional Chinese medicine policy,There are sometimes strict,Sometimes loose phenomenon.If we have a problem,It attaches great importance to the quality improvement.But for the moment,Policy still attaches great importance to the security questions,The threshold of the proprietary Chinese medicine approval increased."Loyal sun says,The modernization process of Chinese medicine,Have different opinions and voices,The resistance of the face is very big also.Some people think that traditional Chinese medicine modernization is not westernization,Can't take western medicine Chinese medicine standards requirements,But the modernization under the guidance of TCM theory.


In January this year,GSK China r&d centre meet President Dr ZangJing five at the company's annual media also said at the meeting,"Cooperate to use Chinese materia medica is through experience,It lies in the bottleneck,Lack of clinical evidence of evidence-based medicine.This is Chinese traditional medicine development and the development of the world to seek the most critical problem."

  ■ 热点问答 S hot spot question and answer

  不能轻易否定中药的辅助治疗作用 You can't deny the auxiliary therapeutic effect of Chinese traditional medicine easily


Many Q proprietary Chinese medicine were used in the adjuvant therapy,The so-called"Auxiliary curative effect"Does that mean vague"Curative effect"even"invalid"?Or just"Psychological comfort"?


Huang Li:There is a large amount of data to prove that Chinese and western medicine combined treatment than simple western medicine or Chinese medicine treatment effect is good,The quality of life improved significantly.Such as the treatment of high blood pressure,Some western medicine can indeed step-down,But still have some symptoms is not the case,With a large number of western medicine for instance fall not come down,Using Chinese medicine regulate,Antihypertensive effect will be very good;Some hypertensive patients have symptoms such as insomnia,Insomnia can also cause fluctuations in blood pressure is very big,Affect the treatment effect,Adjusted with Chinese traditional medicine,Has good effect to step down.


In traditional Chinese therapy or with western medicine alone cannot solve the problem,Does not mean that it must be useful or useless.Such as coronary heart disease (CHD) patients with heart stents or bypass,Carried out in accordance with the relevant guidelines against ischemic treatment, etc,But patients are very painful,Need to cooperate with Chinese medicine treatment to improve the inner loop,Effect is also very good.


, deputy director of zhongshan medical university affiliated tumor hospital/The SFDA human medicinal experts tension:From the perspective of cancer treatment,Right and proprietary Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is effective in terms of adjuvant therapy,Can improve patients' quality of life.But involving proportion of traditional Chinese medicine health care problems,I think Chinese medicine proportion is too high.


Sun loyal:Not a stick kill traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and easily deny adjuvant therapy.Traditional Chinese medicine/Proprietary Chinese medicine in nursing/Under the guidance of overall treatment ideas,Have very important role and advantage.For instance in cancer patients before treatment may cause damage,Use some Chinese medicine to improve patients tolerance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy,This auxiliary treatment to improve the quality of life of patients during treatment,Is completely should be.


Qq Chinese medicine has been pay attention to evidence-based medicine,One man, one party,But why the proprietary Chinese medicine is here"One thousand people one side"?


Huang Li:The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine treatment based on syndrome differentiation,Drug use is also vary from person to person.Proprietary Chinese medicine also needs vary from person to person.But indeed proprietary Chinese medicine herb tea is not like that is adapted,Can be adjusted,More like a traditional Chinese according to the number to buy clothes,In the right,But it is also possible that some places are not completely suit the.


 西医对中成药的处方权可能造成滥用 Western medicine ChuFangQuan may cause misuse of proprietary Chinese medicine


Q according to the relevant report,About 70% of the proprietary Chinese medicine in our country by western medicine physicians prescribe general hospital.And in 2008 by the Beijing administration of traditional Chinese medicine and the present condition of the institute of traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine use proprietary Chinese medicine to an extensive investigation study found,Proprietary Chinese medicine clinical unreasonable utilization rate up to forty percent.No western medicine doctor of traditional Chinese medicine theory knowledge training will cause misuse and abuse of the traditional Chinese?


Huang Li:indeed,Western medicine of proprietary Chinese medicine ChuFangQuan might also cause misuse and abuse.Such as senile urinary incontinence,TCM holds that is caused by kidney empty,Western medicine thinks that is caused by the muscle of the bladder muscle relaxation,But happened in western medicine the doctor gave the patient of heat-clearing and detoxifying drug treatment of urinary tract infection,Not only did not cure,Instead, pond drainage.


The gate of hospital pharmacy department director Yang ring light:The state administration of traditional Chinese medicine and the ministry of health to make[Proprietary Chinese medicine clinical practice guidelines]And in 2010 issued by June,Provide the reference for the medical institutions at all levels in clinical use of proprietary Chinese medicine;Beijing accordingly carried out of the city's second class above XiYiShi proprietary Chinese medicine rational use of standardized training and assessment.These work to promote the rational use of traditional Chinese level of ascension,Reduces the part from the aspects of a proprietary Chinese medicine adverse reaction.


Q is required for approval of western medicine listed strict phase iv clinical trials,Won't be imposed on proprietary Chinese medicine.Many people think that it is irrational support for traditional medicine,Could you tell me what do you think of proprietary Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine injection for approval?


Huang Li:After a period of confusion,Now the examination and approval threshold is very high,Previous batch of many proprietary Chinese medicine are stopped now.Now apply for new proprietary Chinese medicine,As to large/Multicenter phase iv clinical trials.For example, we here,First need to take strict examination and approval of hospital preparations,To use in the home,Summarize how many cases before declaration of new drugs.


Sun loyal:Evaluation of efficacy and safety,Proprietary Chinese medicine shows that there are few conform to the requirement of specification.Meet the requirements of the state drug specifications,Is built on the basis of scientific research and clinical research.

  本版采写/新京报记者 潘波

This edition is concludes Pan Bo/Beijing news reporter
