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有一句口头禅:站着说话不腰疼。这句话道出了广大慢性腰痛患者的心声。不少腰痛病人跟医生描述他们的苦恼:坐不住,坐一会儿就腰痛。这是因为当人站着时,腹部的肌肉处于收缩状态,当腹肌绷紧时,会使腹腔容积缩小,内容物不变,压力就会增高。如同一个打足了气的篮球上面可以站人一样,腹压增高后,我们头部、上肢、躯干的重量可以直接通过腹腔向下传递至骨盆、下肢,所以我们站着时原本的腰痛就消失了。 当我们坐着时,腹部肌肉是松弛的,身体的重量主要通过脊柱向下传递,如果脊柱或其周围肌肉出了问题,不能长时间承受这样大的重量,腰痛就难以避免了。对于很多上班族来说,腰痛发生了当然要去大医院骨科看,照完X光片,医生说“骨头没事儿”,但是疼痛依然存在。其实腰痛主要是肌肉的问题,尤其是局部稳定肌。局部稳定肌一般位于人体的内层,紧紧围绕在关节周围,作用主要就是保护关节。由于长期缺乏运动,局部稳定肌就会萎缩无力而无法保护关节,虽然运动自如,但关节周围却疼痛难忍。对于多数人来说,每天快走半小时,时速六公里,或在健身房里骑动感单车直到出汗,坚持两到三个月有些人的腰痛就能得到一定缓解。
There is a pet phrase:Standing to talk not the waist aches.This sentence says the majority of patients with chronic low back pain.A lot of back pain patients and doctors to describe their distress:Sit still,Sit for a while just back pain.This is because when people standing,Abdominal muscle is contracting,When the abdominal muscles taut,Will narrow the abdominal cavity volume,The content remains the same,Pressure will be increased.As a basketball play enough gas can stand above,After the increased abdominal pressure,Our heads/Upper limb/Trunk can be passed directly through abdominal cavity down to the weight of the pelvis/Lower limbs,When we stood so originally lumbago disappeared. When we were sitting,Abdominal muscles are relaxed,The weight of the body mainly through the spine passed down,If the spine or the surrounding muscles,Can't afford such big weight for a long time,Back pain is hard to avoid.For many office workers,Low back pain happened to go to large hospital orthopaedics, of course,According to the X-ray,The doctor said"Bones don't worry",But the pain is still there.Lumbago is primarily a muscle problem,Especially local stability.Local stability muscle commonly located in the inner layer of the body,Tightly around the joints,Main role is to protect the joints.Due to long-term lack of exercise,Local stability muscles will atrophy and unable to protect the joints,Although freely,But painful joints.For most people,Brisk walking for half an hour every day,Six kilometers per hour,Or ride a bike in the gym until the sweat,Adhere to two to three months some lower back pain can be alleviated.
Du Xuefeng
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