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  中新网3月15日电 国家食品药品监督管理局今日在其官方网站发布国家基本药物目录(2012年版)相关政策问答。答问指出,2012年版目录分为化学药品和生物制品、中成药、中药饮片三个部分,其中,化学药品和生物制品317种,中成药203种,共计520种。以下是全文:

Beijing, March 15 (xinhua) the state food and drug administration today released on its official website national list of essential medicines(The 2012 version)Relevant policy questions and answers.Answered questions pointed out,2012 version of the directory can be divided into chemical medicines and biological products/Proprietary Chinese medicine/Chinese medicine yinpian three parts,Among them,Chemicals and biological products of 317,203 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicine,A total of 520 species.The following is the full:

  一、为什么要调整国家基本药物目录?实施国家基本药物目录(2012年版)的意义是什么? a/Why do you want to adjust the national list of essential medicines?The implementation of the national list of essential medicines(The 2012 version)What is the meaning of?


In August 2009,By the ministry of health/Human resources social security/National development and reform commission and other 10 departments of national essential medicines work committee review and approval,By the ministry of health released the 2009 edition of national basic drugs directory(Basic part of)(Hereinafter referred to as the 2009 version of the directory).2009 version of the directory drugs combined with zero rate of implementation of the sales policy,To promote rational drug use/Ease the burden/Set up grass-roots operation mechanism has played an important role.


National list of essential medicines(The 2012 version)(Hereinafter referred to as the 2012 version of the directory)Is to adjust and perfect the 2009 version of the directory.Such as the,Increase the number of varieties,Optimized the directory structure,Increased the special populations adapted varieties and dosage forms, etc.The concrete practice of fully implement the party's eighteen big spirit,Will be conducive to further deepen the reform,Consolidate the basic drug system;Is conducive to deepening the reform of public hospitals,Promote the health/medicine/medical"3 d"Interconnection and interaction;Is conducive to protect the basic/Strong base/Build mechanism;For common diseases/Frequently-occurring disease/Chronic diseases, especially the major disease prevention and control;To ease the burden,Meet the basic drugs;To set up the correct orientation,Promote upgrading of the pharmaceutical enterprise;Will be conducive to the medical science and technology innovation.

  二、制定2012年版目录开展了哪些工作? (2)/For 2012 version of the directory in which to work?


According to the state council"The 12th five-year"Health planning and health care work in 2012,At the same time in accordance with the national list of essential medicines of dynamic management,The related provisions on adjustment once every three years,At the beginning of 2012,The formulation work of the ministry of health to 2012 version of the directory.Three years through the 2009 version of the directory's conduct in-depth research,Summary analysis around the drug usage,Comparison combing supplement of drugs,To explore basic drug dosage form specification/Specifications of the path and method,Accumulated a large number of basic data.


Early July,National essential medicines work committee plenary meeting,Review through the work plan,And to establish and perfect the department coordination mechanism.then,The ministry of health has organized more than 3100 MingYiYao and clinical experts,Included in the basic drugs to directory security/Research demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency.At the same time,Absorbed fully listen to and adopt the Suggestions of all aspects,Entire directory make work smoothly,Going smoothly.In late November,National essential medicines work committee plenary meeting again,Review through the 2012 version of the directory,And promptly report to the reform of the state council leading group.With the approval of the department agree to sign,Dedicated to the written report of the state council.

  三、2012年版目录有哪些特点? three/What are the typical features of 2012 version of the directory?


2012 version of the directory can be divided into chemical medicines and biological products/Proprietary Chinese medicine/Chinese medicine yinpian three parts,Among them,Chemicals and biological products of 317,203 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicine,A total of 520 species.2012 version of the directory has the following characteristics:Number one is to increase the varieties,To better serve grassroots medical and health institutions,Promote comprehensive equipped with all kinds of medical and health institutions at various levels/Priority in use of basic drugs.Second is to optimize the structure,Supplement the antitumor drugs and diseases of the blood and other categories,Pay attention to and common diseases/Frequently-occurring disease especially major disease, as well as women/Children's drugs.Three is normal dosage forms/specifications,Preliminary realize standardization.520 kinds of pharmaceutical formulations involving more than 850/More than 1400 specifications,Although the directory varieties increase in the number,But with the 2009 version of the directory 307 more than 780 varieties of dosage forms/Compared to more than 2600 specifications,Significantly reduce the number,For the guidance of the basic drug production and circulation/Bidding procurement/The rational use of drugs/Pricing for reimbursement/Constantly monitor and so on will have important meaning.


2012 version of the directory to fully focus on the effective connection with other policies.A notice with the world health organization demonstrate basic drugs directory links up,Chemicals and biological products quantity and the current world health organization recommends similar number of essential medicines,Is better to represent the level of developing countries.Second, pay attention to and health care(New farming and)Ability to pay cohesion,Ensure the basic drugs high percentage reimbursement.3 it is to pay attention to and common diseases/Frequently-occurring disease, as well as women/Children's drugs links up,And continue to insist on equal emphasis on Chinese and western medicine.4 it is to pay attention to and major disease to ensure cohesion,Directory includes children leukemia/End-stage renal disease/Major diseases such as hemophilia treatment drugs,Basic meet the demand of major disease clinical basic drugs.

  四、2012年版目录怎样适应儿童用药需求? four/What version of the directory to meet the needs of children's drugs in 2012?


Children less drug varieties/Dosage forms such as single problem is common at home and abroad.2012 version of the directory to enrich the child specific medicines/Types and specifications,Includes all children with national immunization programmes.Directory can be used for children's nearly 200 kinds of drugs,Among them,Formulations for children/More than 70 specifications,Cover the granules/Oral solution/Mixed suspension/Dry suspension agent appropriate dosage forms,To some extent, can reduce children's drugs lack of demand.But want to see,Fundamentally solve the problem of children's drugs will still be a long-term complex systems engineering,Involved in production and supply/Pricing for reimbursement/The rational use of/The quality and safety, and many other fields,Multiple departments need to continue to intensify support,We will further improve the children's drugs policy/Strengthen children's drugs clinical comprehensive evaluation/Encourage r&d child specific medicines/Strengthen the pediatric clinician/Pharmacist team construction and other supporting policies and measures.

  五、保障易短缺基本药物的供应有哪些措施? five/Ensure easy supply of the basic drug shortages have what measures?


Established on the basis of the basic drug system of drug supply security system is an important content of deepening the reform.In the implementation of the basic drug system,For some basic drug shortages or supply not in time all the phenomena and problems,Through the establishment of the basic drug system monitoring,Strengthen the monitoring in the whole process of the system,Grasps the drug bidding and purchasing and distribution around the supply situation,And, in conjunction with the ministry of industry and information technology departments jointly issued[About infectious disease class and performances category basic drug supply security work](Who do drugs ZhengFa [2011] no. 139)and[About small clinical dosage required basic drug varieties designated production pilot implementation plan](Miit consumption [2012] no. 512),Sector coordination mechanism is established,By establishing a shortage of medicine information platform requirements/Adjusting and optimizing medical institutions and drug stocks/To speed up the shortage of research to establish normalized drug reserves/Carry out drug shortage of fixed-point production pilot/Strengthen the production supply monitoring and coordination and other measures,Improve the shortage of drug supply,Ensure clinical needs.


Establish a basic drug supply security system is a system engineering,Is a long-term task,The policy is strong,A broader.Shortage of essential drugs is also a comprehensive problem,Involved in research and development/The production/circulation/The price/Information, etc/In various fields/Many departments,Need to play a leading role, and government departments,Further clarify responsibility,To carry out the division of labor,Guarantee quality and supply of basic drugs.At the same time,To further strengthen the national drug policy research,Expand comprehensive effect,Encouraging local combining health informatization construction to strengthen exploration innovation,Constantly improve the basic drug procurement supply policy.

  六、如何进一步完善基本药物招标采购机制? six/How to further improve the basic mechanism of drug bidding and purchasing?


Since the implementation of basic drugs system,Around the procurement mechanism through the establishment and standardize the basic drugs,Greatly reduce the price,Reduce the burden of the masses basic drugs,Effective guarantee the quality of the basic drugs and supplies.


With the implementation of the 2012 version of the directory,Around to according to the health care reform"The 12th five-year"Planning and[Consolidate the perfect system for basic drugs and grass-roots operation mechanism](Countries do hair [2013] no. 14)requirements,Continue to carry out[Establish and standardize the government grass-roots medical institutions essential medicines procurement guidance mechanism](Countries do hair [2010] no. 56),Serious to do a good job of procurement of a new round of basic drugs,Adhere to province(area/The city)Centralized purchasing online for the unit,To carry out the recruit one/Pegged to the quantity and price/Double envelope system/Centralized payment/The entire system of monitoring, etc.By repeated purchasing prices basically stable, the basic drugs for pricing for national unity;The exclusive varieties trial price of national unity,Also can explore to province(area/The city)For the unit,According to purchasing quantity/Regional distribution condition, etc,Directly with the manufacturers agreed purchase quantity and purchase price;For a few basic essential but the amount is small/Market supply of basic drugs,Take the bidding fixed-point production, ensure supply.Encourage further explore around the lower the price of essential medicines procurement/Guarantee the quality of the supply and effective ways and means.


In the perfect"Double envelope"System in terms of,In the economic and technical standard inspection,The drug quality/Production enterprise to conduct a comprehensive review of service and credibility,The enterprise through the[Drug production quality management norms(The 2010 version)](GMP)Certification as an important index of quality evaluation;In the business in the review,Comprehensive evaluation of bid prices significantly lower drug,Avoid vicious competition.Prior purchasing reached the international level of generic drugs,Motivate enterprises to improve the quality of essential drugs.


In the aspect of supply and distribution,Basic drug distribution in principle by the production enterprise commissioned by pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises in distribution or distribution directly,And stressed that remote/Inaccessible areas of drug delivery.Postal logistics services such as network into full play the advantages of wide distribution of basic drugs,Around in accord with the relevant provisions of the conditions to support the relevant enterprises to participate in drug distribution.


In terms of money payment,Demand basic drugs procurement agencies to grassroots health institutions basic payment unified payment,Encouraging the establishment of essential medicines at the provincial level through the purchasing process optimization of working capital and other payment,Ensure the timely and full specified amount pay payment for goods.At the same time,Asked the provincial health department to strengthen the supervision and inspection of basic drug payment situation,Delay payment behavior is investigated,And publish to the society.


Encourage exploration of essential medicines around the price is reasonable/Guarantee the quality of the supply and effective ways and means,Highlight and ensure children leukemia/End-stage renal disease and lung cancer and other major disease basic drug supply security and the quality and safety,Prepare basic and non basic drugs procurement work of cohesion.

  七、医疗卫生机构如何配备使用基本药物? seven/How is equipped with medical institutions use essential medicines?


According to consolidate the deployment and requirements related to improve the system of basic drugs,To speed up the formulation is suitable for all kinds of medical and health institutions at various levels of measures for the administration of basic drug use,Revising perfect national essential drugs clinical guidelines and prescription set,Actively promote comprehensive equipped with all kinds of medical institutions at all levels and the priority in use of basic drugs,Strengthen basic training of drug use/The inspection and supervision.


Government-run primary care health institutions should all equipped with and using the basic medicine.In towns and townships(Central hospitals)/Community health service institutions(center/standing)Shall be in strict accordance with the relevant provisions,According to its own function orientation/Scope of services/Body size/Different situation, such as population and service ability level,Adhere to choose the allocation and use of essential medicines from the directory and execute zero rate of sales.Equipped with a unity of the people's government at the provincial level are used to determine the supplemental drugs,Reasonable control quantity,Strengthen the standard management,All policies and strict enforcement of national essential drugs.To implement the 2013 national work conference on health requirements,Strengthen the medical management of medical institutions,Clear 2/Tertiary medical establishment of basic drugs used specific amount proportion.


Encourage non-government basic-level medical health agency use of essential medicines.In the absence of government grass-roots organizations towns and communities,Take the way of government purchase services to carry out the system of basic drugs,In order to ensure each villages and towns/Communities have implemented the basic drug system of grassroots medical institutions.


To actively promote the national essential drugs clinical guidelines and prescription set,Regulate the behavior of medical personnel use,Strengthen medical personnel essential medicines knowledge training,As a medical staff hired/An important part of the practice examination.Make full use of the information system of medical and health institutions and medical personnel regulation of drug use,Especially to consolidate and exert pharmaceutical personnel in prescription audit or review the role of clinical pharmacy services,Focus on strengthen grassroots medicine professional and technical service capabilities,Intravenous drug delivery services of village clinics must strengthen the supervision and guidance.For specialist medical,Need to be used in in accordance with the provisions, obtain corresponding qualification or in the used under the guidance of specialists.At the same time to work closely with clinical application of antibacterial drugs management,Implementation of clinical pathway management.


Should enhance propaganda,Guide the masses change drug habit,Promote clinical choice of essential medicines/Prior to use,Improve the safe drug use/Rational drug use level,Do it"Medical institutions willing to match/Medical personnel are willing to open/The people are willing to use".

  八、2012年版目录实施后,能否进一步减轻群众用药负担? eight/2012 version of the directory after implementation,Can further reduce the medicine burden?


2012 version of the directory an increase in the number of varieties,Better able to meet the demand of the basic drugs,To further consolidate the basic drug system implementation effect.Basic drug centralized purchasing for the unit with the province can enhance the advantage of concentrated mass purchasing,Helps to form the reasonable basic drug procurement price.Along with the reform of public hospitals/Cancel the drugs addition policy to push,Second class above will gradually equipped with comprehensive medical institutions/Priority in use of basic drugs,Through the standard prescription behavior,To promote the rational use of drugs,The increased use of essential medicines quantity and sales amount,At the same time improve the reimbursement ratio of essential medicines,By patients themselves to pay the cost of drugs will further decrease.

  九、如何进一步规范地方增补药品? nine/How to further standardize local supplemental drugs?


Since the 2009 version of the directory to implement,All units in the provinces supplemented by a number of directories outside of drugs,To ease the problem of shortage of grassroots medical institutions use has played a positive role.But at the same time it still has some non-standard phenomena of supplement.2012 version of the directory to place supplemented drugs high contact ratio of drugs into the selection range,Combine directory to adjust and regulate drug supplementation.Everywhere want to combine the implementation of the 2012 version of the directory,In the first half of this year, through inspection and spot check,Organizations to carry out the supplemental drugs"To look back",Specification and strengthen the management of supplemental drugs,Further supplemented drugs work plan and submitted to the national essential drugs working committee office for record.


To adhere to province unified supplement for the unit,The authority may not be down on the city(to)/county(The city/area)Or grassroots medical and health institutions,And supplemented quantity controlled strictly,Supplementation of drug control in reasonable level,The subject status of the national list of essential medicines,Implement additions in order/science/moderate,To better meet the demand of the basic drugs.

  十、2012年版目录与医改相关政策如何衔接? ten/2012 version of the directory associated with healthcare reform policy how to join?


The concept of essential medicines was first proposed in 1977 by the world health organization,Introduced our country since 1979"Essential medicines"The concept of.In 2009,,Deepening the reform is to set up the basic drug system, as one of the five key reform tasks,Has been clear about the basic drugs is the needs of adapt to basic medical and health care,Dosage form suitable for,The price is reasonable,Able to supply,The public can be equitable access to medicines.The government at the grassroots medical institutions all equipped with and using the basic medicine,Other kinds of medical institutions also must be in accordance with the use of essential medicines.National system for basic drugs is the selection of essential drugs/The production/circulation/use/pricing/reimbursement/Monitoring and evaluation, implementation of effective management system,And public health/Medical services/Links up the medical security system.


The basic drug system since its launch,National list of essential medicines based and played a leading role.In 2011,,The basic drug system preliminary established,Realizing a complete coverage of the government-run primary medical and health institutions,To form the"Directory system"The pattern of the,And drive the basic management system/Compensation mechanism/The personnel allocation/Drug supply/The comprehensive reform of the price mechanism, etc,Maintain the public welfare have been established/To mobilize enthusiasm/Ensure sustainable grassroots health institutions operation mechanism.


At present,Healthcare reform has entered the deep waters,Consolidate the perfect system for basic drugs and grass-roots operation mechanism is at a critical stage,Faced with new opportunities and challenges.According to"The 12th five-year"Health care reform plan deployment,Version of the directory is carried out in 2012 as an opportunity,Improve the accessibility of basic drugs/security/The effectiveness/The rationality/Affordable, etc,Further standardize procurement and distribution/Improve the pricing policy for reimbursement, etc,Greater use of essential medicines,Promote the comprehensive reform of the overall planning,Strengthen the basic drug system huimin effect,And improve the universal basic health care/Public hospital reform comprehensively/Collaborative development,Implement health care/medicine/medical"3 d"Interconnection and interaction,Joint effort to solve the medical treatment/See a doctor expensive/Optimistic about the disease problems.

  十一、进一步加强基本药物的质量监管,有哪些具体措施? eleven/To further enhance the quality of essential drugs,What are the specific measures?


The state shall implement a basic drug varieties all cover random inspection.Strengthen the key varieties of proper supervision.Sampling observation of quality of essential medicines on a regular basis,And release the sampling results in a timely manner to the society.Give priority to improve the quality of essential drugs and high-risk drugs;Comprehensively improve the quality of generic drugs.In drug safety risk analysis and evaluation,We will focus on developing essential drugs/Traditional Chinese medicine injections/High-risk drug safety evaluation.Implementation of pharmaceutical production quality management norms,To strengthen the supervision of high-risk varieties production.Strict implementation of the pharmaceutical management specification,To establish drug business license categories/Hierarchical management mode.Promoting the construction of national drug electronic monitoring system,Complete coverage of all varieties/The whole process/The traceability of the pharmaceutical electronic supervision system.Integration of information resources,Unified information standards,Improve the level of Shared,Gradually achieve national drug electronic monitoring system docking with the relevant departments and the enterprise information system.The establishment of rural drug JianDuWang.To strengthen and improve the basic adverse drug reaction monitoring,To establish and perfect drug safety early warning and emergency response mechanism,Perfecting the drug recall management system,Ensure the safety of drug use.

  十二、如何进一步完善药物政策,提高基本药物可及性、安全性和有效性,促进优质企业可持续发展? twelve/How to further improve the drug policy,Improve the basic drug accessibility/Safety and effectiveness,The sustainable development of enterprises with high quality?


National drug policy is an important part of national medicine and health care policy,Is the concrete practice of the scientific concept of development in the field of medicine and health care,Is to promote national drug research and development/The production/The circulation and use of instructional programs.The world health organization (who) 1975 national drug policy should include the basic drug selection/Affordable pharmaceuticals/Drug financing mechanisms/Drug supply system/Drug regulatory and quality assurance/Drug rational use of/The human resources/In nine aspects such as the monitoring and evaluation and research.Among them,The basic drug system is a core part of national drug policy.National drug policy should ensure that medicines first is the availability of essential drugs/The quality and safety/Reasonable use and the sustainable development of the pharmaceutical industry.


Medicine policy chain length,More involved department.To do this,We will carry out relevant research and regularly released drug policy white paper forms,Gradually establish the standardization in the field of drug policy/The working mechanisms of institutionalization,To form a cohesive/Coordinated national drug policy.Through improve the national drug policy and improve drug quality standard,To further improve the accessibility of basic drugs/security/The validity and the rationality of the use/Pay it affordable,The sustainable development of enterprises with high quality.

  十三、如何保证2012年版目录顺利实施? thirteen/How to ensure the smooth implementation in 2012 version of the directory?


Around to unified understanding,To carry out the division of labor,Strengthen communication and coordination between departments,Organization to do a good job of 2012 version of the directory to implement in earnest,Timely summary of achievements and experience on the implementation of the basic drug system,Further deepen/Refine the basic drug system related policies and measures.Insist the right opinion,Completes the propaganda and guidance,Take easy to understand/Vivid image of the way,Wide publicity and implementation of basic drugs system goals/Significance and major measures,Strive for the social from all walks of life and the understanding of the broad masses/Support and participate in,Improve the recognition and trust of essential medicines,Enhance the confidence,To consolidate improve the basic drug system create a good public opinion environment.
