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药膳防流感 需区分三种体质--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
"From children to prevent flu have to prevent a cold start",Experts say,Daily to ward off colds, 'method is effective to prevent the flu.Through the method of dietary therapy of traditional Chinese medicine also can prevent the flu,"Held upright",By improving the health,Strengthen children's resistance,Children will be divided into pixu (spleen deficient)/Yin fire/Hot and humid for three type,Symptomatic with medicinal food.
脾虚型:五指毛桃煲瘦肉 Type of pixu (spleen deficient):Five fingers wild peach lean meat
If children often catch a cold again and again/Sweat more/pale/The tongue is weak/Eyes have a pouch/Eyes even lower dark blue,Children pixu (spleen deficient).
Children can use the radix pseudostellariae pixu (spleen deficient)/Five fingers wild peach/HuaiShan/Lotus seed/Gordon euryale seed,Select one or more of the following to talk on lean meat/Pork chops/Mutton, etc..Among them,HuaiShan/Lotus seeds belong to sex,As long as you don't catch a cold/No fever/Can eat defecate unobstructed.Five fingers wild peach is the comparison of the old experts recommend medicinal food,The effect of tonifying qi and clear heat is better,Especially suitable for cold later children and children with body weakness after illness,But if the flu invaded by when,Is not fit to eat,Edible 2-3 times a week.
阴虚火旺型:沙参麦冬煲兔肉 Yin deficiency type fire:Dwarf lilyturf soup is rabbit meat
If the child repeated throat inflammation/Palm arch partial hot/Dry skin/Your throat dry/Whole person looks dry thin thin,Children may for Yin the fire.Can eat straight ladybell/Dwarf lilyturf/lentils/Chinese wolfberry rabbit meat/Fish, etc..Rabbit meat/Good seafood such as ziyin.Sore throat again and again children can also use the cultivated land/Hosts cook pork,Clean production of body fluid.Through these methods allow for a balance of Yin and Yang of the body.
湿热型:夏枯草煲瘦肉 syndrome:Selfheal lean meat
Damp and hot is hot,If the child is a sick you have a sore throat/Have a fever/A dry cough,And the tongue coating thickness can't see the bottom/Red tongue/Easily lose/Afraid of hot/Breath stinks/Often feel hot,Belong to the constitution.If the wet weight,Children will often feel giddy/Have a headache/Chest tightness/Disgusting, etc.,Need the functions,Can't tonic,Available selfheal cook lean meat or chicken bone grass/Ribs, etc.,Puerarin in clay pot fish is also available,Also can drink herbal tea.
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