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女性健康隐患常与内分泌系统功能失衡有关   女性健康隐患常与内分泌Department of统功能失衡有关  


月经初潮、生育、绝经前后是内分泌功能“拨乱反正”的三大时期 menstruation/fertility/Before and after menopause is endocrine function"right"Of the three times


养生要使"QiaoJin".Women's health,重在呵护内分泌Department of统的正常运转.Experts point out that,In women's life,There are three times endocrine function"right"The opportunity to.Women usually maintain undeserved and home with her parents,If take this three times"Reshape the period",From nutrition/movement/sleep/Four aspects to regulate mood,Can have twice the result with half the effort.


女性出现健康问题,Often related to endocrine disorders."Now some women health care products advertising often threaten consumers,Claims that‘Appear black rim of the eye/freckles/wrinkled,都是内分泌Department of统出了问题’,exaggerated."Chen Yanming pointed out,Part of the endocrine disorder patients may appear afore-mentioned symptoms,But not eat health products will improve.Endocrine disorder of the alarm,Main performance for dysmenorrhea/Menstrual disorders.


要改善内分泌功能,Can't ignore three endocrine function in women"Reshape the period",Is menstruation, respectively/Before and after birth and before and after menopause."During this period,Women and rebuild the endocrine function of distribution."Chen Yanming pointed out,To smoothly through the three important period,Will write four keywords swirled around women,That is"nutrition/movement/sleep/State of mind".


月经初潮: menstruation:


首度内分泌功能构建 Endocrine function building for the first time


尤其是nutrition和movement,The former vulnerable to excessively,The latter is easily ignored by women love is static.Long-term excessive nutrition and lack of exercise,Can increase the high blood pressure/diabetes/gout/Coronary heart disease/stroke/Cholecystitis and tumor,Diseases such as such as colorectal cancer risk.


初潮年龄通常为10~12岁,It is also women for the first time since the birth,And most important endocrine function building period."If not at this stage to lay a good foundation,Can give a lifetime buried health concerns."Chen Yanming said,Such examples are not uncommon.


10岁女孩小兰小小年纪就患上甲状腺功能亢进.The analysis of the cause,The doctor discovered that besides genetic influence,家庭关Department of紧张也是重要原因.Xiao LAN's parents have divorced,Their family,Seldom to visit her.She followed grandmother lives alone,depressed,Plus the hunger meals every day,Often eat snacks,Nutrition is not enough.The superposition of adverse factors,Led to her endocrine disorder.


Chen Yanming pointed out,This stage women face a prominent problem is that the growth and development.Parents need to pay attention to giving her compensatory nutrition,Especially right amount increased protein intake,Ensure that outdoor sports time.If poor nutrition/Time is not enough light,Will affect the growth,While excessive nutrient intake can lead to diabetes in children and adolescent obesity is even.Heavy study bring the psychological pressure of cannot be ignored.Parents should pay attention to the daughter's mood changes,In a timely manner to his daughter/Support and understanding,Take pressure off her mind.


生育期: The growth period:


女人的第二次投胎 The second born of women


fertility被称为女人的"The second reborn".From conception to birth,Rapid changes in hormone levels in women,Immune function also in adjustment."In this process,Women need to keep enough sleep and nutrition,Who is happy."Chen Yanming said,This particular problem is to sleep period/Nutrition, and psychology.If insufficient sleep and nutrition,Or depression due to lack of family care and support,Is prone to endocrine disorders,And postpartum depression/Postpartum thyroiditis/产后甲亢的发生都与The growth period内分泌紊乱有关Department of.


孕产期nutrition摄入过多,Gestational diabetes mellitus easily induced and postpartum diabetes."Nowadays maternal diabetes rates higher,Some women think diabetes affects only yourself,But don't know his condition also can endanger the baby."Chen Yanming said,abortion/teras/macrosomia/Preterm birth is associated with high blood sugar levels.


绝经期: menopause:


补欠账“过犹不及” For default"Too much of a good thing"


menopause是雌孕激素交锋的特殊时期.In the past the dominant estrogen fall from peak levels,While the rise in progesterone levels,At the same time calcium loss/Problems such as osteoporosis.In addition to facing the test of climacteric syndrome,After menopause,Most of professional women in the age of retirement,Psychological pressure caused by the transfer of life center of gravity is also cannot be ignored.


这一时期特别突出的问题是movement和心理.Especially the movement,Women often in a misunderstanding."After retirement, women often feel to catch up on past due to the busy work and owe‘debt’,The result is easy too."Chen Yanming said,Such as early in the morning to go mountain climbing,And then to dance,Buy food for lunch,In the evening to go dancing,Windy rain stays the same,Time more than three or four hours a day,As a result, lumbar muscle and tendon strain,Serious or even fracture.She reminded,Catch up on debt to prevent"Too much of a good thing".


心理方面,Female subtle mind,In the endocrine volatile period,Easier to drill"Insignificant problem".Menopausal women need family's concern,At the same time to told ourselves,They will think things have good side,Avoid negative emotions.


运动贴士: Exercise tips:


挤地铁买菜也能锻炼 Crowded subway buy vegetables can also exercise


陈燕铭建议家有女孩的父母,Instil daughter love of outdoor sports,Often encourage girls put down the book and computer,To the nature of contact for the sun and the wind,Experience the wonderful nature,Avoid from childhood"Curtilage female".


忙于工作/Adult women's family may learn"Small gaps"Method type movement.For example, often because of work overdraft time from work career women didn't have time to do sports,Might as well go out every day take a pair of sports shoes,After work to take off the high heels,Put on shoes,Crowded bus/The subway,Go to market buy some food also can have the effect of exercise.

  陈燕铭提醒,女性一周运动时间最好安排五次,每次30分钟,运动强度根据年龄有所不同,例如40岁的人运动时心跳频率最高不能超过130次/分。从运动强度来看,爬山、游泳、骑车、跳舞、打羽毛球、太极拳等有氧运动均可。文/记者任珊珊 通讯员李文敏、江澜 图/记者乔军伟

陈燕铭提醒,Women's movement time best arrange five times a week,Thirty minutes each time,Exercise intensity differ according to age,Such as heart rate when the largest 40 is not more than 130 times/min.From the exercise intensity,Climbing the mountain/swimming/Riding a bike/To dance/To play badminton/Aerobic exercise such as taijiquan.Wen ren shan correspondent Li Wenmin/reporter/Qiao Junwei Jiang Lan figure/reporter
